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Requesting a Hall Pass ...

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Well, technically I am going out of town for a week but since I am heading to CA to see Mom (Paddy) and Dad (Dave) ... I can still be found.

I am heading out tomorrow afternoon and will be back the following Sunday. Dad is hanging in there with the radiation. He did have to have a plasma transfusion last night. There is always something, poor guy.

Both kids are going to stay here with their daddy and Grandpa Al (daddy's dad). Finances just did not allow me to take them and I think it will be good to be able to be there for mom and dad. Heaven knows I will miss my muchkins. Grandma and Grandpa will too. This has been a tough decision(sp?).

So you know where I will be and who I will be with ... but you don't know what I drive .... do you need to?


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