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Caregivers - how has LUNGevity helped you?

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  • 1 month later...

I apologize for being late to respond, but would love to contribute if it is still applicable. Like everyone else, the news of my husband’s diagnosis was earth shattering. Further, when we learned it was stage 4 and began doing our own research in what that meant, it was even more terrifying. Finding Lungevity was a gift that I cannot describe. As the caregiver, it was a relief to see others in real time sharing advice - applicable advice - and offering words of support and encouragement. It is a unique and terrifying place to be and knowing there is a whole community out there who understands your unique challenges is so comforting. Further, the advocacy that this organization promotes makes me feel like there is someone in my corner, fighting for me every step of the way. 

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