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Posts posted by KarHart

  1. Oliver, are you by any chance a Vietnam Vet. If you served in Vietnam and have lung cancer then you can apply to the Agent Orange Fund. I would assume the VA has already told you this, but then again they are not always the most efficient organization. My husband applied and could get his treatment thru the VA. However, he is on medicare and also my insurance so we are not using the VA for his cancer care, but he he gets his RX and other treatments there for free. Please PM me if you need any additional info.

    Karen H

  2. It is really hard to lose a parent, but it sounds like you are holding up pretty well. You just hold on tight to that beautiful baby and the rest of your family and it will get better. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Karen H

  3. I am so sorry Don is having such a rough time right now. Looks like a lot of us know how husbands are in hospitals. It can certainly get difficult. Ken was very disoriented after he had a broncoscopy when they moved him to IC after his lobectomy. He had to be on forced oxy for a couple of days which was no treat. They said it was just one step away from a ventilator. Scary. I really hope you can get so much needed rest and that Don will get better soon. Praying for both of you.

    Karen H

  4. Thank you to everyone for all your help. My mom is still in the hospital, had major surgery the day we got back from the family reunion. One of her sisters has come to help (she is a CNA). She had to have a reversible colostomy so that means major surgery again in a few months. I am really lucky Kens is doing so well, no side effects from the chemo, since I have spent so much time at the hospital. Anyway, my aunt Karen is going to stay for a couple of months so I don't have to worry about my mom so much.

    I am going to start today by calling our insurance agent and getting input from him. We have worked together for years and I know he will do all he can to help me. I have gotten so much help from everyone who has answered and PM'd me. Thanks again, I knew I could count on you. It is just wonderful to have this great resource and support.

    Karen H

  5. Terri,

    I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with the alitma. My husband got his first dose last Thurs. with carboplaten. So far he is not having any side effects except a little fatigue. The reason the dr. started him on the chemo was the multiple tumors that showed up in his liver, so I was surprised to hear that this chemo is hard on the liver. He liver function tests were all in the normal range before he got it last week. It will be interesting to see if there are still normal when he gets it again in 2 weeks.

    I hope you get to feeling a lot better this next week so you will be starting off strong for your next treatment. Hopefully, the rash will be better or better yet gone. Good luck.

    Karen H

  6. When my husband first got chemo he would run a fever starting about 4 0r 5 in the afternoon. It would rise quickly to about 100.1 and then quickly go away (2-3 hrs whole event). However, after a couple of weeks of this it went higher one night to 101.5. I took him to our local hospital and they admitted him right away. The ER nurse called it "chemo fever". He was in a couple of days on broad spectrum antibiotics. They gave him a nuepegen shot. He started getting them (the shots) everytime he had chemo from then on and no more fevers. So far with the chemo he started last week no fever. I am going to ask about getting the shots again next time we go back.

    Karen H

  7. $30,000 a treatment, both insurances (medicare & Blue cross) said no. We got this info as soon as we got back from KY. The doctor called and said he did not know if it would be effective with the chemo anyway. I think he was as shocked as us at the cost. To top it off we also found out he has tumors in his lungs and lymph nodes along with the liver. Just bad news all around.

    He got his first chemo on Thurs. so far no side effects. The study that used Avastin was with Tarceva so I told the Dr. I wanted to wait till we got to that point before we used it. I am going to start lobbying the insurace for approval now. Please anyone who was able to get their insurance to pay for avastin please let me know what arguments you used to convince them.

    My mother is still in the hospital. She had surgery the day we got back. Diverticulosis. She had to have a temporary colostomy (4-6 months). Everyting is just getting a little overwhelming right now.

    I appreciate any help anyone can give on the avastin. Thanks.

    Karen H

  8. Thank you everyone. Just read TAann's tale of horror with her Altima treatment. Just broke my heart. Only hope Ken will not have it so hard.

    To make things worse my mom just went into the hospital yesterday. I spent all morning in the ER with her. Not sure what is wrong may be a blockage in her small intestine. They are doing a CAT scan today, she may need surgery. Ken said we did not have to go to KY for the reunion. I hate to leave my mom, but I know she would be really mad if we didn't go. I also know Ken feels like this is the last time he will see his family. I checked for nearest airports and flights, so I know I can fly back here if necessary. 6 of mom's 7 kids live here so I know she will be looked after while I am gone, but it is still hard.

