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Wednesdays Air.

eric byrne

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Good Morning Everyone,

Its just gone midnight,so I am comfortable in opening an new air.Let me first say,Janet its so good to hear from you,such a welcome post to read following such trying times recently you have come through,to feel you are so full of the "Oh be joyfuls" as we say in the the UK.Sorry I have plumb forgot when exactly Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the USA,but I do wish you a super family day together.

Katie please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of Rickys father,such sad times we all have accept as part of life.

My youngest sisters funeral service, Friday last,brought such comfort to me,in that the church was absolutely full and overflowing with people who wanted to pay their last respects to Linda,it was remarked the church in all its almost 200 year history had never seen such an attendance,such was the love and respect Linda had gained with everyone who had known her.It was such a consolation for me to discover that so many people really loved her for her friendship and selfless devotion to them.I just wish God had granted her many more years to share with us all.

My recent days had been filled with visits to my family members and working at the Motherwell and Airdrie Theatres,its Pantomime Season-Aladdin- to be precise,seems from what I understand this is a cultural event that the USA has missed out on,come to think of it the rest of the world also,I just love it,it has been part of my life since I was knee high to a grasshopper,the shows I have been covering,are attended by primary school children,to see it again through their eyes,as they show their reactions to the characters on stage,goodies and the baddies,just takes me back to my childhood,these shows are just the perfect run up to Christmas,hope one day you can visit the UK to take in a "Panto" to understand what I mean.

Time for bed,another day tomorrow to cover a further two performances of Aladdin,this runs until the 5th of January,bettcha by then I wont want to see another Panto as long as I live,as the children use the rejoinder "Oh yes you will" "Oh no I wont" I reply,you got to see one to know what I am talking about.Goodnight everyone,bye.

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Hi Eric and everyone. I decided to stop in for a little while. I have not been feeling up to par sense I arrived here last week. Seems the travel and climate change are not welcome by my sinuses. Still I am trying to get around with my family.

Eric and Katie I am so sorry for your losses. It is so hard this time of year. I just hope you can all find a way to enjoy the holidays.

It seems this time of year is destined to be a very emotional one for me. I keep thinking about what was going one 10 years ago on this date and then of coarse last year on one of the hardest aniversary days already we lost my niece suddenly to pneumonia. I am still having problems dealing with that so I do understand how it is for you.

Things are not quite what I expected when I got here this year. It seems my daughter and son in law are headed for divorce. Some major issues and I am not too happy with my daughter right now but she is my daughter and I love her. She will be 50 next June so I keep thinking that maybe she is having a hard time facing that.

At any rate dispite all of the bad things we do still have so much to be thankful for. I wish you all a happy and healty Thanksgiving and just know that all of you will be in my prayer of thanks. God Bless

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Eric, I am so glad to see you back also! I am so sorry about the loss of your sister. I know your positive energy and gift of laughter will help you heal quickly.

Lilly, I have been following your trip on face book and am so sorry you have been sick the whole time. I hope you start feeling better SOON!

Chris, (do I have your name right, AnnieRSA?). I am so glad you stopped into visit at "the Air"!!! This is the place we come to chat about our everyday lives, with cancer stuff mixed in sometimes, and to get to know each other. I hope you stop in often so we can get to know you better! We post sporadically, but someone does try to start it each day, don't let the spammers scare you away! I read all your posts and am anxious to see what the doctors come up with for a plan for your mom. She should be tested for the EGFR mutation, check out my signature to see my story.

Well, today I have already been back to the grocery store for the things I forgot, made the sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Still so much to do, but as I was driving to the store stressing over how much had to be done all of a sudden I remebered that it is Thanksgiving!!! And I am here for it!!!! So, no stress, just gratefullness and smiles. Everyday is a blessing, as Randall Broad says, "It's an Extraordinary Life!!" (For those of you who don't k ow Randall Broad was a speaker at Hope Summit, he is an author, inspirational speaker and lung cancer survivor)

There is a homeless person outside our grocery store the past two days. She has the most beautiful Basset Hound with her. Seriously, this dog is show quality. Anyway, yesterday I stopped to give her some help and chat with her and her dog and today my husband and I made her up a little bag with healthy snacks for her and biscuits for the dog. We were having so much fun filling the sack, but when we put the baggie of dog biscuits in it, my dog went crazy! I guess Golden Retrievers don't understand the spirit of giving!! He is still glaring at me!

Tonight my other two kids come home. My son in time for dinner, however, my daughter's boyfriend finally got leave, but won't arrive into Boston until after midnight, so they will get in around 3 or 4 in the morning. I don't think I will wait up!!

Enjoy the blessings of this amazing holiday of gratefullness!!

P.s. Eric, Thanksgiving is Thursday! Always the fourth Thursday of November.

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