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Surviving stage lllb really well

cindi o'h

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Elaine noticed I was on the board and encouraged me to post an update, so here goes....

I am doing well, cancer-wise. Doctor says all that is left of this stage lllb is seemingly scar tissue on my poor lung!!! He says that my treatment has been remarkable and that I handled the aggessive chemo and rad remarkably well. Oh yes. I am still nervous about recurrence. I would say it is not "a done deal"....but the future will determine that. I am 22 months out from diagnosis, so I am doing well. I just have other health issues to get straightenend out now. I am stuggling with high rheumatoid factors, sed rates, thyroid, infections, asthma, and pneumonitis....plus I have gained about fifty pounds since cancer treatment began, so I am carrying around this big ole wash tub where my a** should be!! Better a washtub than active LC.... God bless every single one of you and thanking all of you and all of the world who have said their prayers and mentioned my name. Cindi

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