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i am 51 yo female. married for 27 years in july. have 2 grown children,5 grandchildren, 4 i seldom see, the fifth 2 yo and i am very close to him. was a lpn for 31 years. last june had respiratory infection,was treated with 2 courses of antibiotics for pneumonia(showed up on x-ray) ct of chest ordered which revealed bronchial mass. my pcp admitted me that night was diagnosed with st 3 nsc lung ca after bronch 2 days later. was told probably would not survive but few months .have been receiving chemo evey 3 weeks since then,have received 7 radiation tx.ct at this time stable,lymph nodes smaller. became very dehydrated, ill in november,family was called in,but i made it past that. currently able to go without oxygen now,wor king in yard short periods.easily become short of breath but still trying to live my life. still confused even after all this time re:types of lung cancer etc.

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Welcome to LCSC! I'm sorry for the reasons you have for coming here though. This monster we call cancer is something no one should ever have to deal with.

You said you had nsc...is it adenocarcinoma? I'm happy to read that your lymph nodes are smaller and that you do not require oxygen at this time. That indeed is great news!

Please feel free to browse our forums. You will find a world of information from our members here. We have both caregivers and cancer survivors as well.

If you ever have questions or just want to vent.....we are here for you :)

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Welcome. You said you were stage 3, but not what type of LC you have. I am 3b, non-small cell (squamous), and as you can see I am headed toward my 5 yr anniversary this fall. I saw my oncologist yesterday, and she told me of one of her patients, stage 4, who is still stable and doing well 2-1/2 yrs after her initial treatment. The fact that you do not need oxygen and can work in the yard, even for short periods, is a very good thing. I can't imagine why they would tell you that you would probably only survive a few months with stage 3. I wish they wouldn't tell people how long they are apt to survive at all - they are seldom right. Statistics are just averages, and even those numbers are not current. As you can see if you check out some of the posts here there are many people who have survived this diagnosis for a long time, and continue to do so.

Please keep us posted as to how you are doing.


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I want to welcome you also, you have found a good place to find support, encouragement, and hope!

I was diagnosed at 48 with NSC adenocarcinoma (ask your Onc what type of non- small cell you have). My doctor gave me a few months, that was 6 1/2 years ago. So, never listen to time lines! Working in your garden without oxygen is a great thing! Since you have already experienced dehydration, you know the importance of drinking water, lots and lots of water. I really don't like water, so I make weak ice tea, or add orange or lemon to it, and drink sparkling water.

Read through all forums here. you may find answers to some of your questions, if not, ask us, someone will be able to help!

keep hugging that two year old, that is the best medicine!!!



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thanks to all for welcoming me. my phys. never have said specific as in adeno or squamous.just that i was not candidate for surgery maintence only tx. i and my husband and family very firm believers in optimistic thoughts,i still become very scared and lonely at times.i have appt. in a.m. with pulmonoloogist will ask for specifics.you would think being a nurse i wouldn't be so confused but it is entirely different. i miss my work,can'really find a volunteer group to get in with that doesn''t require a commitment of time and some days really don't have energy to do more than read ,nap.don't mean to sound so depressing,sorry. i really am blessed and realize this.how do you add hx to this? again thanks.

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Hello and welcome. What is your first name so that we may come to know you better. I hope you have a good visit with the pulmo in the morning. You may find it helpful to write all of your questions down to take with you. If your like me you forget half the things that you were going to ask. Please feel free to come back here and post any questions you may have. There is a wealth of first hand information here and you may very well make some friends in the process. I wish and pray the best for you.

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Hello ! We have some things in common. I am an RN, graduated in 1968. At 50 years old I had chest and shoulder pain so went to the Doctor. A chest x ray showed a huge tumor in the apex of my right upper lobe.

They tried to do a biopsy, later told me it was NSCLC ( stage 3B) they could not say for sure which type.

If you read below you'll see I had 2 chemos , daily radiation, eventually surgery, then more chemo.

I did get back to work and am still working part time.

I wish you well on your journey, Please keep us posted.

Donna G

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hello again my first name is kathy,went to pulmonologist yesterday,waste of time and money"just nonsmall cell,means it isn't small cell."then said really didn't need to see him again,but on way home received message from his receptionist that i had return appt in 3 months!my husband wants second opinion on it all. guess i'll start checking into that

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Kathy....I am so sorry this doctor didn't give you more information. I agree with your husband on a second opinion. I wish that I had done this when my husband was diagnosed. We too left the doctors many times feeling frustrated. Please keep us updated and know that we will all be thinking of you. ((hugs))

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