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Posts posted by bunny

  1. :cry: so my mom is home from the hospital. we're struggling a little to get her pain under control but we're working on it with the docs. I took off work from Tues. to Fri. to see her through coming home and settling in. I came in to work at 6:30 this morning to make up for it, and will be here most of the day. tomorrow a very close friend is getting married upstate. Monday I plan to visit mom at some point, and do some more work as I have a deadline coming up on Tues.

    so, I just called to check on her and she said about five times that she wishes I was still there (my brother arrived when I left, yesterday morning). when I say I have to work she is silent (which means she doesn't approve, usually).

    she's uncomfortable and cranky, to be sure. but she's recovering. I can't not write this brief I have to write. period.

    incidently, my brother saw her for 20 minutes on Tues., came home with her on Wed. then came back yesterday. it seems like it makes sense for us to "split" this but it seems like it's not enough in her mind. she was resentful of his absence during the week, and now she's resentful of mine.

    it's not like I am hanging around, doing nothing. every moment of the last two weeks for me have been filled with either her, or work. her, because I think right now she's more important than anything, and work because, well, I have to.

    so where is the balance here? am I being a horrible daughter/care giver? seriously, where is the balance? my job has been very understanding, but certain things just have to get done. should I not go to my friend's wedding?

    ugh, I feel horrible but at the same time I resent the guilt trip (though I can't be absolutely certain she's giving me one, it may be in my head).


  2. 1. mom's recovery is going well.

    2. such quality medical care is available to her

    3. my brother, for 'taking over' for a few days

    4. my friends here, this 'place' is life-changing

    5. next week is 3 years with my boyfriend, David the Irish, and I am so proud of our partnership.

    happy 4th, you guys!!



  3. welcome, though I hate it every time someone new needs this place. there is so much information, love and support here - this website has completely transformed my experience of seeing my mother through her treatment for LC. hang in there, ask the experts and ask the doctors!



  4. yeah, screw the stats. I signed on here pretty pessimistic myself, "gathering info." etc. my mom told me she takes great comfort from the fact that I am well informed, and promises to let me know if she ever wants any of the info! :lol::lol: my brother is terrified by mortality rates and hides them from her at all costs. I see them as a chance to show up some pretty smart cookies.

    be well, hang in there. this is a great resource.



  5. my first 5 with you guys (though I have done versions of it elsewhere) so here goes...

    1. my mom is a fast healer, already home from the hospital and feeling pretty darn good, all things considered.

    2. my job is super-supportive of my need to take this time with her, they only called me 4 times today (har har)

    3. my boyfriend of almost three years is supportive, sometimes a little late with it, but perfect

    4. LCSC, period. I would be lost without you all.

    5. I remembered, again, how limitless the love of god is.

    good night, friends.



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