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Disclaimer - if I don't answer, I still care

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I guess you all may feel the same way I do when posting - I want you to know I care about you and I do care but sometimes I just don't have anything to say, nothing that would help. I still comment at times but not nearly as often as I wish that I did or could.

Just know that many of you, most of you, are still in my heart. We are all in this together.



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Margaret, you are not alone. Many of us feel the same way. We don't always have something to say to every post, and that's okay. Sometimes, I get on here and run through the new posts and at other times, I take my time. Many times the concern or question is well answered before I get to it, and I go on by. You're doing fine. Don

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Well put, Margaret.

I feel the same. The folks on here have a nice way with words - plus, most of them have much more knowledge on all of this than I.

I do care about everyone on this site and really appreciate those who have helped me.

Best Regards,


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Yes there are times that I just can't add to what has already been said. There are also times when I just can't control the emotions that I have when reading some of the posts. I find at those times it is best to be silent. My hopes and prayers go out to everyone facing this monster that has shattered our lives in one way of another but sometimes in selfdefence I have to distance myself. I hope that everyone can understand that because I do love all of you and feel your pains and triupmhs. I just can't always say so. God Bless and stay well and above all cherish the love that you have. Lillian

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I too would like to answer more posts. Somedays are better than others for all of us. We are all in the same boat but on different decks. We all try to help each other out and I thank God each and every day for this board and the members who take time out of their busy schedules to answer each and every question I have ever posted. So I always try to reply to the ones that I feel I can help if it's something we have already experienced. Thank you for your friendship on this board too.


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