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Mondays Air

eric byrne

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Good Afternoon Everyone,

No posts over the weekend?,everyone out having a great time I hope.my weekend was certainly enjoyable,two events attended on Saturday, The Friends of the River Kelvin and my bowling clubs open day.I decided to fit both in,I picked up my friends Jim and Vic,first to Kelvin park,beautiful place,unfortunately weather spoiled the proceedings a bit by being interupted by heavy showers,however living in Scotland means being well prepared for such weather,so off to the car to don my waterproofs and my big golf brolly,a wee drop of rain wont spoil my day.Highlight of the day was the appearance of many folk music bands,including the Morgan Lee Band,I did enjoy their company before their performance,got some nice pics with them,after the the band completed their performance it was off to my bowling club,I did expect to find everyone in the clubhouse,due to being rained off,unbeliveably,when we arrived the greens were full of people bowling in blue skies and warm sunshine,rain? what rain? this club is only about 15 miles from the Kelvin Park,but they had missed all the showers.We enjoyed a super afternoon there,taking full advantage of the provided hospitality,the food and home baking provided by the lady members was scrumptious,are'nt women wonderful ? if this had been left to the men to organise,we have been limited to packets of chips (crisps in the UK).

Sunday up to sister Dots,big event there,which I deliberately missed was the demolition of the first multi-story housing block by explosives,Dot and kids attended,as I expected they had to make a sudden departure to the shelter of their car to excape the hugh cloud of dust created.

My niece Lyndsey,has invited me to Anniesland College end of term Art Exhibition tomorrow to view her work,slightly inconvenient for me,as the European Soccer Championships are in full swing,seems I am going to miss two games,maybe get them on catch up TV,and hope I dont run into some blabbermouth who devulges the scores before I get home LOL.

Wednesday,I have an invite to attend rehearsals for a world record attempt of most people to perform a song,its by Bryan Adams,forget the title,I was told I would know when I hear it,wrong,I have'nt until now.You might guess, Tracy, the girl who invited me,waited until I said yes,later tells me I will be the only guy amongst goodness knows how many women?,think I am going to enjoy myself.

Talking of women,theres no ecaping them for me,I have an invite on the 22nd of June by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation to act as a steward for a 8km midnight walk through Glasgow,all the participants will be ladies,dressed in their pyjamas,should be fun.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone,bye.

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Eric, you really do seem to get the most out of every day! good for you!

I had my little buddy Shea visit me last week. That means that by Friday night I was completely exhausted. I slept from the time they left at 4:00 until 9:00, got up, had dinner, and went back to bed until 11 the next day! Saturday and Sunday I just rested and read. I seem to have caught a nasty cold, probably from being rundown by a 5 year old. I am trying hard not to cough here in the infusion room, but the lady across from me keeps glaring at me!

Today it is supposedly beautiful out, 80 degrees and sunny. I, however have been in the infusion room since 9:30 so I wouldn't know! My infusion is only supposed to take an hour, but it usually takes four or more just waiting for the pharmacy to deliver it to me! I have support group tonight in this same building, so I am in no hurry. When my infusion is done I will go to the beautiful rooftop garden here at the cancer center and read and maybe even sleep a bit. (the garden even has a river running through it!)

Oh, and have a chocolate croissant. They make the best chocolate croissants here!

The farm I volunteer at has started to really pump up their Facebook page, if you want to see some amazingly adorable animals, you should check it out!

Have a wonderful day - peace

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Eric - I have to agree with Janet - you do know how to get the most out of every day and every opportunity. I love reading about all of your activities. If I'm down, just reading your schedule always cheers me up!!

Janet - I can imagine how tired you are. I had forgotten how "busy" small kids can be. I've been watching my grandson most days as his brother has therapy - he's only 17 months but runs darn fast. I have to get down on the floor to play with him and I've rediscovered muscles I'd forgotten about years ago. I sure don't have the stamina I used to, that's for sure. But it is fun. I am really hungry now - lobster rolls and chocolate croissants! I'm living on the wrong side of the country. No choc. croissants or lobster rolls here :(

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