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Dr says only chemo no radiation???


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Hello to all you brave souls

Can anyone tell me why my husbands doctor doesn't feel radiation is a possibility? He says chemo is the only treatment option. I don't understand this because after reading many postings people with the same stage and cancer are having chemo and radiation.

The doc says he would lose to much bone marrow, and if he needs chemo in the future he wouldn't beable to have it. Has anyone heard of such a thing?

You just have to wonder if the oncologists is really doing everything in his power to help my husband :?:

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.

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Lauralou.....The good news here is your husband is getting shrinkage with the chemo that he is on. My husband had radiation after chemo was unsuccessful. The radiation helped shrink the tumors he has and eased his breathing. Sometimes radiation is given to help with pain. If you are not comfortable with your doctor's

treatment plan or explanation get a second opinion. Even if you are comfortable get a second opinion.


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I see you are in Michigan also. If you don't feel your oncologist is working hard enough for you or you doubt his treatment plan please seek a second opinion. Nothing wrong in doing that.

Where are you located and seeking treatment?


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  • 2 weeks later...

We're are located north of Detroit in Warren. My husband is getting treatments at St John Macomb Hosp. throught the Webber Cancer Center. We are pleased with the Doctor, but I just don't understand why radiation isn't a possibility in the future. We went for a second opinion before starting treatment and that oncologist and radialogist said they'd work with our current oncologist. I am going to send him his lastest ct results and see what they say.

Good news today CEA went from 38 to 10.8. Doctors says he's "heading in the right direction", my husband did a


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Hi Lauralou

I can't help you with your query, but can tell you that my Mum (who is a Stage IV NSCLC) was also never offerred radiotherapy. The doctors told her that chemotherapy was her only option. I know that Mum was not keen to have radiotherapy on her primary lesion in her lung, for fear of damage to the lung tissue. I suspected that if there is tumour in multiple sites radiotherapy is less often used, but then I have read of many cases of brain secondaries being treated with radiotherapy?????? I hope you find the answers you are looking for and that the shrinkage continues.



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Guest KellyB

Laura, I cannot respond to your husband's situation specifically, but I know in my Dad's case he was denied radiation because of the condition of his lungs. From smoking for so many years, his lung capacity was compromised, therefore radiating would only further damage his tissue. If there are multiple lesions that is even more spots they have to zap and therefore risk loosing viable lung tissue. My Dad was only given chemo. Try to get the opinion of a Radiation Oncologist, research Hospitals are best, hopefully there is one nearby.

Take Care...Kelly

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Sorry to have mised your post until now, but my doctor said the same thing. He said "for some reason" with Stage IV radiation isn't a help, plus I had no symptoms was part of it. Since October 2003 I have been strictly on chemo and have had a lot of shrinkage.


Stage IV ncslc

On Carboplatin and Taxol

Carboplatin discontinued due to low platelet count

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  • 2 weeks later...


Chris never had radiation to the lung either. He did have it to the pelvic area and brain\first before chemo becuase of leg pain and the brain mets. He then started Carbo/Taxorere and we were told he couldn't have radiation with that combination.

We were also told that radiation to stage 4 could hurt more than it could help.

If you would like to email me with questions or anything, my email is budd404@aol.com

During the day I check that just about hourly until I get on this site at night usually.


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