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    Lahalsa got a reaction from Justin1970 in Introduction...3.5 cm Right Lower Lobe mass   
    Right on Tom!!!! I look for my results every hour until they show up!!! I'll google what I don't understand but I want to know ASAP!!
  2. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from MzShanon in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Thanks Lou and Laurel - I really appreciate it!
    Reading others' stories on here has inspired hope - especially since my research on SCLC with malignant pleural effusion says I'll be dead in 3-12 months. THAT had my chin in the dirt for a few hours...but I am ready to fight...I have PUSHED my "Team" (who knew I'd be getting a team) to get me into every test absolutely as fast as possible regardless of where I have to go to get it (I've been to 3 different cities for testing) - hence, the reason I was able to get it all done so quickly - and now I'm begging them to start my treatment NEXT week (so funny, only people on here would probably understand someone BEGGING for chemo).
    I am ready to fight - happy to hear about rapid advances in treatment - and - that maybe this is not an automatic death sentence - or - at least not such an immediate death sentence! I ride an 850 pound Harley Davidson (by myself) - my husband and I ride our bikes every weekend and just rode 250-300 miles Sunday - it's hard for me to imagine that I won't be here in a few months - it doesn't even make sense!
    So, instead of thinking about how long I have before I die, I'm going to focus on fighting.  Thanks for sharing your chemo experience Laurel - of course I'm super nervous about it - still working full-time of course - I've just been taking sick time as needed for tests/procedures thus far...hoping I can continue working - even through treatment - just taking a day - or days - as needed for any ill effects. I've had long hair my whole life - it's 3/4's of the way down my back - and I know it's vain, stupid, and a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm already grieving the loss of my hair (how long till that happens?).  
    I appreciate your comments Lou and Laurel - thank you for taking the time to greet and educate/share with me!
  3. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Tom Galli in Who has Small Cell Lung Cancer?   
    Hi Cheryl! Just diagnosed a couple weeks ago and preparing to start chemo treatment possibly next week.  I know it's different for everyone and dependent upon which drugs you're on - but can you tell me what to generally expect?
  4. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from LouT in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Thanks Lou and Laurel - I really appreciate it!
    Reading others' stories on here has inspired hope - especially since my research on SCLC with malignant pleural effusion says I'll be dead in 3-12 months. THAT had my chin in the dirt for a few hours...but I am ready to fight...I have PUSHED my "Team" (who knew I'd be getting a team) to get me into every test absolutely as fast as possible regardless of where I have to go to get it (I've been to 3 different cities for testing) - hence, the reason I was able to get it all done so quickly - and now I'm begging them to start my treatment NEXT week (so funny, only people on here would probably understand someone BEGGING for chemo).
    I am ready to fight - happy to hear about rapid advances in treatment - and - that maybe this is not an automatic death sentence - or - at least not such an immediate death sentence! I ride an 850 pound Harley Davidson (by myself) - my husband and I ride our bikes every weekend and just rode 250-300 miles Sunday - it's hard for me to imagine that I won't be here in a few months - it doesn't even make sense!
    So, instead of thinking about how long I have before I die, I'm going to focus on fighting.  Thanks for sharing your chemo experience Laurel - of course I'm super nervous about it - still working full-time of course - I've just been taking sick time as needed for tests/procedures thus far...hoping I can continue working - even through treatment - just taking a day - or days - as needed for any ill effects. I've had long hair my whole life - it's 3/4's of the way down my back - and I know it's vain, stupid, and a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm already grieving the loss of my hair (how long till that happens?).  
    I appreciate your comments Lou and Laurel - thank you for taking the time to greet and educate/share with me!
  5. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Laurel77 in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Thanks Lou and Laurel - I really appreciate it!
    Reading others' stories on here has inspired hope - especially since my research on SCLC with malignant pleural effusion says I'll be dead in 3-12 months. THAT had my chin in the dirt for a few hours...but I am ready to fight...I have PUSHED my "Team" (who knew I'd be getting a team) to get me into every test absolutely as fast as possible regardless of where I have to go to get it (I've been to 3 different cities for testing) - hence, the reason I was able to get it all done so quickly - and now I'm begging them to start my treatment NEXT week (so funny, only people on here would probably understand someone BEGGING for chemo).
    I am ready to fight - happy to hear about rapid advances in treatment - and - that maybe this is not an automatic death sentence - or - at least not such an immediate death sentence! I ride an 850 pound Harley Davidson (by myself) - my husband and I ride our bikes every weekend and just rode 250-300 miles Sunday - it's hard for me to imagine that I won't be here in a few months - it doesn't even make sense!
