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Things are moving, PET next week and surgery scheduled for the week after. So far no evidence of spread despite the fiasco of missing my nodule for 4 years on the MRI (still gutted about that). Fingers crossed that PET is OK, and then that nothing is found in lymph nodes during surgery (biopsy showed no nodal spread so far). Stress level down a notch but rather scared of the surgery (VAT), where my lobe will be taken out. Still a nightmare but with a possible light at the end of the tunnel I hope though I find myself flipping between rage, self pity, agonizing sadness, and hope. Wish me luck!

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I wish you all the best! I had a VATS lobectomy in 2016, which was pretty easy as major surgery goes. I'm fine now!  Focus on hope. Other feelings will arise--they always do!. Don't fight them; just acknowledge them and let them go, and go back to hope.  

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