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Posts posted by kamataca

  1. I'm a BIG believer in the power of venting. Sometimes we just need to let it all out, and this board provides a great place to do so safely.

    We've all been there, and we're all glad for the folks who pull us out of that place. Hope your feeling better soon!

    :) Kelly

  2. Mom had more of an adolescent acne breakout at first, but it cleared up. Now she has 'crocodile skin', but it doesn't cause her any discomfort. Her tumors haven't shrunk any, but they haven't grown either. We call that a victory and take it.

    Right now, Tarceva is her only option (as in, not chemo, radiation, or surgery for fear of damaging the little 'good lung' she has left), and we are very happy with it.

    :) Kelly

  3. I honestly don't know. My mom is only on Tarceva, but at her onc. app't this week he said that they may think about chemo in the future. I don't know why they would do this, as her tumors haven't grown significantly, and they have told her they can't cure it.

    Keep asking the questions. Someone will have the answers for you.

    Good luck!

    :) Kelly

  4. Wow....what a shock for you. I don't have any answers for you, but you are asking some important questions. I hope you acn find what you are looking for medically. There are so many knowledgeable folks around here, you are sure to find some help.

    Good luck to you!

    :) Kelly

  5. Your mom is lucky to have you there asking the important questions!

    We have sought second opinions when we felt they were necessary. You bring up a good point, though, in that whatever you do has to fit in your mom's comfort level. Sometimes that is hard for us caregivers, to remember that our Moms (or whomever) love us, but these decisions are ultimately theirs to make.

    It's easy to second guess medical decisions. At least you won't have to second guess if your mom knows she has your love!

    :) kelly

  6. After battling with the insurance companies and doctor's office for a few weeks, Mom finally got to go see the ENT (who ruled out the cancer in her vocal cords!!!).

    While this is GREAT news, the stress of actually getting to the Dr's office was annoying and an unnecessary delay. The Dr himself was fabulous, but his office staff was horrible. Although she had be recommended to this particular Dr by her onc. and pulm., the "ladies" in the ENT's office told my mom she should find a another Dr. Apparently Mom would have to pay 20% upfront if she went to the chosen Dr--no exceptions.

    After convincing Mom that we kids would all split the cost with her if it got to be too much, she finally got the app't (weeks passed during this time). The office staff reminded us several times that she would have to pay the 20% up front. Enough already.

    At the end of the day, Mom's part was $38.00. I offered to spilt it with her. :lol: All that fuss for a lousy $38.

    But the diagnosis...priceless!

    :) Kelly

  7. Turns out that the cancer on Mom's vocal cords...isn't! We received confirmation today that the spots are benign. Talk about one less thing to worry about.

    Mom's attitude is visibly improved in one short office visit (how unique). She has been depressed for about the last month, but she is on top of the world right now.

    I'll take it!

    :) Kelly

  8. Since I've just been blessed with such a revelation, I thought I'd share. :)

    Last week I took time off and went to the mountains with a friend for a week of backpacking. We go every year, but this year I couldn't get motivated for the trip and almost cancelled it. Looking back I can see that I was suffering from insomnia, and the daily stress of being a caregiver (for someone who has taken care of me all my life) was wearing me down. My husband encouraged me to go, and wouldn't let me back out of the trip.

    Don't tell him, but he was right. :wink: It's not as if I forgot all my worries, but I was removed from them for awhile. I guess I don't have any more control over Mom's health here than I did in the mountains, out of communication, but I was able to let go. I also had to trust that if anything did come up, others would take care of it. And they did!

    Mom goes back in tomorrow to find out more about her vocal cords, and I'll be with her, but for today I will go over and show her all of my pictures from the trip, and tell her my tall tales. Turns out, she's glad I went too.

    So take care of yourselves as well!

    :) Kelly

  9. Hey Lorrie!

    We'll pray for continued recovery. Be sure to take care of yourself during this time, too.

    In my mom's non-cancer-related surgeries, she had different emotional reactions that we generally attibuted to the anesthesia. We laugh about some of them now. I didn't understand it myself until I had surgery some years ago. I remember feeling out of control, and crying a lot (very un-me). Hopefully you guys will move past this soon.

    How lucky to have such a supportive you to help out!

    :) Kelly

  10. Ask for help everywhere you go. My mom has been able to have her Tarceva free, bc her Dr was able to work "something" with the drug company. (Mom had NO drug insurance) The hospital she was admitted to the last two times is not-for-profit, and has reduced her bill by 90%.

    The process to accomplish all of this is FULL of red tape, and is complicated, but sometimes you get lucky. At first my mom found it hard to ask for all of this financial help, as she liked to think of herself as independent and able to take care of herself. Now she is a pro at asking Dr's for samples of meds (they often have them from the drug companies) and anything else.

    What she has learned (as have we all, in helping her through the paperwork) is to not rely on anything, but ask for everything. The worst people can do is say No, right?

    Good luck to you. The cancer fight is hard enough with out the insurance / money dance. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    :) Kelly

  11. After being down in the dumps for the past week or so, my Mom decided to go to my cousin's baby shower...even though I couldn't go. She even had to drive about 200 miles (on her own) to get there, and stay overnight.

    I loaded her car with all of her oxygen paraphernalia (she's on 24/7) and off she went. It's great to see her striking out on her own, with a bit more confidence. She's physically capable of doing this, but hasn't been mentally up to it for awhile.

    I'm leaving tomorrow for a week to go backpacking in CO. I'm a little nervous about being out of touch and inable to communicate, but I know there are others who can take care of things while I'm gone. My husband thinks this will be good for me, so I'll take him at his word.

    :) Kelly

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