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Iaso tea


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Who knows about iaso tea and it’s benefit to cancer patients and who is using some any good testimonials 

thank u 

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Iaso Tea is loaded with ambiguously deceptive and misleading claims and, to the best of my knowledge, there is no objective published evidence on the final product that substantiates a single claim.

I found a number of ethical issues including what appears to be plagiarised third-party content used on their website, numerous consumer complaints, and legal troubles surrounding adulterated products, false COVID treatment claims, and inflated earnings potential for would-be distributors.

In summary, given the numerous unsubstantiated marketing claims and ethical concerns, I do not support Total Life Changes nor recommend Iaso Tea.

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There is no present data proving detoxing is practical or valuable to health.  And surely it is not a determinant in surviving cancer.  You can see a short treatise on these points from the University of Texas, MD Anderson Center.  You can find that article here.


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