    Will not be able to get back on the boards for a week. As always I will keep everyone in my prayers. Thanks.

    Karen H

  9. We went to Moffit yesterday for FU with the onc. Scan showed multiple liver tumors. We were stunned. He also said they were finally able to determine that it was all lung cancer, not 2 primaries.

    Of course now my husband regrets having the liver surgery, it is still so painful for him, but it was a risk he was willing to take, the payoff would have been worth it.

    The plan is chemo, carboplaten and alimta and I talked the dr. into adding avastin. At first he said it is not FDA approved for lung cancer and I told him I knew that he could give it to him and he said yes he could. We talked more, and as he starting considering it he got more enthusiastic. Ken got a B-12 shot yesterday, is having a brain MRI today (can't have avastin if you have brain mets). First chemo next Thurs.

    I want to thank everyone on this board. The information you share is so helpful. I would not have known I could push for the avistin if I had not been coming here. There is so much valuable info here and it really makes you feel not so helpless.

    We are leaving Thurs. to go to his family reunion in KY. Hopefully, that will cheer Ken up some, he is really down now. He is also really worried about getting sick from the chemo. He didn't before, but a nurse told him cisplaten makes you very sick. He is getting carboplaten and I don't know if that is the same. Any info on side effects of the 3 drugs would be helpful. Would also like to hear from anyone getting Avistin. Thanks so much.

    Karen H

  10. My husband had an upper right lobectomy at Moffitt on 5/2/05. His surgeon was Dr. Sommers. Moffitt is a great hospital, they will take good care of him there. Ken has some emphysema and that caused complications after his surgery (leaks). He went home on oxygen 24/7 and now is down to just a toke now and then. I was worried he would be on it forever, I rented an oximeter (the finger thing) when we got home. It was gradual but after the first month he starting improving quickly. After they got the pathology back they staged him at a 1A, which made us both cry (with relief). The waiting is hard, if you have any ? about Moffitt let me know.

    Karen H

  11. On Monday, the 11th, we are going back to Moffitt to see the onc. Ken will have a scan done that day also. He is in the unusual situation of going from stage IV to stage 1A. He wants to get more chemo to be "on the safe side". However, my understanding is that they do not do adjuvent chemo for stage 1A. Does anyone know if this is true? Also, for those who have had adjuvent chemo which drugs were you given?

    My feeling is that if his scan is clean we should just leave well enough alone for now (except for supplements and healthier food). I would really appreciate hearing of your experience with chemo after surgery. Thanks.

    Karen H

  12. So sorry your brother is having such a hard time, I know it is scary and discouraging. You said he lost his job. Has he looked into applying for social security disability? As far as Cobra goes, I agree that his insurance should be the same as when he was working, he should be able to get a second opinion. I hope he starts to feel better soon.

  13. Hi Maryanne,

    They have a Hope Lodge at Moffitt in Tampa. I went over to check it out after hearing some people in a group meeting talking about it. It was very nice. Downstairs there was a large dining room and 6 individual full kitchens, a large TV room, a library, and billiards room. I think there was a minimum requirement of a 3 day stay. It was not available to inpatients, but if you need to stay in the area for continuous treatment you can apparently stay as long as needed. I hope we never have to use it, but it is nice to know it is availabe.

    Karen H

  14. My deepest condolances to you and your family. What a fighter your Mike was. I was so touched by the picture of him dancing at the wedding. What a gift to your daughter. I hope you can all find peace in the difficult days ahead.

    Karen H

  15. Karen,

    How nice that Dave was able to smooth the way into your new house and help you connect with your neighbors. It feels like he is still there looking out for you and Faith (as you looked out for him). Please keep updating us as to how you and faith are doing.

    Karen H

  16. Peggy

    I am really glad Don is still able to fight. Hoping all the prayers and good thoughts will boost the "burning" and get rid of them completely! Will be praying. July 11, my husband is going for a follow up with the onc. so that is an important date for both of us.

    Karen H

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