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Posts posted by bunny

  1. thanks, Melissa. yes, they are talking about possibly draining the eflusion today after her echo gives them more info re: her heart. they are treating the PE with tinzaparin (shots in the tummy :? ). she's also getting cipro for the UTI, so hopefully if there's some other infection that will treat it.

    hoping for an aspiration, if anything, for the pericardial eflusion (as opposed to another surgery).

    thanks again for input, and for PRAYERS.



    PS. remember when "PE" just meant gym class? sheesh. 'new normal', huh?

  2. I'm so sorry for all this. you're aunt will be OK - she's probably just scared, too. you are doing SO right by your mom.

    I can relate, to a smaller degree. over this weekend, in the hospital, my mom would ask for something and my brother would bodily throw himself in front of me to be the one to do it for her. :lol: after a short period of feeling pissy and ALMOST getting dragged in to the competitive stuff, I decided to let him.

    that said, your mom's care is in a very different place than mine. I think it sounds like you and your dad are handling it all beautifully, conflict notwithstanding. no matter how much you fight you both remember it's about your mom's comfort. that's an amazing feat - I have seen plenty of families not manage to remember that.

    hang in there girl, you are AMAZING. I'm praying for all of you.



    PS. I agree, a little thank you card may just smooth things over with your aunt, so YOU don't have to worry about it.

  3. whew. this is one heck of a rollar coaster, ain't it? after a stellar post-op report, my mom was flying high on hope. that was Wed. on Thurs. afternoon she felt a little more tired and SOB than she had been, but we chalked it up the the walk she took that morning, her best one yet.

    by mid-day Fri., she could not catch her breath and was on oxygen all the time, as opposed to every once in a while, as she had been since she came home. she went to her GP's office on the advice of her surgeon. he was away and the MORON filling in for him diagnosed a "possible" blood clot (!!), prescribed Advair and sent her to the radiology department of a local hospital (NOT the ER). needless to say, I wasn't there - a family friend agreed to take her and doesn't have my questioning nature :roll: . so they go to the rad. dept., and are told no one is there to give her the right test, COME BACK MONDAY. the 'doctor' agreed, told her to come back when the office was open. !!?!?!? THAT'S when she called me.

    it took me an hour and half to make the 20 minute trip to her place from mine (NYC Fri. afternoon traffic) and by the time I got there, she was gasping for air even with the oxygen on. after a couple more phone calls, I took her back to MSKCC, and they admitted her. so far, we know she has a small pulmonary embolism, a slight pericardial eflusion and a urinary tract infection.

    Sat. was a horrible day. she had to pee all the time, but wasn't able to get out of bed fast enough so she had a couple accidents. she couldn't catch her breath all day, and she couldn't sleep. this, and they still aren't 100% sure what is making her SO SOB - the PE might cause it all, or it might not. the eflusion is the same as what existed immediately following her surgery, so it may or may not be problematic. watching and waiting on that one. they're doing an Echo-cardiogram [sic] today hoping to get more info. in the meantime, they are treating the PE and the UTI. yesterday she was a little better, and actually did a couple laps around the hospital floor. her sat level is good with oxygen, but goes down into the 80's without it.

    has anyone else experienced this? such a sudden, and complete turnaround? it's really scary. it's horrible to be back there. still, she remains cancer free and, remarkably, her surgical pain is subsiding. I can see in her eyes that she's a little demoralized. I can also see she's thinking twice about chemo, after all this discomfort, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

    I REFUSE to let this make me a pessimist (again). she is still a miracle, this is just a glitch. still, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to a few disheartened moments. the worst part of all of it is her fear. I can't stand to see it.

    I missed you guys SO MUCH, but with all the unknowns I couldn't stand to be away from her at all this weekend. I am at work now for a few hours, just to get some things squared away, and will head back over to her. we'll see what they say today about sending her home with the blood thinners.

    this is long, thanks for reading, and thanks for any input.



  4. suki is in the hospital with some post-op stuff that needs to be managed. she went in yesterday afternoon and, so far, they are working on a slight pericardial eflusion, a small blod clot and a UTI.

    she's pissed to be back, but happy to be in Sloan after some unbelievable drama with a local hospital yesterday. I am tired (I know I don't have to tell you guys what it's like to be in the urgent care unit for 7 hours, STARTING at 8:30 at night.) but I am so sure this is all just a teeny glitch.

    so I just want a couple days - I found myself worrying about people here while I was watching suki sleep - I don't ever what you guys to feel I've disappeared, you've been SO present for me.

    anyway, onward and upward.



  5. ditto, from me too. the knowledge I've gained since this whole thing started has been a huge source of comfort to me, and (I think) empowerment to my mom.

    thanks again, Rich.



  6. believe it or not, there's a great new U2 song called Yahweh, that sounds very like a prayer. I am thinking of making you a copy of "Bunny's God Songs", my retreat CD. it's on there.

  7. thanks, everyone, for your words of love and support. it means so much to me.

    Maryanne, you hit the nail on the head - I still have moments where I feel almost afraid to believe the doc. but that's where a day at a time comes in, I guess - TODAY, my mom is cancer free. what a gift.

    thanks again. I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude for this website, and the people 'in' it.



  8. reason #1,265 not to post late at night after a very long, hard work day: you might end up with your phone ##'s on the internet. :oops: I thought I was PM'ing. thanks for fixing it.

    now if I could only do something about those pictures from college...

    heh. just kidding.

  9. Hi Melissa. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I am glad you came back, hopefully we can bring you some love and support.

    I pray for peace for you and yours.



  10. my mom had an intrapericardial pneumonectomy on 6/24.

    she asked me to describe the following, for your input:

    she has the sensation of something crowded in the bottom of her throat that makes it hard for her to take a deep breath. it doesn't hurt, but she feels like something is blocking her breathing. she burps alot.

    also, when she breaths deeply she experiences minor incontenance.

    is this the mediastinal shifting? pressure on diaphragm? anxiety? I told her to call the doc, but she also wants your input.

    thanks in advance,

    amie & suki

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