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Everything posted by elkiesmom

  1. Carol my husband also has the tightness and the scar feels like as my husband tells me ants running in the opposite direction when he touches it.He also had his surgery July 2005.The tightnes bothers him more then the so called ant feeling. Lorrie
  2. My cousins husband Jim went to sloan yesterday and they agree with his onc in Conn. Today he will start Chemo Carboplatin, Gemzar and Avastin..Has anyone had this combination and what should he expect? I do not know how often or how long Jim will have this treatment. Diane just sent me a quick E mail on her way out with Jim to go to the first Chemo session. I put this in the first post but I am afraid it will get lost in the subject. Lorrie
  3. My cousins husband Jim went to sloan yesterday and they agree with his onc in Conn. Today he will start Chemo Carboplatin, Gemzar and Avastin..Has anyone had this combination and what should he expect? I do not know how often or how long Jim will have this treatment. Diane just sent me a quick E mail on her way out with Jim to go to the first Chemo session. Lorrie
  4. Dr West thak you. I thought I knew everything about lC since gary has gone through it.Surgery to take out his upper right lobe to remove a 10 cm mass and then he had the option for Chemo just in case.I am just so baffled by my cousins husband having so many tumors in his lungs. He had the follow up on after the colon and stomach surgery but was never offered chemo to kill any other cancer cell that might have been persent at the time nor had he ever had a pET scan. To me these are all safe guards and I wish his surgeon at sloan had been doing that for the last three years. I do know that my husband has been getting these scans every three months and even though it is scary everytime they do it when you get the ned you can relax and not worry for a few more months.Jim was only getting a colonoscopy (sp) and I feel that wasn't enough. I am sorry I am rambling but Jim is Young only 61 and I feel that this could have been prevented.
  5. Mary I guess you and a lot of the others are right about the rad. Jim did have the pet and ct scan and that is when the onc said no to rad. In his x ray it only showed a 2 1/2 mass but the pet showed them all. Lorrie
  6. Thanks mary but I can't help but think that they only did an x ray two months ago and even though it did not show anything we all know that sometimes x rays will not give a true pictureso this next pet and CT scan will show all.I have to reassure ny self that if they find anything it can be treated early but gary will be devestated. he thinks all is well.he is positive and I am a what if type of person.
  7. Has your cousin's husband had a second opinion yet?>>>>>> No he hasn't that is why his other surgeon at sloan is going to look over all his test results and maybe suggest that Jim should come to Sloan where he had his other cancers treated.When Jim had the stomach and Colon surgery there they did get it all but didn't do a follow up with chemo like Gary did.Maybe they only do the follow up Chemo only for LC I don't know but we were told that even though they thought they got all the cancer and no lymph nodes were involved this was just a precaution so I do not see why they wouldn't do that for other cancers. Lorrie
  8. Dihen That is what my cousin said also but when Gary had his surgery they said not to have rad only because it would melt the fat that they used in the resection of his bronchi tube. He did have Chemo after surgery just in case.
  9. My cousins husband had three years ago stomach and colon cancer. Surgery was done at sloan and they got it all. He now has LC nscle Adenocarcinoma (The smae as his stomavh and colon) and the pet scan shows many tumors in both lungs and a spot on his spine.He is devestated as is my cousin and all of us. His ONC that he just got wants to put him on chemo and was told they do not do RAD on the lungs is this true? Any help would be greatly appreciated. You have helped gary and myself so much in the past.I am so worried on two levels one is Jim and the other is Gary who so far is ned but he is going for his three month scans in Jan. It just seems like our family is falling apart since both my sil have had breast cancer also in the last two years.
  10. Thank you Ann for your kind words and prayers. Lorrie
  11. elkiesmom

