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July 2 chest CT

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I just had my 3rd (in this series) CT scan - the first of these in Sept 2023 was changed from 2015 and 2016 scans.  Apparently things are becoming clearer to the radiologists reviewing the Ct's even though nothing has really changed?  So now they are saying the 4 ground glass nodules in the lower lobes, middle right lobe and ligula are related to Contraction Atelectasis/Scarring/Fibrosis which is consistent with one of my autoimmune diseases (Sjogren's lung disease).  This is typically more common in lower lobes. 

They are still zeroed in separately on a solitary 11 mm x 8-9 mm ground glass (was deemed solid in the past?) upper right lobe nodule - grown slightly over the years and a 7-8 mm lower right lobe that has changed and grown over the years though both of these stable across these last few scans.  Yet another ground glass persistent in the upper left lobe of 6 mm.  New to me - though the report said "stable" so it was apparently there prior and not in the report??? was "indeterminate lucent lesions T5 and T9 vertebral bodies.  while I realize these can be benign this does concern me.

My pulm or her office has never called me since all this began in September.  She canceled the appointment after the Sept scan stating she just wanted me to do a rescan in 3 months.  Then the appointment soon after that scan was canceled - I'm assuming she was out of town longer over the holidays.  Several weeks went by and I met with my onc in a different medical system.  she believes I have a "very slow growing cancer."  My pulm appointment was supposed to be 2 weeks after that and I told onc I just wanted a 6 month scan and I would talk with pulm in two weeks (would have been Feb 2024) about that.  Pulm contacted me that eve by portal (2 months after December scan) stating all was stable and 6 month scan ok so we canceled Feb appointment.  Just had scan and see her until mid Aug.  Will only be the 2nd time I've seen her since September.  Seems weird now... I see onc in a few weeks and am more interested in what she says at this point.  Pulm is in same system as rheum some hours from me.  Onc is local.  I need pulm in the same setting as rheum due to systemic sclerosis (rare) and rheum is an expert.  This pulm is a Fellow so that's what makes it harder to schedule with her.  I will likely need to switch pulm's though I'll wait and see after this August appointment.  

Thoughts anyone?  Esp. about the lucent lesions?  I realize these could be unrelated to any of the above or (more concerning) related....

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Wow.  A fellow or not she seems too hard to get an appointment with.  Finding another may be a good thing for you.  Please continue to keep us updated. 

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I'm kind of shocked at the pulmonologist's lack of follow-up. I'm with Lou on considering finding a new one. 

The lesions would concern me. Can you get in to the oncologist any sooner? That would be my inclination. 


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