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Posts posted by KarHart

  1. My husband had 4 infusions of Avastin while also taking Tarceva. Unfortunately, it did not work, however, in his case none of the drugs and chemos he has been on have worked. We were going to apply to the SPOC program to pay for the Avastin, but we just found out that Medicare has changed their policy and will now pay for Avastin for use in LC. I do not know if private insurance companies will cover it, but I think once Medicare approves it it opens the door.

    Karen H

  2. My husband had "leaks" after his upper R lobectomy (not VATS). After 10 days they took him back into surgery to repair the leaks. Said his lungs were like tissue paper, had to stitch, glue and staple the leaks. However, after he had a new chest tube put in he still leaked. Finally, 5 days later the leak resolved and he was sent home. From what I underestand since you mother had VATS surgery her post operative recovery should be much easier than traditional surgery. Hopefully, her leak problem will resolve quickly and she will feel much better.

    Karen H

  3. Pat,

    I am so sorry Brian is having such a hard time. It seems once it gets in the liver it just doesn't want to let go. Ken is having continuing progression in the liver too and it is very discouraging. I am glad that Brian is not giving up, I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Karen H

  4. Beth, I so know how you feel wanting Bill to keep fighting. It is really hard as the caregiver to give up. Ken has told me when his current therapy fails he probably does not want to try anything else. I have devoted the last year to trying everything I could find to keep him going. I think it will be harder on me to quit than him.

    I am glad Bill is not in pain and the two of you are having peaceful days together. From everything I have read here hospice is such a blessing to both the patient and family. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers.

    Karen H

  5. Even though it has been 11 years since my father died from brain cancer it is still hard on the special occasions, especially my birthday. I was born on my parents first wedding anniversery Dec 28). That was always fun until my dad died, now it is just hard. This year I will be 54 and it would have been their 55th anniversary. I can tell you that the just gut wrenching pain from losing a parent gets better, not as sharp, just a tender sadness.

    Karen H

  6. Hi Melinda,

    My husband is currently on Tarceva and Avastin. For the first time he has become stable. I don't know if it is the combination that is working, but I suspect that the Tarceva alone would not have worked. Avastin is not yet approved for lung cancer so you may have issues with the insurance. We are still waiting to see if we are going to have to pay for it (very expensive). I hope it helps your mom, I am glad my husband is getting it.

    Karen H

  7. After a terrible day at Moffitt Friday, with delays and machine breakdowns, the Dr. concluded that there was little if any change. He said basically the only thing to do was to continue with the Tarceva/Avastin and scan again in 6 weeks. The thing that bothered me was he didn't seem too enthusiastic, saying he did not have anything else to offer. So my feeling is when we have progression again, there is nothing left?

    I want to seriously look at cyberknife again for the larger tumors in the liver. Ken is not sure. I guess we will wait, but I am really getting concerned about the Avastin. His BP has gotten really high even though he is on a low dose of Lopressor. Last nite the machine would not read it so we went driving around to different pharmacies and using their machines. Then we bought a new machine. It seems to be hanging around 145/95 which is so far from his normal. Has anyone else on Avastin had this problem? I am just really worried since I am the one who pushed so hard for him to get it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Karen H

  8. Adding my prayers (extra ones). I know it is particularly hard to tell your children bad news. I really hope things turn around and you get to FL as planned. Also hope this pesky hurricane (Wilma) does not impact your plans.

    Karen H

  9. Trish,

    I've been waiting for you to post. I am just thrilled at your good news. It just goes to show that miracles or at least really good things can happen.

    Can you write more about the CK at Miami. I think we are going to look into going there again. Ken was going to have a liver tumor done, but then had surgery instead. Unfortunately, soon after the surgery he had multiple liver tumors. There are two big ones and I am thinking CK would be helpful. Which dr. did you have there?

    I hope your good news just keeps coming. Please let us know, it really helps all of us.

    Karen H

  10. I know how hard it is when you don't see any progress. Our daughter just had a baby and I know she was worried her dad wouldn't be there, but he was. Hopefully, your mom will be here too when your baby comes and that baby will bring so much joy into all your lifes at such a difficult time.

    Karen H

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