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Posts posted by bunny

  1. I'm so sorry for your terrible loss, but what a gift that you and your siblings were so present for her!

    I'm sure the feelings will come, just don't judge yourself for them - I was really hard on myself for what I thought were "bad" feelings when my mom was re-diagnosed a few weeks ago and everyone here assured me that there's no such thing are wrong on this journey.

    love and prayers to you,



  2. hey brandy. don't give up on us, we're here. how can I support you? I will do whatever I can. I'm sorry, I really know how hard it is to absorb the information that a parent has cancer. please let us know what we can do.



  3. I'm late too. as I told a friend in PM, I am tired from watching my mother's beautiful, cancer free (I hope and trust) breathing today! in suki's honor, as we are both friends of Bill's (I'm coming out here, jimben and Brat!!!) I'll have her favorite - club soda, with a daash of Rose's lime juice.

    thanks again, all of you. I posted the whole thing in good news, but THANK YOU for getting me through this surgery with my mom.



  4. My mom came through her surgery today with flying colors. They completed an intra-pericardial pneumonectomy in just under 5 hours. The cancer appeared to be entirely contained in the lung that is no more. Only one lymph node remained from her 2000 surgery, which the surgeon removed. He noted that the fact that no lymph nodes had returned was a very good sign. Pending pathology on the 2nd 'spot' they couldn't biopsy and that node, we'll get staged and make decisions about chemo (but we all read the times on Thursday...)

    Suki is a woman of steel. She bypassed the ICU altogether, having her breathing tube removed 90 minutes after surgery. They scoped the left lung, and it's so-far-SO-good. Her oxygen at last check was 100%. She'll be in recovery overnight to keep a close eye on her. She is a lovely shade of green, but was awake enough to ask me to rub her numbed-out right arm (over her head for 5 hours!!) then fell quietly back to sleep. Pain management could be better, but they're working on it.

    My little brother showed up like a rock star today, and my boyfriend stayed with us all day long!! Even then, those fears would creep in occasionally, and guess who I turned to!? Well, yes, god, but through all of you! I literally closed my eyes and pictured your words and your pictures, and the fear passed.

    You have all empowered me beyond what I thought I was capable of - physically, mentally and spiritually. I know this is far from over, but this huge hurdle is behind me with relative ease and grace thanks to you.

    I am WHIPPED tired. I will call the PACU again now, having left mom for the night with the fine people at Sloan Kett. and GOD. I could not rest until I thanked you all, a million times, thank you.

    love, gratitude and prayers,


  5. I think Frank has the idea, there's fun to be had here. shame you don't live here in NYC, there's nothing more fun that flatulence in a packed subway car at rush hour! ok, well, maybe a couple things as fun.

    as for the scans, my thoughts and prayers are with you, as always.



  6. thanks for the heads-up on the article.

    sounds like my mom is exactly who they're writing about, but I'll let the docs make the recommendation after tomorrow's surgery.

    sorry you're feeling so sad, but I guess it's all part of it. I haven't been through it, so I can only imagine how hard it is. hang in there.

    love and prayers,


  7. wendy, I am so sorry you went through all of that hardship - as if losing him wasn't enough. I agee letters are in order, if that would help you process your anger. your state probably has an insurance department to write to. I know we'd all be happy to help with the drafting, or in any other way. my mom in pain is the single worst part of all of this.

    love and prayers to you,



  8. 100 time, yes - one day at a time is the way to go.

    good to meet a couple of fellow rock n roll yogi's, but so sorry you have to be here. please, come here for all the support you need - there are AMAZING people here.

    case in point: nancy lost her husband yesterday, and she's here today to welcome you. unbelievable.

    I have discovered, after flipping out for a couple weeks, that am exactly as tough as I thought I was before my mom's cancer came back and I can get her through this, but that I need the support here (and, obviously, from the people in my life and my spiritual life) to do it. this site is also a bottomless well of information, recommendations and advice on diagnosis, treatment and care-giving.

    again, I am so sorry you guys are going through this. not what you imagined when you got married, I am sure. keep in touch, and we're praying and pulling for both of you.



  9. I actually figured out how to get the picture of mom and me at the beach into my profile. man, I passed the NY bar in one try but these computers are HARD. heh. mom and I are doing great, heading into our last couple of days before surgery. I would truly, truly be lost without you guys.


    bunny/amie (and mom is suki - we're weird with names in this family)

  10. I am praying that it all goes perfectly! I highly recommend a retirement party for whatever they will remove - thanking my mom's lung for the service it's rendered but saying GOODBYE to it and all its cancer was very cathartic. and funny.

    love and prayers,



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