    So, instead of thinking about how long I have before I die, I'm going to focus on fighting.  Thanks for sharing your chemo experience Laurel - of course I'm super nervous about it - still working full-time of course - I've just been taking sick time as needed for tests/procedures thus far...hoping I can continue working - even through treatment - just taking a day - or days - as needed for any ill effects. I've had long hair my whole life - it's 3/4's of the way down my back - and I know it's vain, stupid, and a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm already grieving the loss of my hair (how long till that happens?).  
    I appreciate your comments Lou and Laurel - thank you for taking the time to greet and educate/share with me!
  6. Like
    Lahalsa reacted to LilyMir in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Hi and welcome to this wonderful group. The others gave you great advice but I will add a recommendation to try and rest so you give your body healing time. If you can have it or can afford it, consider taking medical leave so you can focus your energy on healing. This may also protect you this winter as COVID surges while your immunity is likely to be compromised due to chemo. Stay positive and hopefully you hear good news soon about your treatment working. Best wishes.
  7. Like
    Lahalsa reacted to Justin1970 in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Hi lahalsa 
    I'm really sorry you have to be here, as the others have said it's not the automatic death sentence it once was and we have all felt like you are in the beginning, please stay as strong and positive as you can it will help, I was worried about the chemotherapy and radiotherapy but it wasn't as bad as I had made it in my mind I was also worried about losing my hair but it just thinned out, you will get through this and everyone on this site is with you and praying for you 
    Take care Justin x 
  8. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Tom Galli in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Thanks Lou and Laurel - I really appreciate it!
    Reading others' stories on here has inspired hope - especially since my research on SCLC with malignant pleural effusion says I'll be dead in 3-12 months. THAT had my chin in the dirt for a few hours...but I am ready to fight...I have PUSHED my "Team" (who knew I'd be getting a team) to get me into every test absolutely as fast as possible regardless of where I have to go to get it (I've been to 3 different cities for testing) - hence, the reason I was able to get it all done so quickly - and now I'm begging them to start my treatment NEXT week (so funny, only people on here would probably understand someone BEGGING for chemo).
    I am ready to fight - happy to hear about rapid advances in treatment - and - that maybe this is not an automatic death sentence - or - at least not such an immediate death sentence! I ride an 850 pound Harley Davidson (by myself) - my husband and I ride our bikes every weekend and just rode 250-300 miles Sunday - it's hard for me to imagine that I won't be here in a few months - it doesn't even make sense!
    So, instead of thinking about how long I have before I die, I'm going to focus on fighting.  Thanks for sharing your chemo experience Laurel - of course I'm super nervous about it - still working full-time of course - I've just been taking sick time as needed for tests/procedures thus far...hoping I can continue working - even through treatment - just taking a day - or days - as needed for any ill effects. I've had long hair my whole life - it's 3/4's of the way down my back - and I know it's vain, stupid, and a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm already grieving the loss of my hair (how long till that happens?).  
    I appreciate your comments Lou and Laurel - thank you for taking the time to greet and educate/share with me!
  9. Sad
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Tom Galli in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    I have a >5 to <7 right hilar mass, determined to small cell.  I've had CTs, MRI/Brain, and PET scan, and while there does not appear to be any obvious distant spread, my tumor is invading the mediastinal space between the lungs and I have pleural effusion, which the radiologist stated was "likely malignant," which would put me in Stage IV.  My case is being staged this Friday morning. I found out that I "likely" had lung cancer 5 weeks ago; this week I'm looking at a Stage IV SCLC diagnosis, starting systemic chemo treatment next week, and likely not surviving long enough to see my grandkids graduate high school. Pretty overwhelming.
    Been coughing since February/March...but wasn't bad and didn't really both me.  Cough worsened just before I left on my 2-week motorcycle trip, and about mid-trip, I started to have difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.  The minute I returned, I contacted my PCP and she referred me for a CT - took 2.5 weeks to get in to get one - and the rest is history. 
    Shocked, wondering what chemo is going to do to me, wondering how I'll manage work and planning for my potential demise in whatever time I have left.
  10. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Justin1970 in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Thanks Lou and Laurel - I really appreciate it!
    Reading others' stories on here has inspired hope - especially since my research on SCLC with malignant pleural effusion says I'll be dead in 3-12 months. THAT had my chin in the dirt for a few hours...but I am ready to fight...I have PUSHED my "Team" (who knew I'd be getting a team) to get me into every test absolutely as fast as possible regardless of where I have to go to get it (I've been to 3 different cities for testing) - hence, the reason I was able to get it all done so quickly - and now I'm begging them to start my treatment NEXT week (so funny, only people on here would probably understand someone BEGGING for chemo).
