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Posts posted by melindasue37

  1. Lily,

    I'm so sorry. I would feel the same way if I got an unexpected call like that about my x-husband. The flight might not be as bad as you're expecting. I agree about the medication, it will help you and you'll safely arrive to everyone that needs you. Stay strong (You can DO THIS!!) and I'll pray for a very easy flight.

    Warm Hugs,


  2. I'm just so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. What a sweet memory of your Mom sharing the birth of your daughter. And even more so that your little girl gets to carry on her name.

    There are so many here in the grieving process right with you. I hope that you decide to stay with us.

    Praying for your strength to carry you through this difficult time.

    Warm Hugs,


  3. Jamie,

    You have really worked hard on this one haven't you??

    I have no doubt that it will be a HUGE success.

    I can't wait to hear all the details.

    Relax and enjoy. All the hard work is about to pay off.

    Warm Hugs,


  4. Hi Rob,

    I'm so glad to see you found this wonderful support group. Welcome!!!!!

    It is a great place to come with all the questions that you may have.

    We're here for you...praying that your doctor appointment tomorrow will bring good news.

    Please keep us posted.

    Warm Hugs,


  5. Pat,

    One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.

    You are trying.....that is all that anyone could ask or expect from you at this time. I found a website that has a daily online devotions. It's called griefshare.org.

    A season of grief. If you get a chance, you might find a little more comfort in the words.

    Please remember, as always, we care and are praying for you.

    Warm Hugs,


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