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Posts posted by dchurchi

  1. Hi Lynn,

    I know too well what you are going through, although not exactly as Alan and I had no children. I just went back to work today, but I took 5 weeks off after Alan died before I even attempted going back. It was slow going, but I made it through. Please take more time if you can. The hard part for me was coming home to an EMPTY house. No one to tell about how my day went. As for crying, for me I NEVER know when the tear storms are going to hit, but I no longer fight them. I honestly do not care what other people think. They have no idea what I am going through.

    Please send me a PM if you want and maybe we can help each other through this unwanted journey. I will keep you and your son in my prayers.

  2. Hi Maggie,

    I hope you find our cyber family full of support. I lost my husband Alan 5 short weeks ago. The support I have received from all the loving people on this board has gotten me through some dark days.

    I am sure I do not need to tell you what a wonderful daughter you have. My continued prayers for you and Shelli.

  3. Hi Kelly,

    My husband also had trouble with insomnia, but it was due to the steriods he was on, and not necessarily chemo. I am glad to hear that you have no bad side effects from the treatments. Keep up the fight.

  4. Maryanne/Joel,

    This is indeed wonderful news and a very good birthday present :P I will continue to pray that cyberknife does zap the crap out of the little bugger causing all these issues. I am sorry that Joel will need chemo, but it sounds as if you have a great team of drs who are willing to communicate with each other in the best interest of their patients (and not their own egos). I will meet you at the PUB.

  5. Maryanne and Joel,

    Many prayers are headed your way from the west coast. Once all is said and done maybe Kasey and Fred will open the Pub and we can toast a successful procedure and Joel's birthday.

  6. Sarah,

    I too, used to lay awake and watch Alan sleep. My only hope was that he was comfortable and not in any pain. It was a relief to me when he was sleeping peacefully, because that meant he was as comfortable as he could be.

    You are right in how we become so close to people we have never physically met, but the people on this site have come to mean so much to me. We feel their triumphs and their loses as if they were our own.

    Continued prayers to all of us.

  7. Carole,

    your spirit is an inspiration for me. I have no doubt the memories you and your family are about to make will be everlasting. My prayers for you and your family will be for safe travels as I know you will not let the beast interfere with what is going to be an amazing vacation.

  8. (((Lynn)))

    I am very sorry to hear of Larry's passing. I know how difficult this is, but I am happy to hear Larry died at home as he wished. I will pray that some how you find comfort in the fact Larry is now cancer free and no longer suffers. Please send me a PM if you need to "talk"

  9. If he wants to go that much then I say go. Alan and I took trips together for as long as we could. I just made sure to travel with as much information as I could. Usually the written reports of Alan's most recent scans, list of all medications, all his dr's phone numbers, and a copy of Alan's advanced directive. Go have fun and enjoy yourselves. Alan and I took an amazing trip to New York City right after treatments for brain mets. Seeing the joy in Alan's face made all the worry go away.

  10. I agree with what most have stated about men not really talking about their illness, or wanting to let people in on how they are feeling emotionally. Right up until the last few weeks prior to Alan's passing he would tell people he was "fine" and ask them how they were. His family knew if they wanted the truth about his condition to ask me.

  11. We held Alan's Memorial Service yesterday, and it was a beautiful tribute to my amazing husband. For me though I have been overcome with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Alan's service made his passing "Real", and final. I came home today and I have never felt so alone. Alan and I didn't have any children, so it is just me. Yes I do have family and friends who at a moments notice would be at my side, but that will not last forever, but living without Alan is forever and I am just now trying to adjust to that reality. I have entered this area of limbo. I am no longer married, but in no way consider myself single. I spent the past 3.5 years taking care of Alan, and now I am trying to figure what my "new" purpose in life is. I am just feeling very lost.

    I needed to get my emotions out, and thank you for letting me do that. I continue to pray everyday for all of us who continue to battle this dreaded disease.

  12. Lisa,

    Alan had a single brain met in July 2005. Treatment was 15 WBR treatments (to zap anything that could be there)followed by 15 IMRT treatments to the tumor itself. Alan never had the cancer return to his brain. Alan did have some short term memory issues and partial loss of hearing in one ear, but those were minor side effects to deal with.

    My prayers that your mom has a great response to treatment.

  13. This past Valentines day Alan was still on chemo, in a wheelchair and unable to leave the house. My mom was visiting from Flordia and Alan asked her to please purchase a card and small gift to give to me on Valentines Day. That is who Alan was. Sick with not only the recurrance of his cancer, but also with the chemo treatments, and his only concern was that he give his wife a beautiful card and small gift on the day which symbolizes love. That turned out to be our last Valentine's Day, but the one I will never forget as long as I live.

  14. As I just recently lost Alan, I too feel lost as to who I am at this moment. I gave up all my own activities (very willingly and would do so again in a heartbeat) to care for Alan these past 3 years, that to just pick up and get "my life" back seems almost impossible. I feel so lost.

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