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Posts posted by nonni

  1. Hi Patti....

    Praying hard that it is nothing....remember soooo many of us have had those dreaded scares that turn out to be nothing...but I gotta tell ya....the radioigist has to cover his but and reports even a piece of dust....I had a scare myself about a year ago and turned out to be nothing....Praise God....praying the same for you


  2. Hi Jerry...so glad you are doing well and never ever feel guilty about doing so well....this is what the board needs...hope...survival...good news....Keep up the good work and come back soon...


  3. Hi Maryanne....I just read your post about Joel and cyberknife (sp)....I am so happy that everyone is so positive about it and Joel is a candidate...I wish you both the best of luck...especially 'the man' :-)

    I haven't been on line to much and didn't know about Joel's nodule...and my heart is breaking cause I didn't know about Heather either....sigh...I am soo sad to hear this...She was a wonderful giving person and she will be missed...excuse my language but I HATE FRIGGIN C....just hate it!!!!!!!!!!!...and of course you can count on me for a donation...I wish I could be there to walk with you....I will be walking right here...

    Happy belated B-Day to Joel.....


  4. Clap...Clap....Clap....thank you Dean for posting such wonderful news and congratulations on 7 years...Please continue to post and show the neebies that LC in definatly not a death sentence....Kick that 'sucka' right in the butt and get on with the good life...


  5. Oh wow I am so happy I tuned in today to see Kasey here...I sure have missed you girl...

    Sorry I have been gone for awhile to...lots has happened in the 'family; keeping me extra busy so just haven't had the chance to get here....and now that my grandson in living here with me ....who get's a chance on the PC...LOL...but I promise I will be checking in more often....Hope everone is doing well or at least better...Prayers for the group...

    wavinggggggggg at everyone.....hugs to all....nonni/Pam

  6. Soooo proud of you...killing two birds with one stone is awesome....Keep up the good work...you are looking great....love that smile...You have something to smile about...Happy your Mom is doing well and everthing lookin good....Kudo's to you and your Mom...


  7. Hi there....in answer to your questions...I had a RLL in sept 04 and NOT Vats...I live on the second floor and I had no problem going up and down the steps on my 2nd day home....The doctor urged me to take steps and walk walk walk and NOT to lay in bed....I took it easy but was no probem at all....

    In answer to your second question....I don't think you will have a problem sitting at your pc after a couple day's as long as you are not too uncomfortable...I chucked the pain pills after a couple day's ..they were making me nauseous....yuk...tylenol worked just as well...

    Good luck on your surgery and God be with you and HE will...


  8. Hey Girlfriend...

    I'm sorry you are feeling so achey....but Con...I swear...I felt like that was me writing your letter...I have EXACTLY the same symptoms and as you know...I never had Chemo....When I get up in the morning ...I have to shuffle to the bathroom...my feet feel numb and I am very stiff...BUT..it only last a few minutes and then I'm OK after I start moving...but let me sit in front of the computer for more than a half hour...and it will be the same feeling as I get up in the morning....'Go 'figger'...

    Hope you are feeling better soon...and about time for our time on the phone...will call you soon...


  9. Hi Lori

    I agree with snowflake...I would run for the nearest door and fine a new oncoligist....We all WISH a doctor could tell us 'this kind can never return" that's bull and we all know it...

    good luck honey and put your boxing gloves back on...


  10. Ernie....we certainly will be thinking of you and praying for you...best of luck and I don't have to tell you to 'keep the faith'...


  11. Hey Jan...

    A little late on this one but here's a BIG YIPPEE SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!!! ...Lunch was great and hey...your hb is a cutie pie...

    Stay well and I'll see you soon...


  12. Jackie....first off...so happy you can have surgery....For me the surgery was very successful...didn't even touch my ribs....scar only about 5 inches long...away from the girls...hee..

    Came home from the hospital on the 5th day...and never got out of hospital garb and all my pretty nighties came home all nice and clean.....Had a RLL and back to work in 5 weeks and back to bowling in the sixth week...Threw the painkiller's away after 2nd day home....made me very nauseous...tylenol was just as good....

    I wish the same for you...prayer's for all going to surgery....and of course ALL of you


  13. Hey SD....I know the feeling ..believe me....we all do...but ya know what...like someone here once said..."it is what it is" and I alway's remember that...but still doesn't take away from the scaniety..but try to stay positive....I recently had a scare that turned out to be nothing....Good luck!!

    BTW...I love the Cleveland Indians...but only after my Baltimore Orioles... :lol:


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