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  1. Hi Katherine, I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. I still remember the day that my dad told me about his. As soon he said the word tumor, I started balling and everything else was a blur after. Things started rolling pretty fast after that. Surgery, chemo, recovery.... After 2 years, we are still in this and like Tom and everyone else said, it is a marathon. So really, I know it sounds cliche, but take care of yourself. Both physically and mentally. Your dad will of course have a lot to deal with as well being the primary caretaker so be sure to check in with him often. As far as making things easier on your mom, just try to be there and help as much as possible. Also, it's important to help her feel a sense of normalcy. If she enjoys making dinner for the family, ask her to make it if she's up for it. As much as they say they are strong and they've got this? They are human too so they will have good and bad days. And so will you. Take it one day at a time. Get support. Talk to friends. Your lives will prob never be 100% "normal" again but could be pretty darn close on good days! Hang in there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. Hi! Glad Tarceva is working for you. May I ask what side effects did you experience? My father also is EGFR and will likely start on it soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. First slot is good. Hope the surgery went well! How did it go? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Hi John! I'm sorry to hear about your LC diagnosis. The good thing is that now that you know, you can get onto the treatments options. You're definitely right in that both smoker and non-smokers get LC so you shouldn't beat yourself up. My dad was diagnosed with NSCLC two years ago (68 yo) and he has never smoked a single cigarette in his life! I wish you all the best as you continue this journey and battle with LC! Fight on! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Hey Guys! Really great to have found this forum. My father, 70, was diagnosed with NSCLC 1B about two years ago. They found two masses, a larger one, I think about 6 or 7cm, behind his heart. The other one, I think maybe around 2cm or 3cm, was in his right lung. No mets. The surgeons removed the larger one, along with a little more than 1/2 of his left lung, while leaving the one in his right lung untouched (I'm not sure why). He was given 4 rounds of Cisplatin since it was 1B and that they will just have to monitor the smaller one. Anyways, you guys know the drill. CAT scans every 3 months, then it's 6 months etc. we thought everything was under control until it wasn't. His last scan was in November 2016. However his latest scan showed that the one in his right lung grew and now his remaining left lung also has some cancer cells. PET scan shows no other mets. We are just devastated. I couldn't stop crying bc we thought he had it under control and the thought of losing him so soon is just too much. All the feelings after the initial diagnosis came rushing back. Maybe even more amplified. His onc will likely get him started on targeted therapies, along with blood-vessel blockers that stops the growth of cancer cells. Not sure which yet. My question, has anybody had success using a combination of these? Also, are NSCLC more prone to recurrences? Or just certain mutations?
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