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Andrea B.

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Posts posted by Andrea B.

  1. Dear Andrea,

    Therapy has been a lifesaver for me, and that might even be an understatement. I was lucky enough to have been seeing the most fabulous pyschologist prior to my mom's diagnosis and death. She helped me SO much. Of course, you need to have the right one. I was starting to experience physical conditions due to my anxiety and the therapy even helped with this. I would be more than happy to share more with you.

    Hugs to you.

  2. So glad your sister is finished with her chemo. I will be holding good thoughts that she won't ever need it again!

    I wish it could all be cured and none of us had to suffer with this horrible disease!!

    All my best to you Shelly. I think of you often.

  3. When the cancer metastisized to my mom's liver her appetite went quickly too. She said things either had no taste or tasted bad.

    My mom never liked ensure, but there is a "juice" also that is packed with calories that she drank for awhile. Sorry I can't remember the name.

  4. I too have not posted in a long time...though I still read often. I don't post as often, because I have focused my energy now on dealing with my grief...when I feel healthy again then I will post more, because I would have more to offer.

    Second, I have never felt more vulnerable in my life then after losing my beloved mother. I notice that some posts here are quick to "attack" others when feelings are hurt or words are misconstrued. I know emotions run high, but the last thing I would need is someone attacking me when they dislike something I said. I don't need to focus my energy on soothing someone else when I am in the gutter.

    It saddens me, because it seems to be more of a common place now then when I joined almost 2 years ago.

    This site sustained me at the worst point in my life and I know it does that for others. It was invaluable and I have met so many loving people. I will be forever grateful for this site.

  5. My mom suffered from delirium many many months prior to her passing...it was due to the pain medication. But near the end she was extremely confused and delirious, the cancer spread to her liver. A big sign of the liver function shutting down is encephalopathy (where the immonia from the liver builds in the system and travels to the brain causing confusion). I hope this helps and please remember it could be the pain medication or any combination of medications.

  6. Dearest Carleen,

    ((((Hugs)))) I am so sorry to hear about Keith's pain and the roller coaster ride you both are enduring. Please know you are always in my thoughts and even more so as I wish for good results on the upcoming biopsy. I wish I could take away your pain and fear. Please PM if you need to talk.


    Andrea B.

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