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Andrea B.

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Posts posted by Andrea B.

  1. Dear Andrea,

    First big hug to you!!! I remember the days of having all too much on my plate that made me feel I couldn't face another day. It feels so overwhelming and daunting. I am always here for you, so call me if you need to cry or vent.

    Your mom is in my thoughts.



  2. Hi Stephanie,

    I know how you feel...my mom passed away last year on Easter (April 11). This year Easter is on March 27 and I feel like there are two days this year marking her death. I too have had more anxiety and sadness in the past two weeks that in the past few months. I find myself still not believing she is gone. I too try to except this being part of the grief process, I try to allow myself all of these feelings and hope that the next day might be better. It has to be hard for you being so far away too. Hugs to you and know you aren't alone.

  3. Dear Linda,

    It is so good to see your post! You were always a huge support for me too during my mom's battle. I know the pain and how difficult it is to go through. Thinking of you.


  4. Dear Denise,

    First I am sending you a big hug. I am sorry for your pain, because unfortunately I know it all too well. I too have a lot of anger. Some days seem "fine" and then it all comes rearing its ugly head leaving me crying. My mom's birthday was in January and it was a difficult day for me. I can't believe she isn't here...I miss her hugs, our long talks, time together and her maternal love. I wish I had answers for you, I wish I had answers for me. So I am here for you while we muddle through this awful thing called grief.



  5. Karen, first hugs to you! Second, we did the similiar thing with my mom...put her medication name, dosage amount and amount of times per day into a spreadsheet. Then whenever she took some we would mark it down. It was very helpful to have to make sure she wasn't getting too much. We also could take it with us to the oncologist to show her what my mom had taken. My mom became a little "foggy headed" with it, but the pain was manageable. She figured that was the better alternative.

    My thoughts continue to go out to your family. Blessings.

  6. Dear Lori,

    I am so sorry to hear about all your father, you and your family are going through. I remember that helpless feeling all too well. I am not sure where the cancer is present in your father, but my mom's had spread to her liver which in the end caused her severe confusion, due to encyphalophathy. We called in hospice to help manage her pain and make her more comfortable. She would talk incoherent quite often and also talked of a lot of pain. She was kept very comfortable on a morphine patch as well as liquid morphine, if needed. My mom had a bad reaction to Ativan, so we ruled out any anti-anxiety medication.

    I believe that you should seek help elsewhere if hospice is not providing the needed relief. The local hospice we used helped immeasurably!

    I remember too, the moments of wanting her to just keep breathing forever and wanting her pain and suffering to end. It is a painful time and my heart goes out to you. Feel free to PM if you have questions or need support.

    Blessings to you!

  7. Oh Shelly, thanks for sharing your feelings. You have said so much of exactly what I am feeling! I used to be a carefree, always laughing, happy go lucky. Now I don't know where that person is and whether or not she will ever come back.

    I am tired of waking up and just dragging through the days (yes there are good ones too). But I was talking to my husband the other day and said it is like waking up with this "bad taste" in my mouth that I can't ever get out. I feel I was handed a life that I don't want and now I am trying to figure out what to do with it. I so miss the maternal nurturing and love. I miss that my mom passed away before my daughter was even two. I can't stand the thought that she will never see her grow.

    Sometimes it just hits me like a brick that she is gone. I hear other gals my age complaining about their moms and the relationships and I think, "then why my mom". We had the best relationship and now she is gone. When others can't stand to see their moms more than twice a year. I loved to see my mom daily.

    Somehow we learn to trudge along and with time I am sure the pain eases and we become accustomed to our new "normal". At least this is my hope. I watched Dana Reeve (Christopher Reeve's wife) speak the other day on TV and she spoke of her grief and how she thought she was "fine" and then it just hit her smack in the face.

    Shelly, you are not alone. Big hugs to you. I wish I could take away your pain. I am here if you need to talk.

  8. So sorry to hear about everything Dave (and your family) is enduring. When my mom received shots to rebuild her white blood cells (I am a little confused on the details) it caused her beyond excrutiating pain...she couldn't walk it was so bad. The oncologist told us that is because of something do do with it affecting the bones (not in a bad way)...I know this probably isn't too clear, but thought it might be useful to know.

    Blessings to your family. I keep you in my thoughts.

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