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    FLgirl got a reaction from Lizzie in How to live and function in total fear of cancer   
    There are prayer lines out there. Unity Village will pray for you for 30 days after you call them. It is normally very positive and uplifting. You wouldn't have to believe their way to get comfort from the call and their prayer which is more like an affirmation. It is called Silent Unity.  Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (669-7729)
    I don't know if it helps but you could be feeling something very normal there. I would think that depression makes a person feel that way and it would be normal to feel depressed with everything you have on your plate. Try to find 5 things you are thankful for everyday.
    I also had not heard of stage 5
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    FLgirl got a reaction from Monica7 in How to live and function in total fear of cancer   
    There are prayer lines out there. Unity Village will pray for you for 30 days after you call them. It is normally very positive and uplifting. You wouldn't have to believe their way to get comfort from the call and their prayer which is more like an affirmation. It is called Silent Unity.  Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (669-7729)
    I don't know if it helps but you could be feeling something very normal there. I would think that depression makes a person feel that way and it would be normal to feel depressed with everything you have on your plate. Try to find 5 things you are thankful for everyday.
    I also had not heard of stage 5
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    FLgirl reacted to cdonahuetaylor in Scared Newly Diagnosed -Stage 2B Possible 3A   
    Thank you so much for your encouraging reply.  I found out that it is definitely Stage 2B and I  will be having my surgery June 2-VATS thoroscopy  with a right lower lobectomy and I guess some type of chemo to follow. Nervous and scared but ready to face the music and get the show on the road so that we can get this taken care of.
    Will let you know how it goes.
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    FLgirl got a reaction from cdonahuetaylor in Scared Newly Diagnosed -Stage 2B Possible 3A   
    Hello Christina,
    I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with a second kind of cancer. I went to a lung support group and many of the people there who have been on chemotherapy or certain drugs are getting secondary cancers. I worry about that with my husband who I am helping now with stage IV adenocarcinoma. It seems the big thing now is molecular testing where they check to see if you match up with mutations for which they have targeted drugs which is much easier. I didn't know if they are doing this for you or if it applies. My husband is on a clinical trial and there was no hope of surgery for him so you are in better shape so far that way. I know it's hard reading everything out there on the web. Our Dr. said that most of what we read about is old and doesn't compare to what they are doing within the past 2 years. He told us not to pay attention to the statistics. Anyone treated in the last couple of years remember has not lived long enough yet to have a 5 year survival rate. Most of that information is old out there and dates way back.
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    FLgirl reacted to Susan Cornett in Hi, I'm Susan - Stage IIIa adenocarcinoma   
    Hi!  I'm new to cancer and to this wonderful web site.  Here's my story: I have had asthma and allergy issues for years, so when asthma got worse 18 months ago, no cause for alarm.  When I developed bronchitis last fall, no cause for alarm.  I coughed up blood in December 2015 and an x-ray revealed a large mass in my upper left lung.  Pulmonologist performed a bronchoscopy and a biopsy indicated no cancer so the mass was further evaluated for bacteria and fungus.  No luck, so on February 22nd I had a lobectomy on my left lung and was diagnosed with cancer.  7 of 10 lymph nodes were affected but the surgeon did get clear margins.  On March 19th, I had my first of four chemo treatments (cisplatin and alimta).  
    In hindsight, I should have requested an xray when my asthma took a turn, so that is now my advice to others.  Be your own advocate.  I've had too many people, including health care providers, ask me if I smoke.  Lung cancer doesn't just affect smokers, and it doesn't just affect older patients.  I'm a 46 year old non-smoker diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer.  I'd love to see providers take a new look at the face of lung cancer, and see it become as visible to the public as breast or prostate cancer.  After all, it is the number one cancer killer.  If you can't tell, once I beat this, I'm planning to become a voice for this cause!
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    FLgirl reacted to Donna G in Scared Newly Diagnosed -Stage 2B Possible 3A   
    Hello Christina.  Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but as you might know we have been on your journey.
    It is great that many in recent years have been able to have the VATS surgery.  It is a lot easier to recover from.
    I was Stage 3B and did have to have chemo and radiation to shrink to shrink the tumor before I could have
    surgery.  If it turns out that way it can have a good outcome.  I know for I am still alive and I was diagnosed in December 1997 .
    Please let us know if you have concerns or questions.  Also keep us posted on how things are going.
    I hope also that you have family and friends there to be at your side for Doctor visits and treatments .
    Donna G
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