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Posts posted by melindasue37

  1. Have you tried contacting the company that makes Tarceva? The company name is Genetech. There is information if you go to tarceva.com. They have a link for SPOC. (Single point of contact) that has several questions about insurance. I would start there for insurance purposes.

    My Mom was a smoker for 50+ years and has been on Tarceva since June. She is "stable" and is continuing to use it. The side effects are very mild for her and she is doing great.

    Good luck to you and your Dad!


  2. Pat,

    I'm so late to this post, but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. You really do have your hands full right now. But, as others have said....god only gives us what he knows we can handle.

    One step, one day at a time. You will get overwhelmed, how could you NOT? But, we are all here cheering you on and wishing there was more we could do to help you.

    We will be waiting patiently for the good news after Brians appt tomorrow. In the meantime, hang in there. Don't ever doubt yourself. You are a strong, loving, caring woman and you can do this!!!

    Now, no more reports of not sleeping. Got it?


    Melinda :D

  3. Val,

    Don't worry about failing. Just follow the directions and make sure when making the "rue" you use LOW HEAT. I'm not a good cook at all. I made this over the past weekend and it turned out perfectly. It was awesome. Thanks for sharing it PAT!! Any other great recipes like this are welcome!! I can always use a new dinner to try on the kids.

    Does anyone know when the recipe book will be available?


  4. My hobby right now is coaching cheerleading. I have been coaching for 6 years. The girls are in 5th and 6th grade. They cheer at football games and are preparing for a cheer competition we have on October 23. It is a great feeling to see all their hard work paying off...they really work SO hard.

    I also am a huge sports fanatic (especially the Bears). I watch as much football as my free time allows. NFL, college, and my sons team too. Can never get enough!


  5. Hi Joanie,

    There is absolutely NO reason why anyone should be treated this way at work.

    You aren't there to be kicked around and you should make that perfectly clear. You can only take so much...I think you've been pushed way past that point. I'm sending you prayers of strength to make the decision to make some changes!

    Good luck...I know it is so easy to say, much harder to take action. But, you really do deserve much better.


  6. Addie and Pat aren't the only two celebrating today!!!!!!! But, I'm celebrating for a different reason. ONE YEAR ago today I received the call that my Mom had been dx with lung cancer. The doctor she went to see initially told her she had THREE TO SIX months. Here we are a year later....guess he didn't know what he was talking about huh? YIPPEEEEEE

    Just wanted to share my story for anyone who thinks that statistics are important.

    My Mom has her next appt in a couple weeks. Hopefully she wll continue to respond to the Tarceva. Please keep her in your prayers.


  7. Kelly,

    Oh no...I'm sorry to hear the news about your Mom.

    I sure hope she decides to try the new chemo. I'll keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer for you.

    PS.... I sure know what you mean about not being "done" with her yet. With your support she's bound to be feeling much better soon.


  8. Beth,

    I had been thinking and wondering how you two were doing. What great news!!!!!! Hip Hip Hoooooraaaay!

    I think you are doing just what the doctor ordered..taking the afternoon off work to just enjoy each other. Perfect!

    Hope you having a wonderful day. :D


  9. I wish I had some great advice for you. But, what a very heartbreaking situation you are in.

    It has to be so discouraging for your Dad to have them tell him there is nothing else they can do. I can't even imagine how I would react. I'm SURE your strength will come from within when you need to be strong. (It's amazing how much we can really pull off when we need to.)

    And I'm sure your father knows how much you love him....but I would continue to let him know how much he means to you and that you will be by his side through the journey ahead.

    I will say a prayer for you and your family. Please keep us posted.


  10. Pat and Brian,

    Wonderful news!

    Book the flight....you two have a wedding to look forward to. Yippeeeeeee

    I found this little quote I wanted to share with you..."The best thing about the future is it only comes ONE day at a time."

    October will be here before you know it... :D

    PS. Don't you have a birthday coming up Pat? I remember you saying the first day of Fall. It has to be in the next day or two right???


  11. Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone on Tarceva has experienced the extreme "dryness."

    My Mom has been on Tarceva since June. In the last few weeks she has seen a change. Her skin, her eyes, and now even her nose is very, very dry. I think I remember reading somewhere about this, but just wanted to make sure it isn't anything to be worried about.



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