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Posts posted by kamataca

  1. Wow, Gay. What a cool tribute to a truly unique man. I'm really so glad that you shared it with us. What style and class you have. It may have been hard to play the game his way, but what a gift you gave him.

    Take care of yourself now, too!

    :) Kelly

  2. I'm a bit of a cynic about "patient advocates" after an experience we had a few years ago. The Drs (BC--this was Crohn's related) wanted to boot mom out of the hospital WAY before she was stable, and we were arguing against it. They sent in a "patient advocate" who pushed their agenda. Finally she admitted that she worked for the hospital as well.

    I'm sure there are great and moral patient advocates out there. Make sure to check them out.

    BTW, Mom did get to stay in a few more days until she was stronger, and we've never been back to tht hospital. I can be a real pain in the a** when someone is messing with my family!

    :) , Kelly

  3. isn't it great to have a Dr you can trust to tell you the truth? I love that about Mom's b-day.

    Unfortunately, I can't advise you on any of your questions. Mom couldn't do chemo and could only do radiation on her skull. I know folks here can help you out.

    Take care and keep us posted!

    :) , Kelly

  4. 1) Someone messing with my kids--God help them! I can be kind of a she-bear.

    2) People who jump to conclusions without checking my side of a story first.

    3) Folks who think that the rules that the rest of us follow don't apply to them.

    Wow. Now I'm all revved up. I'd bette not go get in my car and drive anywhere for at least 30 minutes.

    :) , Kelly

  5. So, you'll note a trend: probably everyone here will advise you not to bother with the statistics. It's not that we are all ignorant of what''s out there, but we see (and read about) amazing progress everyday.

    Like you, I was worried when my mom was first diagnosed, and I was briefly obsessed by the numbers. Go to the Survivors section, and see how the other half is living! This board offers so much hope.

    I'm sorry you had to seek us out, but you've come to a good place. Keep us posted on your Mom.

    :) Kelly

  6. Pat,

    I don't have any magical words for you, but you shared some great ones with us. I'm thankful that you can be so very honest in what you said. Sometimes just putting it in writing helps, for me at least.

    So every now and then--for a really good cause--I try to trick God. You know that part about needing to pray like children? I figure now's a good time to bring on the kids. I'll have my students pray for both you and Brian tomorrow. See if we can bend the Big Guy's ear a bit.

    Take care of your self, and keep us posted.

    :) , Kelly

  7. Lori,

    I know how hard this is on both you and your mom. There may come a time when she is ready to go out, even if it means in a wheelchair. For a while my mom didn't like to be seen with her oxygen, and getting places is tought for her too. I am happy to announce that she did get to a place where she would go to sporting events, even if it meant we had to help her, or carry her O2 for her.

    How good of you to not make her feel bad for her decision to stay back. This really is a baby step process sometimes, and then other times progress is made by leaps and bounds. At least it is with my mom.

    Good luck to you this week!

    :) Kelly

  8. Let me echo Don's sentiment: Sometimes it is a rgeat gift to "let" someone take care of you. I know that when my mom was diagnosed. everyone wanted to know what they could do to help. Finally we started to let other people help, and trust them. Suddenly we had dozens of people to drive mom to radiation, dr. appointments, folks fixed her meals, or just stopped by to chat. The 'helpers' couldn't thank us enough for letting them help. Odd, huh?

    So if you feel the need to extend something tangible, a gift card would be fine. Even better would be a heartfelt letter written to make sure your friend knows how much you appreciate her.

    :) , Kelly

  9. I've answered this question a bunch on this site, mostly because Tarceva has so far been wonder drug for my mom. She has had the side effects (rash, dry skin, diarrhea, mouth sores--though not all at the same time), but her tumors have not grown since she was on it. Her dr. has said it will probably be a life-long med for her, but she can live with that.

    Remember that everyone reacts differently. Soon you will have your own story to add to all of ours! Good luck with it, and let us know how she is doing.

    :) Kelly

  10. Kerry,

    What a frustrating time for you and your Mom! I know this is tough. I echo everyone's sentiments on getting everything checked out. My mom has a pretty complex medical history, but we've been so focused on the canncer part of it for the last 6 months that we sometimes forget there is more to her physically.

    She's lucky to have you advocating for her and pushing for answers. I hope you find some soon. Let us know how it works out.

    :) Kelly

  11. I've only lived in 2, but as best as I can figure I've visited about 13. I've completely missed out on the whole New England and Northwest states. Plus, poor me has never been to Alaska ( I could live with that) or Hawaii (too sad for words).

    :) Kelly

  12. I've spent most of my life in Oklahoma, in the heart of tornado alley, and I LOVE storms. Now, I certainly don't want to wish destruction on anyone, but seeing the sky alive with lightning, hearing the thunder roll, seeing sheets of rain blow in out of the blue...it really gets my blood pumping. Our years in MN, with only one or two 'good' thunderstorms a spring just felt flat to me.

    Jimmy Buffett says that, "The sound of the weather is heaven's ragtime band." I love that!

    :) Kelly

  13. Karen,

    It seems like your family has really had to carry more that its fair share of burdens. I hope you can find some relief soon. My soul has been calmed many times by what I have read at this site, so I hope you can find some comfort her as well.

    Take care of yourself, and let us know how your FIL is progressing.

    :) Kelly

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