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Andrea B.

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Posts posted by Andrea B.

  1. Barbara,

    My mom is also stage IIIB with lymph node involvement. Initially her oncologist had hestitated about radiation. Then she met with her radiation oncologist who gave her the most support. He told her he felt nothing but good could come from doing radiation. She had radiation directed at the mass in her lung and the lymph nodes. The lump in her neck (the reason she found out she had lung cancer) is almost gone. We found out next week how she is doing. But I think the radiation was very successful. She had side effects such as burned esophogas and burned skin (much like a bad sunburn). These have cleared up now. You should question the doctor or obtain a second opinion. All the best to you.

  2. Don,

    I am so happy to hear the CT scan was clear. I hope Lucie gets some needed rest and the pneumonia clears up soon. You both are always in my prayers. Take care of yourselves. You are wonderful people.

  3. My mom has been on the combo Taxol/Carbo for 11 treatments now for NSCLC. Initial tests show it is shrinking the tumors. We will find out more next week. The side effects have been minimal for her. She is starting to get some tingling in her hands and legs (one of the side effects is nerve damage), but overall she has handled it well.

  4. Karen,

    My mom has almost the identical thing going on...she has cough, congestion but no fever. There is a "cavity" (as the doctors refer to it) in her right lung and they think it is an infection, but she just had a PET scan yesterday to be sure. She had a CT scan and her oncologist and pulmonologist both agree it is an infection, but we will know for sure next week. I would insist on the PET scan. I will be praying that it is pneumonia and will clear up soon for David. All my best.

  5. I hate this dreadful disease and what it does to our loved ones. No one should have to suffer!!! I am sorry that your mom has taken a turn for the worst, but I bet she is comforted knowing you are by her side. Please take care of yourself. I will keep you in my prayers.

  6. Dear Shelly, I read your post and felt like I was reading what I might write if someone asked me to express my emotions. There are days I sob, because I can't fathom losing my mom, my best friend. What would our family do without her? How would I go on living? Then there are days that I come to grips with the terms of losing my mom. I think to myself, my mom is so strong so I need to be too. I do find a strength I didn't know I had but I don't always know how to lean on it. When my mom was diagnosed, I beat myself up and said that this happened because of something I did. God is mad at me because I didn't go to church or I said something I shouldn't have. Then I stop to think, it isn't because of something I did it just happened.

    The other day I was sitting at my parents' house with my mom as my daughter swam in her blow up pool. I thought to myself, even though my mom has cancer these moments are absolutely blissful to me. If this disease hadn't happened, I might not have learned to really slow down in life and enjoy these moments for what they are. Oh yes, I do wish my mom didn't have this disease, but I am going to do the most in helping my mom know she is truly loved, supported and cared about.

    My grandma passed away from a massive heart attack almost 10 years ago. There were no goodbyes, no last moments. I always worried, "did she know how much I truly loved her?". I don't ever want to have to wonder if my mom and dad know how much I love them, so I make the moments count.

    This all said, yes I still have my days of roller coaster emotions. I think I am truly okay and other days I can't get out of bed. But what I try to do most is learn from all of this and make my life better. We are only give one life and I know my mom would want me to live it to the fullest.

    I want you to know that you are not alone. Please reach out whenever you need support. I continue to pray for you and your mom.

  7. Tonetta,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My mom is 65 years old and was diagnosed in lung cancer in March. She has undergone 10 carbo/taxol treatments and she has handled the treatments very well. Her side effects are minimal. I feel it is everyone's choice in whether they want to receive treatment or not. I just don't want you to get discouraged by the doctor's guesstimate of 6 months. No one knows how long we will be on this earth. Enjoy each day and never give up hope. All the best to you and your mother.

  8. Norme,

    I am sorry to hear you were having a bad day. The grieving process never seems to have any time boundaries. My grandma passed away almost 10 years ago and there will be days I stop in my tracks and cry. They live with us in our memories and hearts. I wish you better days ahead. I do so enjoy reading your posts!

  9. Hi,

    Last week I had requested some prayers for my mom as she was undergoing a CT scan and an upcoming PET scan. Well, we received the news on the CT scan that the "cavity" (they still aren't sure if there is cancer present) had shrunk by 1/3 since June and that the cough she has been enduring is due to an infection not cancer - Thank You God! Tomorrow she will have a PET scan to determine how the chemo is working and if there is anything present in the lung. They are unable to do a needle aspiration (for fear of infection) or a bronchoscopy (due to the location) at this point. My mom is a true fighter (I continue to learn so much from her) who has an amazing attitude and a fierce strength. She is my inspiration. I continue to pray for my mom and everyone else who battles this awful demon. You are all in my thoughts daily.

  10. Rick,

    I am so very sorry to hear about Katie's Dad. She truly is an amazing daughter with a tremendous amount of strength. Please let her know I am praying for her dad and thinking of her. I wish I could make everyone's pain go away!!!!!

  11. Rana,

    Happy Birthday to you!!!! Your mom is definitely watching over you and singing happy birthday to you. You should treat yourself to something special. It is times like this that are so hard and can be very lonely. Your mom loves you and that love is shining down on you from heaven. Take care of yourself.

  12. Dear Shelly,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your mom (and her best friend and husband). I know how you feel when you wonder why bad things continue to happen and when will we get a break. That is how I felt when we found out about my dad's liver cancer. I thought, why me...why can't we get a break...why do both my parents have to be sick...are my parents going to be around to see my daughter grow up. It gets to be too overwhelming for me at times. I find it really helps for me to come to this board, talk to my husband and friends. I need support to help me through all this. This is a lot for you to have to bear and you need support too. You are in my thoughts. Please PM if you need to talk. I wish I could make it better for you. But don't give up hope! Hugs to you.

  13. Cheryl,

    My mom was remapped a little over halfway through her radiation treatments. For the same reason, they don't want to direct the angle continuously in the same spot. My mom had a CT scan around the same time (this was separate from the xrays they took to remap her) and it showed the radiation was working. She also had an enlarged lymph node visible in her neck and that went down, so we knew by this it was working too. If you have any doubts, be insistent with your doctor. You will be in my prayers that the radiation is killing all those cancer cells.

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