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Posts posted by bunny

  1. ugh, Fay. that's awful. how invalidating! I have to say, we've been lucky with my mom's surgeon - it's like she's the only person in the room when we see him, until he's through with her exam/consult. THEN he turns to my brother and me and says, now do YOU guys have any questions?

    I don't have enough experience with the "pendulum" to comment, but I know you deserve better.

    and I agree with Pat's observations (as usual! :wink: ) - people project their discomfort with cancer onto my mom. she's pretty accepting of her illness (although not, necessarily) everything that goes with treating it). suki is a world-class eye-roller in the face of people who speak/act inappropriately. :lol:

    hang in, hope your head feels better.



  2. good luck with the move, and everything else. you really sound like you are doing right by your daughter, which I admire so much. I pray to find even an ounce of the grace you possess.



  3. welcome, sandie. I am so sorry you're going through this. the people here are absolutely incredible sources of support and information. I am relatively new to all this, as I try and help steer my mom through her LC and treatment so I don't contribute much yet, but it's an an amazing community where you will find everything you seek,and more.



  4. I don't think you messed up. you're so strong and so committed to your mom. everyone needs a meltdown now and again. Pat's observation sounds right to me - it's the disease that has BOTH of you unhappy, I've learned from my own reactions to things lately that it's natural to focus it on something else. I would babysit in a heartbeat...otherwise, I am sending you positive vibes and strength. and prayers.



    PS. I would have had the SAME reaction, by the way.

  5. Peggy,

    I'm so sorry for these scary results, and for your upset. who wouldn't be!? I wish I could give you some real answers/experience in response to your questions, I just can't. I am praying for you guys and thinking of you both - I don't know the origin of you nickname at all, but for now - I will "stand 4 hope" for you.



  6. I like your pic, too. good fish face. thanks for the good news. I need to hear it, gives me something to believe in as far as my mom's LC goes. otherwise, good or bad, I know it's out of my hands and I just continue to ask for the strength to roll with the punches. I'm so glad you're hear.



  7. Thanks for posting Nell. it means so much to me that you've come to support us despite the tragic course of your husband's LC. rather than be discouraged by your story, I am moved and heartened by your (and everyone else's) generosity here.



  8. I am coming in late to this post, but I wanted to add my voice to the sincere hopes and prayers for your new plan of action for Charlie. go get 'em!

    and happy 4th!



  9. hmmm. jim, I heard something SOMEwhere... :wink:

    it goes:

    "sometimes it ain't the boulders that get you, it's the pebbles in the road!"

    easy does it, dude. (but do it - get the tooth fixed)



  10. oh, Pat. you nailed it - it's all about being overwhelmed, isn't it? once again, you are god's postcard to me. it's like the one's you get from the library...

    Reminder: Your prayer is overdue. Please pray immediately, and let me handle it from here on out.



    and YOU hugged me, so I am a little stronger to pass it on to mom. you're a beautiful, spiritual being.

    thank you. love to you, and to Brian.



    PS. it's great to see your face!

  11. thanks for all the words of wisdom. I feel like a bit of a heel, but I know it's a safe place for me to vent here. the feedback is so supportive and genuine, it helps me not only feel better but see the truth!

    Connie, thank you - based in part on your pre-surgery advice, my mom hasn't been alone since she came home. I think by the end of the day she'll see she's just as well cared for by my little bro as she was by me (though, of course, I only know what I think I didn't do right). her friends are attentive, but their visits and phone calls seem to tire her out in ways Justin and I don't.

    we spent some of our time together this week making jewelry for me to wear to my friend's wedding tomorrow (I made, she consulted on color, :wink: ) and she was excited about it. I know she wants me to have my life, and I can only begin to imagine how scared she is hers will never get back on track. she's in business for herself, and I think she's afraid all her resources will dry up while she's "out". that said, a client called her this morning and told her he'd rather work with her from home than hire another designer, which was great for mom's morale. people are, I think, generally good.

    she also spoke with a doc (surgeon is on vaca) who has her interspersing the percocet with motrin, to see if it eases her discomfort. they may also give her something to help her sleep, because she just can't.

    anyway, I am ruining my holiday weekend being here in my (un-air-conditioned!) office, I may as well try and get this darn work done.

    I'll check back later. this whole selfish/selfless/take care of yourself balancing act is hard to navigate. thanks again for all the support.



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