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Everything posted by icbn

  1. I have. I will not forget anyone here. All will remain in my prayers. It is amazing how quickly we can get close to others; to their joys and good news, and how deeply the opposite will affect you. You guys are great for each other. You have been for me. Both in knowledge and support. I hate to hear that some seem to believe my defense of the sensitivity of members who received the poison PMs was the act of a bully. The irony is I have spent my life protecting others from bullies. Maybe its time to just live quietly and not be in anymore battles.
  2. icbn

    PET SCAN question

    Both answers are correct. The need to keep Blood Sugars low is also due to the fact that the radioactive isotopes are in a glucose solution. Glucose is sugar. If your Blood sugar is too high before the test the tests cannot be given since the glucose will only drive it higher.
  3. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. My sincere condolences and best wishes for your family.
  4. See why I must leave. Please cancel my membership Kate. I am unable to edit it out.
  5. Thanks Katie, I truly appreciate 99.9% of this community. You and so many here have been a Dodsend. Not only in the support received, but seeing all the bravery from each helps keeps one grounded that we are not alone, not the worse off, we are a community bent on survival. But along with others who have received poison PMs, I don't like receiving thinly veiled "curses" in my PM from a member. I don't like that she can refer to our support of each other as a "pity party" or say our cancers are the result of our "nastiness" and sucking on those "cancer sticks" and still remain a member. If her remarks were limited to me alone it would not be a problem. I'm too clueless to be offended by anyone. But she has spit at every member that addresses her. At this point in our lives I think it is safe to assume we don't need her animosity and curses against us. Yet the only thing done about it is to remove the negative comments people have made against her at her request. Again, I love this place and admire what you have done here. I just don't need to keep an open PM door to this type of animosity from one deviant. The PM is her only connection with us. I guess I want to break that channel. I have a cancer to fight and don't need to expend my energy on her issues.
  6. I start my first round of radiation tomorrow. From what I have learned here it will be 2-3 weeks before any side effects kick in. At first i was hesitant to share the news with all now, I wouldn't want my request for information about new treatments to be construed as having a "pity Party". Because of this new influence on the boards, I think I will use the start of this treatment as a time to take a brief hiatus from the LCSC. At least until the smoke clears. Take Care and may God grant all of you a return to health and happiness.
  7. TAnn I am so sorry to hear the news. I am glad you are looking at special clinics. To that end I saw this posted elsewhere on the LC boards tonight and thought it would be helpful to you. www.corpangelnetwork.org It is the availability of free flights for cancer patients to Cancer Treatment Centers. They require a 3 week notice of your appointment date. It may help diminish distance and expense from standing in your way of being cured. I am praying for you.
  8. icbn

    Update on Z...

    That is great news Z. Great news. Even though doubtful, if a mistake, to be cancer free is a true blessing. The cough will go away. After surgery I was fat and ugly, had hiccups real bad at first and then a cough. The hiccups and cough went away. Now I'm just fat and ugly like before the surgery.
  9. Beta, welcome to the group. We are sorry you needed to look us up. Read the signature below the posts of people. You will see their individual battles and how there are many with Stage IV dx that are still here and kicking. Your father's age is going for him. So is the fact he has a loved one like you pulling for him. Our prayers are with you.
  10. You and Bri are on our minds and close to our hearts every step of the way.
  11. Linus it sounds like nerve pain. Probably the median nerve from the neck. It could just be from sleeping on it. I found that Midol helps due to the anti-bloating ingredients helps the nerve's "swelling".
  12. Hollyanne, you have a daughter. Daughters are a gift. You are blessed beyond measure. Just ask your mother.
  13. WElcome Patti. I'm glad you found us, but sorry you had to.
  14. icbn

    Pet/CT results

    Thanks for the good wishes and support. You guys rule.
  15. Bri has been through the wringer. He deserves a break. Here's praying he gets the relief and healing he so richly deserves.
  16. icbn

    Good Results

    Great news, will pray for more great news on the lung CT.
  17. With the machine finally fixed I got the results today. The one swollen lymph node in my medistenum(?) has grown from a 7 to a 12. Originally in August its was a 4. Those all translate into something meaningful, but to me it means smaller now bigger. Bottom line the chemo isn't working so on to radiation. The good news is the Radiation Doctor is a she and is supposed to be real cute. I don't like the news, but if cancer was supposed to be easy I guess they would have found a cure for it by now. Besides no Mets showed up anywhere and the Onc said I've had enough Chemo to satisfy any adjunct help I would have received from it. So now it's time to zap and burn, wait two months after completing radiation, do another PET and ... punt I guess.
  18. Trish, the initial shock makes you feel isolated, confused, overwhelmed and alone. This is where you come to find out you are not. We are here for you. Always in our prayers.
  19. icbn

    PET/CRT Tomorrow

    All of you guys are great. Unbelievably so. The Pet Scan broke so it is rescheduled for Friday after they get the new parts for it in. Results still to be read Tuesday 12/27 by Onc. I guess the Rabbit's foot jinxed the PET Scanner. I was really flattered until it dawned on me you were speaking of my granddaughter.
  20. icbn

    PET/CRT Tomorrow

    Why? The Rabbit's foot didn't do much good for the Rabbit? Thanks Cindi. You're a doll. Bill
  21. I get my first mid-Chemo PET/CRT tomorrow. The post op/pre-Chemo PET/CRT concerned me wondering what all would light up. Fortunately just one lymph node. We already knew two others L-8 Medinstatim(sp) were cancerous. So stayed IIIA. To most here these follow-ups to check the progression or regression is old hat for you. In the short while I've been here your experiences have helped me learn so much and look on LC as a process versus a death sentence. I think everything will be okay. Of course most people call me Pollyanna.
  22. icbn


    I'm Bill.
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