    prayers please

    I have not posted in awhile but I do read this wonderful board all the time. My cousin's husband has just been diag with LC. A few years back he had stomach and colon cancer and he is fine and all tests show ned. This is a new primary cancer and if you pray for him I know it would help.I sent her this web site also and told her this site is by far the best around.You all have helped me so very much. gary so far is doing fine and in sept for his three month scans showed ned. two weeks ago gary got a sore on the roof of his mouth and last week they have taken a biopsy of that and another lump in the same area. We will get the results friday.A little prayer would be appreciated for Gary also.
  12. Thank you Kasey.I am sure it is an age issue but post LC ya never know. BTW it is great being back again. I will be posting again when we get back home Gary and I both need this great board. Lorrie
  13. Lilly even though Gary had great veins it soon got difficult to put the IV poison in him and he also had only one nurse that did a great job. He has said if he ever needs chemo again he will have a port. We could see how easy and fast things went with the one's with the port and the few without it. Good luck. Lorrie
  14. A little late but I hope you had a very happy B day.I hope all is well with you. Lorrie
  15. I haven't posted in awhile I just needed a break. Gary and I are going to drive to NH tomorrow and visit with his brother and family for two weeks.I worry some because Gary's knee and hip hurt but the hip did hurt before being diag with LC. When we get back most of sept will be blood work,Xray this time ( wish it was a scan and then the results.My mental vacation is over and I look forward to be posting on this board again. Lorrie
  16. What great news. Way to go. gee I can't say enough. Lorrie
  17. Thank you all with your kind and heart felt words. We all need good news and I must thank you all for letting me share my news with you. Love Lorrie
  18. Dogs are the best medicine and I feel you cannot spoil them enough. They give you so much LOVE in return. You are their life.
  19. Ellen I am not disciplined at all Gary is the strong one and with the visit to Ca between the scan and ONC visit and Gary saying there is nothing more we can do but have a good time I almost made it though it crossed my mind a few times.
  20. Meredith that is Morgan my daughters dog. She is a wonderful dog.We have three yappers as my grandson calles them. A Papillion,doxie and a mini schnauzer. We love them to death but in my dreams there is a lab waiting for me. Did you read Marley and Me.I laughed all through out the book. If you love labs read the book it is a true story. Congrats on your NED results how great it feels after we are told. Lorrie
  21. First I must say I am sorry about not posting on this board.I even forgot my pass word and had to get a new one. When this board went down a few months back I had a hard time getting back on only to find out when I copied and pasted the new address I added the period.Back to the Great news Gary had his scan two weeks ago then we went back to Ca half work related and the other half seeing our grand kids again. We didn't worry about the scan results until we came back Sat and Tuesday our wonderful ONC said those three letters.NED.I am bursting. We have been so blessed. Love Lorrie
  22. We just got back from the heart doc and all the tests came back great.Thank you all for letting me worry out loud. Now what else is on my worry to do list. Thankyou Lorrie
  23. We just got back from the heart Doc and all the test results are great. We all ready knew after the cardac cath that his arteries were good but we were waiting for the echo results and his heart looks great. tina we told the doc that Gary was taking an extra water pill and the doc said stop but take the higher dose cardizem cd since it is helping the many PVC's Gary has been having.The Doctor said on the holtor monitor during 3000 events gary was having 2500 pvc's during each event. This will not hurt him though???????His hdl ldl and trig was 187 but his hdl was 40. I questioned the doctor since I had just been to my Doc that am and even though my total was 247 (with meds)my hdl was 85. I have taken meds since I was 40 and that is a great hdl number but my total level is genetic and not what I eat.Without meds I was 335 total. So Gary is on as of now a low fat diet per me.I never understood how at his 235 + lb and my 115 lbs could give such reverse numbers but most doctors just go by the total numbers. Gee I am getting off track anyway his doc said his 40 is just on the normal side.He also said for gary to stop caffine which will be no problem for him (me it would be) but when I told the doctor what about all of his asthma med since they are all uppers he said I was right but for gary to stop his ONE cup of coffee a day.So we still do not know why the tightness in his chest or pvs's and can just asume it is from the surgery and Asthma and maybe Chemo.Like you also said Stress most likely plays a part also. Since being diag with LC he has worked twice as hard at work just to prove he is OK. The CEO told him to take it easy but it is not the way gary is. MEN> Thankyou Tina Lorrie
  24. Thankyou all but I felt after thinking about what I posted I was throwing this board into a diiferent illness. When I first posted about Gery's chest tightness I was told to get a heart doctor and I did convince Gary to follow your advice and I wanted to thank you all but the more I thought about the topic I did believe I made a mistake and that is why I reposted today. I do so need this board since Gary will have scans every three months and what I would normally not think much about after LC it is hard to ignore even a hang nail. I am so afraid of the future and try not to worry but Gary is my life and has been for 42 + years. Gary on the other hand forgot he even had another scan coming up in june and is going on with life as everything is normal. I know it is not and we will have many more hurdles to overcome.I saw on FNC our congressmen who had LC and he went to Moffit just like us. He said he is fine now but did say LC came back in two years and they (moffitt) took his lung out and he has been cancer free for 4 years. I did tell Gary that but I also told him thanks to the scans this man is fine but I don't want Gary to go through this again. Am I making any sense? I am so sorry I am going on again but I as I have been told am a born worrier. Thank you all for listening. Lorrie
  25. Hi Libby I just read your post and yes the doctors know all of the Meds that Gary takes. Thanks again for caring. Lorrie
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