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Everything posted by HopeRynagh

  1. Hi Kamoto, I'm kind of new to all this site, signing in from Ireland. Just read this and am so so glad for you. Please let me know how you are doing when you get the chance. Would love to hear from you all as I have no group here with people who share this I have had surgery two years ago and then some chemo..... On another note I want to travel to the desert in Arazona or thereabout spend some time there. Does anybody have any idea how I could plan a trip like that??? I feel there is great healing there, or am I just cracking up!!!
  2. Hi Tom,

    I just read your story and am so amazed by how no matter what you just went with it all, no over thinking just

    going for it, I love it. You endured no matter what, it fills me with admiration and when I look back at my terror filled days I kinda tried to do the same.  It was almost as if I fooled myself into pretending it was happening to someone else all the procedures, chemo surgery the works. That was the only way I could get through.  You let me know a while back about scan anxiety and you have helped me so much as I always take a zanak now and

    yes it has saved me. I must visit these sites more often but really get trouble accessing them. But I will keep trying. Love to you all.




  3. Hi there, just read your piece Judy m2 and it gives me great hope and heart. I love getting positive news. In my country no repeat pet scans just Ct. I have to be happy with them should I ask for a repeat. It's been 2 yrs for me. I'm of course so happy with that. C T thorax and upper abdomen. Every 6 months I have them.
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