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I don't really know what to write about myself. I'm here because I'm looking for some insight into what my family is about to go through.

My mom (53) was just diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I assume the introduction section of the board is not the place to go into details about this, so I will refrain until I have ventured over to the correct section.

I'm in a shock, I think. From manic tears to manic research (which has proven to be no good for optimism).

Sorry, I'm not entirely sure what to say.


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That's a great start. I'm on the West Coast so tend to see posts later than most. I'm sure you'll get more of a welcome in the morning when the East Coasters wake up.

Getting a comprehensive diagnosis and a plan for your Mom will help a lot. The unknowing is very difficult. Take care of yourself - you'll be of more help to your Mom if you are in good shape physically and emotionally. And let us know what questions you have.

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Hi you!

Can you give us details on her dx and what the doctors recommend for treatment? If they have a specific chemo regime, let us know what that is.

We will be here for you once we know the details. We've been through the gamut of treatments, so let us know the details and we can begin to give advice and help.

It does not matter which forum you post in, we'll find you and try to help. Just know that we care and will do all we can to help you through this.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence, and we'll help you wade through this.

Judy in MI

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SCLC responds well to chemo therapy. I have several friends from out local support group that are doing fine for over 10 yrs. They also have preventative brain radiation. How far advanced was your Moms cancer when it was diagnosed? Has it spread anywhere, In bothe lungs ?

Keep us posted. Great people here to help with info and support

Glad you found us.

Donna G

Woops just found another post of yours. Only in one lung and a few local lymph nodes, Chemo and radiation scheduled. Great plan as you describe!

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Hi and welcome to the place where no one wants to be but offers so much comfort and support. From what we know so far, your mother has every reason to be optomistic. So many of us are living life pretty darn well after years of treatment. Like Katie, I'll go visit your other post now.

Take care and have hope.

Judy in KW

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