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Posts posted by KarHart

  1. Margaret,

    Good to hear from you. Can't really offer any advise, I have always had a problem swallowing pills. It's all just me, I choke on little tiny hormone pills. Hope your problem is just temporary.

    Karen H

  2. Cindi,

    Sorry it wasn't good news. You are such a fighter so if you need a day or two to regroup that's fine. Just come back soon, we all need and miss you and we need to hear that you are o.k. Praying for you.

    Karen H

  3. Ann, Shame on them for treating you like that. That being said maybe now that they are walking in your shoes they may have more insight. Maybe you should try to reach out to them and offer them some of the experience you have with dealing with such a viscious disease as cancer. I know I certainly appreciated the help you gave me. If they rebuff you at least you tried and will know that you did what you could to help Dennis's family. I don't think you can ever go wrong with showing compassion. Please let me know if I can help.

    Karen H

  4. For about a week now Ken is having trouble sleeping. Can't get to sleep, can't stay asleep. He has started taking his pain pills again to try and knock himself out and that is not working. I have given him ambien and that does not work. Could this be a possible side effect of Alitma or carboplaten? Anyone have this problem? Any suggestions? Wine knocks me out so maybe I'll have him try that tonight. Thanks.

  5. Peggy,

    So very sorry for your loss. You have been incredible in your support for everyone, I hope we can all be of help to you now. You and Don were so incredibly lucky to have each other. You deserved more time together, it is a heartbreaking loss.

    Karen H

  6. Peggy

    I am so sorry, what a difficult place you are in now. I know about sons in denial and not able to cope. There will be time to deal with that later, just please take care of yourself now. Continuing to pray for all of you.

    Karen H

  7. Hi Denise,

    Since your father is stage IV, surgery is not likely at all to help. I am speaking from hard experience. My husband had a primary lung tumor and met to the liver. He had surgery on both just a month apart. Within 2 months he had tumors not only back in his liver but now both lungs. He is still recovering from the major surgeries and now is on chemo again. He went thru a lot of pain and time in the hospital for these surgeries. Chances are if we had switched to another chemo (as he is doing now) he may have not had so much progression. So please don't feel bad about him not having surgery. This is only really effective if it is caught in the very earliest stage (which unfortunately is not often). There are a lot of treatment options and hopefully his doctors will be able to find the best ones for your father. It's wonderful he has you to support him as that is one of the most important things he needs now. Good luck to you both.

    Karen H

  8. I can tell you why surgery is not an option. My husband had a single lung tumor and single liver tumor. After chemo he still had both. They decided it was possible that he had 2 primary cancers and so first did a liver resection and a month later did a lobectomy. Cancer all gone, right? No! Just three months after the liver surgery and two months after the lung surgery it was back in both the lungs and liver. He went through 2 major surgeries with no real benefit. This is why they do not do surgery. It was a hard lesson.

    Currently, he is starting a new chemo. I would think that is what they will reccommend for your dad. Also, they could do radiation on the bone met, but I don't have any experience there. After you fail one chemo you just have to move on to the next. Just don't give up, I know I am not, although it can certainly be discouraging. Hope you get answers soon.

    Karen H

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