    I am ready to fight - happy to hear about rapid advances in treatment - and - that maybe this is not an automatic death sentence - or - at least not such an immediate death sentence! I ride an 850 pound Harley Davidson (by myself) - my husband and I ride our bikes every weekend and just rode 250-300 miles Sunday - it's hard for me to imagine that I won't be here in a few months - it doesn't even make sense!
    So, instead of thinking about how long I have before I die, I'm going to focus on fighting.  Thanks for sharing your chemo experience Laurel - of course I'm super nervous about it - still working full-time of course - I've just been taking sick time as needed for tests/procedures thus far...hoping I can continue working - even through treatment - just taking a day - or days - as needed for any ill effects. I've had long hair my whole life - it's 3/4's of the way down my back - and I know it's vain, stupid, and a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I'm already grieving the loss of my hair (how long till that happens?).  
    I appreciate your comments Lou and Laurel - thank you for taking the time to greet and educate/share with me!
  11. Sad
    Lahalsa got a reaction from Justin1970 in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    I have a >5 to <7 right hilar mass, determined to small cell.  I've had CTs, MRI/Brain, and PET scan, and while there does not appear to be any obvious distant spread, my tumor is invading the mediastinal space between the lungs and I have pleural effusion, which the radiologist stated was "likely malignant," which would put me in Stage IV.  My case is being staged this Friday morning. I found out that I "likely" had lung cancer 5 weeks ago; this week I'm looking at a Stage IV SCLC diagnosis, starting systemic chemo treatment next week, and likely not surviving long enough to see my grandkids graduate high school. Pretty overwhelming.
    Been coughing since February/March...but wasn't bad and didn't really both me.  Cough worsened just before I left on my 2-week motorcycle trip, and about mid-trip, I started to have difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.  The minute I returned, I contacted my PCP and she referred me for a CT - took 2.5 weeks to get in to get one - and the rest is history. 
    Shocked, wondering what chemo is going to do to me, wondering how I'll manage work and planning for my potential demise in whatever time I have left.
  12. Like
    Lahalsa reacted to Laurel77 in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Hey Lahalsa!
    Oh my goodness, I know your fears all too well, as everyone here does. The initial diagnosis is terrifying. The waiting is excruciating, the tests, the scans, the worry, the HORROR ...ugh. ..we've all been there. Sending a huge hug to you!! You WILL get through this. Each day that passes will bring you more resolve to fight the fight, and fight you must.
    KNOW, that cancer treatment has come farther in the past 5 years than it has in the past 50. Also, as Lou said, many people here were diagnosed with stage 3 and 4 DECADES ago and are still going strong. Cancer is NOT a death sentence.
     I am recently diagnosed myself with stage 3 lung cancer which spread to the nodes near my collarbone. The thought of starting chemo and radiation scared me even more than the cancer did. Now, it has just become my new routine. It is not as bad as you fear, and I had myself all worked up over it for nothing. For any side effect you may (or may not) get, there are meds and tips to make you feel better. Last Tuesday was my first chemo treatment, and I am 12 days into the daily radiation treatments. The first two days after chemo were fine. The 3rd, I felt some fatigue and nausea. By the 5th day, I was back to work.
    I think you will find, as I did, that the care teams are absolutely wonderful people, and will do everything they can to help you through this. We will be here for you as well!!
    Fight the fight, darlin'. You've got this!
    Peace and love to you,
  13. Like
    Lahalsa reacted to LouT in Newly diagnosed Poorly Differentiated Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (right lung); likely Stage IV   
    Welcome to the club nobody wants to be a part of.  The first thing I can tell you is that lung cancer is not the automatic death sentence it once was.  So please take everything one step at a time.  Our forum is filled with survivors some were diagnosed many years ago.  You'll soon be hearing from others who were also diagnosed at Stage 3 and 4 and you should ask any and all questions you have on your mind.  Nothing is ridiculous or off-limits.
    Next I'd like you to take a read on a blog titled "10 Steps to Surviving Lung Cancer; from a Survivor".  It can be found here.  BTW, the writer is still here 18 years after a Stage 3 & 4 diagnosis.
    Keep posting and coming back.  You're not alone now.
  14. Like
    Lahalsa got a reaction from LouT in Introduction...3.5 cm Right Lower Lobe mass   
    Right on Tom!!!! I look for my results every hour until they show up!!! I'll google what I don't understand but I want to know ASAP!!
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