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Guest John1975

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Guest John1975

I'm new to this board but am hoping someone can answer some questions for me. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcimona) in February 2004. It has spread to the lymph nodes and one tumor in the brain. A few weeks ago she had the tumor removed from the brain but is preparing to start radiation this week and chemo after that. My sisters and I are having trouble getting information from the doctors as to what we can expect over the next months. She is currently on steroids which make her feel better (although still tired), but when she is off them she sleeps over 20 hours per day. We know you cannot stay on steroids forever, so we're worried as to what happens when she must come off of them. I guess I'm just looking for some similar experiences so I know what to expect. Thanks.

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Sounds like she needs those steroids right now. When or if they do plan to take her off they will have to ween her down slowly. Many people with lung diseases as COPD take steroids over long periods of time. Donna G

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I suspect you not getting the answers you want because everyone reacts so differently to this disease and it's treatment that the doctors CAN'T tell you exactly what to expect. It's an unfortunate situation, but that's the way it is.

If I have any suggestion for you and your family it would be to stay on top of things on a day to day basis and be ready to make decisions as they come up.


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You mom may need to taper off steriod gradually. She is sleepy bcoz she had the surgery done recently, and she is receiving Whole Head Radiation as well that she feels very exhausted and she needs to sleep. Don't worry and just strictly follow the instruction of doctor on taking steriod.

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