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Saturday's Air

eric byrne

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Good Morning Everyone,

Its a bit overcast today,but really mild outside,Scotland for a change, has escaped the Artic weather that has had England in its clutches all last week,whisper it,I can feel spring is in the air.

Well its been a bit of a humdrum week for me,nothing much to share with you,still keeping up with my exercising,but with little or no evidence of weight loss.Bowling on Thursday,despite leading the match throughout,we lost the “last end”the game finished as a draw,however a thoroughly enjoyable evening.My gym buddy Jim,have now a regular Thurday lunch date together,at the Horseshoe Bar,we share the occasion with his son John and a friend Joe,really jovial company.

Nothing much planned for next week,although Hikers and Bikers are having a ceilidh on Friday,I will be wearing my kilt ensemble,and joining in the Scottish country dancing with gusto,dashing white sergeant,strip the willow,and the gay gordons(before that word had its new connotation).

Hi Judy,I hear you have some pillows for sale LOL,shame about the RV cleaner failing to show,I really hate time wasters,shame about the play lacking in humour,never mind how about this joke from my BIL?

An Arab Sheik,due for open heart surgery requires stand by blood donations,since his blood group is rare,a search is made to find a suitable donor,finally they find one,he is a Scot,following the surgery,the Sheik in gratitude sends the Scot a BMW,later the Sheik requires some corrective surgery and the Scot is called on again,this time the Sheik sends the Scot a thank you card,disappointed,the Scot hoping for more than a card,phones the Sheik for a explaination,”well laddie,I have got some Scottish blood in me noo”

Hi Ann,Whats an alarm clock?LOL,enjoy your babysitting,I am still waiting to be a grandfather,the closest I have got is puppy sitting my daughters new bichon frize.My very best wishes for your sons election campaign for County Judge,this is so American to me,we don’t have such in Scotland since all the judiciary are peer appointed,what is a County Judge anyway?.

Hi Bud,I am sorry to hear that your shoulder injury is having such an effect on your daily life.It really seems ridiculous to me that your employer is unable to augment your normal work duties to accommodate you,particularly since you are on full pay anyway.I do hope your envisaged post op rehab is not so protracted.You are absolutely right in using this opertunity as means to do something entirely for yourself,what kind of subject would you like to pursue?,I think this is a gentle way of introducing retirement to you?.

Going to Cumbernauld this afternoon,I picked up Irenes glass panel for her back door,that was originally cut to the wrong size,hope it fits this time,bye for now.

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