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    Mally got a reaction from Fred G in Adeno-Carcenoma stage III A.   
    Hi richard i was diagnosed with stage 111A adenocarcinoma in October last year and had my lower left lung removed in january this yr followed by 4 rounds of carboplatin and Gemsitabine which i had the last infusion last week and ct scans done and my results showed NED so i know Recurrence can occur but for now im so happy to say im cancer free and you can be too !!!

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

  2. Like
    Mally got a reaction from LaurenH in Ct scan results   
    Thankyou so much to all of you that have kept me sane through this journey because without your posts of hope i dont know how i wouldve got through chemo and the surgery so thanks xx

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

  3. Like
    Mally got a reaction from LaurenH in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  4. Like
    Mally reacted to Myra Rapport in Re-Introducing myself   
    HI I'm Myra,
    Thank you for this site.   I had a nodule removed from my right upper lobe  about 1 year and a few months ago.   Onc said 95% chance no reoccurrence.  Now they found another spiculated mass there.  I don't have the measurements of the mass at my finger tips.   The surgeon said I am not a candidate for surgery.   I have another scan at the end of the month to see if any changes.
    I was a wreck when I heard this news.  Now I feel good physically and am not looking forward to going into proceedures and treatments that make you feel sick.   
    Sarah  all the best to you!   I just have a feeling that something will come through for you,  Blessings  
    Thanks again for this site.  M
  5. Like
    Mally reacted to LaurenH in Re-Introducing myself   
    Sarah, I don't think it's corny at all! I think that is a great mindset! You have been through a lot, but I'm glad you're able to find so many silver linings and that you've found solace in running. Hoping for good news on May 22! Please keep us posted.
    With gratitude,
    Digital Community Manager
    LUNGevity Foundation
    P.S. We'll be your back up singers! 
  6. Like
    Mally reacted to Isunique in Re-Introducing myself   
    Thanks guys. I decided today that I have cancer, it doesn't have me. This might sound corny, but each time that I was told I had cancer, while a punch in the gut, also was a blessing in disguise. I have been dx with cancer 3 times in the last 25 years. Each time it was  a fluke.
    1. 1992,  I had 1 gall bladder attack. 2 weeks later I am in surgery for the removal of bad gall bladder. That in itself was unusual, they like you to try to control it with diet first.  Path report came back, cancer. Very rare and not often found out until after death. Back for more surgery, clean up detail and targeting clips put in place. After research my oncologist decides no further treatment is needed. Good until:
    2.  2008, routine check up for rx renewal. My PCP did yearly chest x-rays on his patients that smoke(d). A very talented radiologist found a spot in my upper left lung. More tests, cancer. Upper left lung removed April, 2008. No further treatment needed.
    3. 2017 PCP ordered a different blood test by mistake, numbers are a bit high. Re-check in 4 months, numbers are higher. CT scans and more bloodwork. Not good, PET scan ordered, cancer. 
    With each occurrence there were no symptoms, no indications of anything wrong. I felt very guilty for years, since I have only needed surgery for my cancer's. Hard to explain. This time I was totally floored, Since 2008, I have been very active, trying to be more responsible for my well being. running, watching my diet. I have run over 50 5k's 10 10k's and even 2 1/2 marathon's. Now, I feel guilty because what I am thinking is the impact it will have on my races this year.  I believe I have 3 options, Laser knife, VATS or the removal of the upper right lung. 
    I still am very fortunate that it was found early, and I am working for a company that provides company paid health insurance and seems to actually care about my well being. their statement to me was do whatever you need to do for you. 
    Thanks again for the encouraging words, they mean a lot to me. I am singing Gloria Gaynor's song n my head.
  7. Like
    Mally reacted to Snowflake in Re-Introducing myself   
    I had a recurrence after eleven years just three years ago. I just shook it off and continued my usual life...
    Yeah, right. I curled up in a ball and cried for a week straight. Then, I found out not only was there a tumor behind my clavicle, but that it had a friend in my brain. Ugh. I am STILL fighting depression/anxiety over this new detour. I can function, I am taking happy pills to drag myself out of a sobbing mass.
    On the bright side, stage IV is immediate approval for Disability, there's just that first six months of no income. I can nap any time I want to, no job to go off to. 
    I'm in the middle of the mitten and my hospital is affiliated with U of M. I had genetic testing and have the ALK mutation so have been on Xalkori since radiation ended. I am glad my trusted oncologist has this resource and am happy to share that there have been many improvements since my last trip in 2003.
    Hang in there, big girls DO cry, but they also take care of business and get extra help when needed. Better Living through chemistry.
    Good luck,
  8. Like
    Mally reacted to Suzanne in Ct scan results   
    Great news!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Like
    Mally reacted to Tylalla in Ct scan results   
    Thats wonderful and great news! I'm so happy for you!


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

  10. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Michele in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Suzanne in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    Mally reacted to Judy M. in Chemo Underway   
    Thanks so much. Glad to hear that Chemo brain will end. Since I have 3 weeks between treatments was hoping this horrible taste would end some time before my next treatment, but maybe not. Everything except sugary things tastes extremely bitter like a bitter pill.
    I do want to share with you that even though I don't have the results on my scans I'm experiencing the results of the S.B.R.T. My shortness if breath that I thought was C.O.P.D. has definitely improved. So I'm supposing that was the result of the tumors. Explains why my C.O.P.D. diagnosis went from mild to severe all of a sudden.
    Judy M

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  13. Like
    Mally reacted to Judy M. in Chemo Underway   
    Chemo Questions
    Does chemo brain last at all or is it only temporary? And is there a time limit on how long food tastes nasty? Or is all this just individual? Thanks for any input.
    Just M

    Sent from my SM-J100VPP using Tapatalk

  14. Like
    Mally reacted to Judy M. in Ct scan results   
    That's,great! I'm so happy for you!

    Sent from my SM-J100VPP using Tapatalk

  15. Like
    Mally reacted to BridgetO in Ct scan results   
    Hurray! Wonderful news!
  16. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Tylalla in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  17. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Judy M. in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  18. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Michele in Ct scan results   
    Thankyou so much to all of you that have kept me sane through this journey because without your posts of hope i dont know how i wouldve got through chemo and the surgery so thanks xx

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

  19. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Julie in SoCal in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  20. Like
    Mally reacted to Fred G in Ct scan results   
    Outstanding, Mally! I am so, so happy for you!

    Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk

  21. Like
    Mally reacted to Tom Galli in Ct scan results   
    Your NED post made my day!  I am soooooo happy for you.  Now find something to enjoy!
    Stay the course.
  22. Like
    Mally reacted to Susan Cornett in Ct scan results   
    This is WONDERFUL news!!  I hope you danced your way through the rest of the day.  
  23. Like
    Mally got a reaction from ViviAnn in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Fred G in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  25. Like
    Mally got a reaction from Tom Galli in Ct scan results   
    I had my end of chemo scans done yesterday and was getting the results next Wednesday but went to my gp to get some scripts and he had a copy of my results so IM CANCER FREE ....i was so happy i was crying walking around the supermarket trying to text my kids through watery eyes ...
    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
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