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Posts posted by KarHart

  1. Carleen, I am so sorry for all the pain you and Keith are in. Hearing that there is nothing left to fight with is devastating. It is a terrible blow after the incredible fight you and Keith have put up. I wish I could offer you hope, but all I can do is pray for you as you continue on this journey.


  2. I am pretty sure a study was done on this a long time ago and showed no benefit. I believe it is illegal in the US. Something about cyanide, I think. I would not put much stock (or anything else into this). I did a lot of research for my husband and was willing to try about anything, this did not impress me. Exotic mushrooms impressed me, you might want to research there. Good luck.

    Karen H

  3. It is really good that you can take your father in. However, I really recommend trying to find someone who can also come stay with you to help.

    The last few days were extremely difficult with my husband. Due to extreme confusion he would refuse to take his meds, insisting that I had just given them to him. The look he gave me once just broke my heart, I could tell he thought I was trying to hurt him. Thank God, he was not in a lot of pain. He also did not understand that he could not get out of the bed and walk by himself. Sometimes he was very resentful of anything I tried to do. I finally called our oldest friends who lived 3 hours away to ask them to come help, they came right away. Without their help I probably would have had to put him in the hospice facility. Sometimes he thought he was there.

    If there is anyone you know who could come stay for awhile please try to get them. It is a physically and mentally exhausting time and you will need all the help and support you can get. The one thing I can assure you of is that you will never regret doing this for your father. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Karen H

  4. Carleen, what an amazing surgery, that had to be scary! Ken had a lot of pain after his liver surgery. One of the nurses suggested a pain reliever that was not a narcotic, it was a "super Advil" as she called it. It really did the trick, in fact when Ken saw her the next day he said "I'll take a gallon of that". We could not get a RX for it, it is only given in the hospital and I think limited to 5 days. I am sorry I can't remember the name of it. I hope Keith gets relief soon and really good results. Prayers still coming.

    Karen H

  5. I will absolutely be praying for you and Keith. I really hope this will be a successful procedure, I am so glad there are trying it.

    When Ken had his liver resection he had a very large, v shaped incision. He could not have any anything to eat or drink until everything started working again, which took about 5 days. They put an epidural in prior to surgery for pain control, but it was not very effective for him. They took it out and gave him oral meds after a couple of days which was better. The real pain started after he ate, gas pain they said. His best relief was getting up and walking.

    Possibly, Keith is having the VATS procedure, which is much less invasive, but not always doable. I know this is a totally different procedure and I so hope that it puts a halt to those tumors. Please keep us updated, you and Keith are always on our minds.

    Karen H

  6. I am so sorry this is happening to you and your family. I know how scared you are and your need for information.

    My husband died 8 weeks ago today. He had LC that had settled in his liver. Every case is going to be different. Ken was very mentally out of it, the last week especially. He would say things that made no sense, be very confused about medication, sometimes think he was in the hospital when he was home. I knew the end was near when he stopped eating completely and only took small drinks. He went into a coma with very labored, loud breathing. We were able to help this a bit by putting his oxygen on and giving him a liquid medicine (can't remember name) and his liquid morphine. This state only went on a few hours. I think you will probably know when the end is getting close. Just make sure you tell him everything you need to now, even if you do not think he understands.

    This is a very hard time for you, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Stephi,

    I am sorry Larry is still having so much pain in his hips. At least you have ruled out the cancer causing it so that must be some comfort. Ken had pretty bad hip pain that was caused by degenerative disc disease in his back, but I don't think it was as bad as Larry's.

    I hope you are doing o.k. now. You just have so much to deal with, any one situation would be enough. Of course, the stress of another hurricane season coming probably does not help. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Karen H

  8. Lori, I think you should contact hospice too. My understanding is you must no longer be getting treatment for the disease. However, you can get quallity of life treatment. I would think physical therapy would fall under that category. For instance, hospice arranged for Ken to get 2 liters of blood in the hopes that it would pep him up. When you bring your mother home they can arrange for equipment to be brought in that can help with her mobility issues. It can't hurt just to talk to them, you can sign out at any time if she goes back to getting treatment for her cancer. You may have more than one hospice in your area so I would check with all of them to see what they can offer. Hope you find some answers soon, this must be so stressfull.

  9. Christine, what a terrible time your family is having. Your daddy will always be looking after you and loving you even though it's not so easy to see now. I hope your mom improves, and you and your family can get some peace.

    Karen H

  10. Carleen,

    Unfortunately, it is true that many onc.'s know very little outside their own experience with treatment. Even at Moffitt Cancer Center Ken's Dr. had never heard of CyberKnife and said you could not use radiaton in the liver. We were lucky in that he was willing to try new ideas and Ken was the first patient there to receive Tarceva with Avastin (I had to push for this). This was the only treatment Ken received that even slowed down the tumors in his liver for a short time.

    At this point I would push the doctors to treat his liver as if it were primary liver cancer. The chemo-emobilization (sp?) I believe is used for that. CK will probably not be an option, since they only do it if there is only a few (3-4)tumors. I asked for RFA at Moffitt but they said it was not an option (too many, too big I think). I just wish we would have been able to target his liver as if it was liver cancer instead of LC. I don't know if it would have made a difference, but they way I see it, it would not have made things any worse.

    Pain was never an issue for Ken, any discomfort was easily relieved with oxycodone and morphine, so I am sorry I have no suggestions there.

    I am so glad you are both still fighting, I keep praying that this will turn around for Keith, he is young, he should get his chance at life. Thank you for keeping us updated, I know it must be hard right now. Praying hard.

    Karen H

  11. Carleen,

    I am so sorry for all the pain you and Keith are both in. Have they checked his gall bladder? Sometimes this can cause terrible pain in the right upper side. Does he have an internal medicine doctor consulting on him?

    I know how scary this time is, how helpless you feel. I hope they can get the pain under control so you can begin to deal with what to do next. I continue to pray for you both, please pm me if I can be of any help.

    Karen H

  12. Linda,

    My deepest condolences on Mike's passing. I know it will be hard but you do need to get some rest now. I hope you and your family find peace in the coming days. My prayers are with you.

    Karen H

  13. Peggy,

    I know how hard it is. I cleaned up the garage this weekend, which was really Ken's area. Looking at all his tools and knowing that he will never use them again was so painful. I met him when I was 20 years old, almost 34 years ago. It really is hard to figure out how you are supposed to continue on with your life when someone who was the biggest part of it is gone. I've just resigned myself to hurting and praying that someday it won't be so bad. I will pray for you and all the other wives and husbands who are having to deal with living in this void. So terribly sorry for all of us.

    Karen H

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