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I say Amen to what Fay just said. She said it so eloquently. I feel the same as all that has been said by others on this post. Please don't hold back on your feelings, frustrations, pain and most of all waht is heavy on your heart. It is so hard to loose a parent. It is part of life God puts us here and decides when it is time to come home to him. Sadly we leave our loved ones here on this old earth and they are in pain because we have moved to a better place and physically cannot be touched here on earth. We truly miss that. They are still in our mind and gives us comfort to think of all the memories we have of them while they were still here. It is comforting in it's own way. In time your heart will mend and you will smile each time you remember your beautiful mother. She is watching over you and is so proud of you and saying that is my daughter, I love her... You are always in my prayers.

Please continue to come here. You would be so missed if you decided to leave us...

God Bless and gentle hugs for you,


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Guest blynch

I agree with all of you. I just lost my father two weeks ago, and my only regret is that I didn't come to this site sooner. He talked about it all the time, all the support he was getting, the good news and the bad news. I often asked what the updates were on the site, but I was afraid to come here. I was afraid of facing the reality of the disease.

I wish I had come here sooner. I hope I can become as much a support for you as you all were for my dad. I have found the most comfort here since he died, and I think it helps us all to be honest with each other and ourselves.

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Well, I for one am so glad this topic finally reared its head! There are members that have desperately needed to talk and vent about the death and dying experiences they had with their loved ones ...so...some of us have been talking on the telephone rather than posting on the forum, as we are afraid we might hurt or discourage someone...either patient or caregiver...by discussing the death process and what we encountered. I know that we are all here to support and uplift each other and I believe we all do a very good job of this. It's just terribly tough to be positive sometimes after losing a loved one. I emailed Rick and asked him to create this area, after getting the idea from our own Shirley B. I would hope that we can certainly express our experiences and emotions here without fear of "bringing anyone else down" with us! I believe this area is an extremely needed one that will help to play an important role in each individual's healing process! Sometimes, it's just hard to be upbeat and optomistic when your heare is breaking and your soul is heavy!

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