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My name is Andrew Godfrey from Louisiana. I had duodenal cancer surgery about 4.5 years ago. I had 7 straight no cancer CT scans. Now the CT scan showed a 4 centimeter mass in my lungs. My problem is that my VA oncologist is retiring. He called and told me that they had found a 4 centimeter mass on my lungs, but that they would be watching it. It seems like they should do something besides just watching it. 

However, I am now trying to get linked up with another oncologist, since no replacement is available for my oncologist. 

Is it normal for a small intestines cancer to develop into lung cancer? 

It is alarming that I know 2 people in our church with lung cancer, and their cancer is 3 centimeters and 3.7 centimeters.

Have only smoked 2 packs of cigarettes in 1962, but my wife smoked 10 years before quitting 7 years ago. 

Have had a chronic cough for 2 or 3 years now, and sneeze as many as 8 times in a row.

Has anyone heard of a 4 centimeter mass being non-malignant?



I certainly wouldnt take the wait and see approach so get busy with your gp and see if he can get you on your way to tests ...im only new to this lung cancer thing but during this time i realize just how common it is so it doesnt surprise me that you know of 2 in your church but there are alot of very knowledgeable people with long term experience on here Andrew and some will give you more advice than i can so keep checking in ok ...i wish you well ..

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Welcome here.  Normal is not usually a word associated with lung cancer.  And, from your description, you may have a recurrence of duodenal as a metastatic disease in your lung. You may also have nothing.  

Coughing is a lung cancer symptom but it could also result from a tumor from another form of cancer lodged in the lung.  For most, the uncertainty is resolved with scans and biopsy. 

As for the size of a mass and malignancy, I've known folks with very small malignant tumors and very large non-malignant ones.  So there is no definitive way to test for malignancy except for a PET scan or pathology examination of tissue normally performed by biopsy. I wouldn't let anyone just watch a 4 cm mass.  I'd press for a determination especially given your coughing symptom.

Stay the course.




My timing couldn't have been worse, since my oncologist is retiring, plus I will have to go outside the VA system to find another oncologist. I have sort of been forced into being in a wait and see situation. I assume I will talk to the oncologist first, then he or she will schedule a PET scan, so the delay will allow the 4 centimeter mass to continue growing, while all of this is going on. Worst thing is that I don't know anything for sure right now good or bad. The not knowing is what keeps me wondering what is going on. 

We are hoping to have an appointment with an oncologist sometime this next week. 

Thank you for the well wishes.



I pray that you get an appointment quickly to diagnose and perhaps begin treatment.  I agree

4cm mass really needs diagnosis, not just observation !  Please keep us posted.

Donna G


Tom Galli, 

I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place since there was no reply button under your post. I don't understand how duodenal cancer can spread to the lungs. Just when I was almost five years out from the duodenal cancer surgery this happens. I am wondering if it is more likely to be cancerous, since I have had cancer in small intestines. 

My main problem is not knowing what is going on, because of changing oncologist and waiting for an appointment to see him or her, then finding out whether they want to do a PET scan or biopsy. It could be the end of May before I have answers the way things are going right now. 

It is reassuring to know that size of the mass doesn't always mean anything. I agree about watching the mass is not going to help anything. Hope to have an appointment set with oncologist by the end of next week, and then will go from there. 

Thanks for the information....it is very much appreciated. 




Donna G.

Hope you see this post. Tri-West which handles non VA medical care is supposed to help me find an oncologist. They told us to call them this week, to see if they have found an oncologist. I too think 4 centimeter mass is nothing to just watch. My retiring oncologist probably just said that knowing that I would need another oncologist from the start, instead of him ordering a PET scan. The delay worries me though. This not knowing is the worst part of all of this. 



I feel so lucky to have the medical system we have in australia because anything found wrong by your gp is referred to a cancer team at a major hospital and its all at a one stop shop whether its surgeons or scans radiation chemo and follow ups ...when my first cancer was seen by ultrasound which was a sarcoma soft tissue type my gp was calling me in to see him before i got home from radiology and referal done that day and a phone call from the surgeon 2 days later to get a full body scan done so they could see if the sarcoma had spread from my leg which lucky for me it hadnt

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You are very fortunate to have a centralized location to treat your lung cancer. It sounds like the cancer team kept you up to date, on how your treatment was progressing. I found out I have a 4 centimeter mass 3 weeks ago, and still have no idea if I have or don't have lung cancer, and it could be a few more weeks before I see an oncologist and have a scan or biopsy done. 

Keep us posted on how your treatments are going and God bless. 


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