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Andrea B.

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Posts posted by Andrea B.

  1. You sound like a wonderful and caring friend! I like the idea of sending a card or email to let your friend know about this website and that you care. This at least lets her know you are available. When my mom was diagnosed, I had friends that called (cried with me) and offered support. I also had "friends" that once I called upon them for that support were no where to be found, so I quickly learned who to lean upon. If someone would have offered me this website when I was feeling so lost, it would have meant the world to me. I know my mom was tired of being inundated with calls. So I have taken over sending out a weekly update on how my mom is doing. This keeps everyone in touch and mom doesn't have to make 20 phone calls.

    I also am a true believer in that no one will know exactly how you feel until you reach out. Explain to your friend that you don't want to intrude, but when the time is right for her you will be there. In the awful ride of this disease, it truly comforts me knowing I have people who care.

  2. Oh Susan,

    I am so very sorry to hear of your dad's cancer. I can completely empathize. My mom was diagnosed in March with NSCLC and then my dad was diagnosed in June with liver cancer. My dad had surgery and goes in for his follow-up appointment next week. So try to think positive. I know how very hard it is to have one parent with cancer, but two just makes it overwhelming! Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself. Blessings to you and I send you a big hug. Andrea

  3. I think it is inexcusable to have errors that directly effect us so much. We have experienced some of this with my mom's reports and I end up wondering about compassion. I know they have so many patients, but this is my mom!!

    I am sorry you had the scare. I am hoping you will receive some answers soon regarding your RFA. I am also hoping you are getting some relief from the shortness of breath. You are in my prayers.

  4. Hi Cathy,

    Sorry you have to be here, but welcome! Lots of support and information to be had. Your dad sounds like a true fighter and that is wonderful. My mom had that same treatment your dad did. She had 33 radiation treatments in conjunction with the weekly carbo/taxol. The radiation caused difficulty in swallowing and she was given different medications for this. Those side effects cleared up about 3 weeks after her last radiation treatment. I will keep your dad in my prayers for very successful treatments. All my best.


  5. Norme,

    You and Buddy will be in my prayers for good test results! I am sorry for all the confusion you have had to go through.

    Hope you enjoyed the fat free dinner. :)

    Will be thinking of you.


  6. Paula,

    Welcome...sorry you have to be here. But this is a great group of people! You will find lots of support here. Sorry I am not able to answer any of your questions regarding insulin and trials. Please keep us posted on how your dad is doing. All my best to you, Andrea

  7. Carleen,

    So good to hear from you!!! I have been thinking alot about you and Keith lately and praying that everything was good. I am glad to hear for the most part everything is going well. Happy Birthday to Keith and Happy Anniversary to you both! Sounds like you had a nice time celebrating and what a beautiful thing to do...fix up his dream car. I bet he loved that. I do hope you get a little relief from work soon. It is always good to hear from you. Please know you both continue to be in my prayers. All the best, Andrea

  8. Try not to panic (I know easier said then done), but visit a second, third and even fourth doctor until you receive satisfactory answers. I can't tell you how many stories I read about people being misdiagnosed (not to say you have cancer). But please don't take one doctors word...get a PET scan done. Blessings to you and that all turns out for the best.

  9. Sam,

    I am sorry to hear about the news, but please don't give up hope! Hope is what sustains us. You will continue to be in my prayers for good test results. Blessings to you.

  10. I have tears in my eyes as I read each of your posts. It feels so good to have people that understand and care! I struggle so much with feeling alone and very overwhelmed. I appreciate all of you more than you know. Thank you so very much. Hugs to each one of you.

  11. Becky,

    Sorry you didn't get to hear what you wanted (I empathize with you because we didn't either), but it is a great outlook to be positive about no new growths. I am so sorry about the shortness of breath and cough (my mom too is having much trouble with both). I pray you get some relief. Enjoy your little one and hugs to you.

  12. We found out today that there are still active cancer cells present and they have increased slightly. :( But the good news is that there are no new mets. :) My mom's cough and shortness of breath are still undiagnosed. I mentioned the possibility of radiation pneumonitis to her oncologist and felt he blew me off. He said it would have showed up in the CT scan and that only the upper lobe was radiated (so not enough to cause shortness of breath). Anyone heard of this?? So I insisted my mom go see her radiation oncologist to see if he can help her. Her oncologist is having her sent to receive an echocardiogram on her heart to make sure there are no problems there. Oh, I pray and pray each day. Please God hear my prayers.

    My mom is going to begin Gemzar/Taxotere in a couple of weeks.

    There are days that I am so tired of this wretched disease and how it runs our lives. But I absolutely refuse to give up hope. My mom is a fighter and she raised me that same way.

    Prayers for a CURE!

  13. Dawn,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your mom and the pain you are enduring. This is not fair! I pray everyday for a cure and that no one will have to experience any of the pain from cancer. I hate this disease!!!!! May you find comfort in your cherished memories. I am sorry.

  14. Hi Andrea,

    So sorry you have to be here, but welcome. My beloved mom was diagnosed in March and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since. My life as I knew it changed that very day. I have changed as a person, in order to be even stronger and deal with all the emotions of this horrid disease. I tell my husband all the time that no one deserves this disease and my heart goes out to all the people that have to sit there and wait for scan results or news from the doctor. My family is very strong, positive and hopeful people and this helps tremendously. I tell you, don't ever give up hope. The group of people here have become my main source of support. I am wishing you all the best.


  15. Dave,

    I felt this same way when we found out that my mom still had active cancer present at her last scan time...I had hoped that it would be gone. So I had felt like it was bad news. But recently she had a CT scan (checking for blood clots) and had commented that there had been no change. For some reason this time, I took this to be good news. Because in my heart I feel that if things are stable then they are good. I just do not want to hear that there are any new growths. So I think you should take it as good news.

  16. Norme,

    Please know I am thinking of you and am sorry for the news you received. I know that awful pit feeling in the gut of your stomach and boy does it hurt. You are never alone, you have all of us here. I am reaching out and sending you a big hug during this difficult time. I will pray to God that he gives Buddy some relief and some good news soon. All my best,


  17. Amy,

    So sorry you have to be here, but what a great group of people you have found. I unfortunately can relate to you and feeling overwhelmed. I have a 17 month old girl and a loving husband, both whom I adore. My beloved mom was diagnosed in March with lung cancer. About three months later we found out my dad has liver cancer. My father in law went in for a biopsy on a mass they found on his kidney...thank god it was benign. I wonder somedays how I keep it all going, but I always find a way. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat. Sounds like you have two amazing little ones that bring you much joy. Take care of yourself...that is very important.

    All my best,


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