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Posts posted by shelliemacs

  1. welcome

    if you dont hold on to hope, you will fall over the edge of insanity. Hope is what keeps everyone here alive. Hope is what we all hold on to so tightly our knuckels turn white.

    hold onto hope, even through the darkest of moments, and Never Ever let go of it. Your mom will watch your every expression now and I don't care how much acting you have to do. Never let her see you give up on that hope. She needs to know YOU believe in it, that it is a living thing. that it will get her through this.

    keep hope alive in your life no matter what....


  2. i have had good and bad with the feeding tube issue. My cousin tom had his in for over a year because he had mouth and tounge cancer and could not eat solid foods and only took in meal replacements and jucie that he made himself in that Jack LaLane juicer. he did well with it.

    my mom had one and we had nothing but bad results with it. it got infected, fell out once and whenever we fed her sometimes the liquid would leak back out and cause her great discomfort.

    just make sure a good surgeon does the procedure and clean it as often as they tell him too.

    good luck

  3. I agree with Paddy. Listen to him. he is trying to tell you something that you don't want to hear. When we were in hospice with mom and dad. the hospice nurse told me "Sometimes they know and don't know how to tell us"

    I would take the family leave. This is when he needs you the most. Not only for him, but so he will know you will be ok as well.

  4. Hi Paula.

    Wow do I know what your feeling. The rollercoaster you have gotten onto will settle down over the next few weeks. As soon as treatment starts, its like all of a sudden your chest loosens just a bit so you can take a breath and just knowing chemo is flowing will help.

    Don't be brave and if you find yourself overwhelmed, get on some anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds so you can continue to take care of yourself as well.

    sometimes this journey is very long. Unfortunately mine few times already were not.

    take care of yourself and make sure your mom puts on weight now cause chemo may make her loose it.

    weight helps with chemo side effects. the more the better it seems.


  5. Once there was a blonde a red head and a bernette who got stuck on a desserted island 10 miles away from land. One day the burmette said, "I can't take this anymore" and swam three miles then drowned. Then the red head said, "I can't take this anymore either" swam 5 miles then drowned. Then the blonde said "ummm ya me neither" swam 9 miles got tired and swam back.

    A blonde goes to the movies, her boyfriend asks if she wants any thing to eat, she says yes M&Ms. So he goes to get her some M&Ms. He comes back with the M&Ms and gives them to her, she opens up the bag and pulls out all the brown ones and gives it to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked why she gave him all the brown ones, and she said "Oh I'm allergic to chocolate."

    A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle and I can't figure out how to get it started. Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger. "Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger." He held her hand softly, led her to a chair and said, "Secondly, I'd advise you to relax. Let's have a cup of coffee, and then. ... "He sighed, "let's put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box."

  6. mine...

    1) I do not have the web of skin on the under side of my tounge due to an unfortunate accident when I was 17.

    2) I was in a Bon Jovi video when I was 21.

    3) I love to take a bunch of little kids to chukee cheese so I have an excuse to jump in the big room full of those little plastic balls.

  7. When you were born, everyone around you was smiling and you were crying. Live your life so that when you die, you're smiling and everyone around you is crying

    Before you look up and open your mouth to catch snowflakes when it's snowing... make sure ALL of the birds have flown South for the Winter. :wink:

  8. Minds are like parachutes--they only function when open

    "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome

    If youre paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse? None! Icecream doesn't have bones!!!

  9. © AP

    Lou Rawls

    Singer Lou Rawls Dies at 72

    Jan 6, 10:58 AM EST

    The Associated Press

    LOS ANGELES -- Grammy Award-winning singer Lou Rawls has died of lung cancer in Los Angeles. He was 72.

    The velvet-voiced singer started as a church choir boy and went on to sell more than 40 million albums. He won three Grammy Awards in a career that spanned nearly five decades and a range of genres.

    Rawls died this morning at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He was hospitalized last month.

  10. my sister is still in remission. Although I fight with her daily to take the once a day chemo kinda pill. she has to take it for 5 years and a side effect is she is gaining allot of weight.

    she is getting married in July so she wants to stop taking it so she can loose weight but then she could relapse.

    weight isn't healthy either cause she is such a shorty and heart disease runs in the family as well as cancer. (gettin it from both ends) and well I figure her weight is something she can battle more so than relapsing in cancer.

  11. Carleen and Keith,

    take this advice with a grain of salt from someone without children.

    I agree with you that now in this moment, the Hurry Up to have a baby so Keith can know him or her is a heart decision.

    My worry is that say your carrying when something dreadful happens to Keith. Would the stress you are then under possibly cause a miscarriage? Would your efforts and money then be futile?

    would waiting a bit be awful. No matter which way you choose, now or later. Keith will ALWAYS know his child, the child may just have to listen a little harder to hear his or her dad. If keith does make his journey in the next few years or months, Heaven is only a breath away. Its not far, only a single heartbeat and he will always have the ability to see his baby. Not in the way you want him too, but he will be there. Who knows, they say the cup of souls holds only so many and then they are born again into little baby's, maybe if you focused all the attention now onto Keith and waited, his sould will be re-born into his baby boy or girl.

    god this sounds awful to type this knowing your going to read this and its in the context of Keith being or not being here.

    liek I said, I don't have kids, I tried and twice I was halfway there and then for whatever reason, it was not meant to be.

    my opion, and its strictly a loose one at that. wait for now and focus on him and you. there is always a way to have Keith's little one later on.

  12. i got one, i got one,

    even though your back ann here is where you really were.

    She has been whisked away by the secret service. She has been taken to the double dog dare you secret room at the white house because our president has been stuck tounge first, to a frozen flag pole for quite some time now and Ann is running the country.

    The first official act she signed was to make drinking Grey Goose Vodka and low calorie cranberry juice a federal law. unless your under the age of 8 where as you must drink just the grey goose vodka and skip the juice.

    she has then ordered all american cows to produce only chocolate milk so when the farmers milk them they secretely process the milk with kahula and instant mudslides are produced in mass quantities.

    she has then ordered all junk food manufacturers to take our all calories and fat from brownies, potato chips, chees dips, chocolate cake, tootsie rolls, ding dongs and cheeseburgers. Eating such foods will now produce a reduction of weight and mass eating of these foods is hereby encouraged.

    furthermore she has ordered reversal of the natural order of things by scientists and people will no longer age or get wrinkles.

    Bread and pasta will now be the only foods that one must consume daily in order to be able to awaken at the now decent hour of noon and the official work week starts wednesday at 3 and ends at 4. pm that is. all other days are now considered weekend days.

    also taxes no longer have to be paid by anyone, ever again

    we can't hide your secret life anymore ann. I am sorry but the truth must be told.

  13. This is gonna be my new thing to try to keep myself, and maybe someone else along the way, up instead of getting beat down.

    #1 "Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day"

    author Sally Koch

    my take on this...I am here, alive for this moment at least. I am going to make the most of today as if its all I have left and hopefully bring someone else a smile, even if its just one small.

    PS I am going to try to do this every day. some may be funny, some may be really funny and some could be a little bit naughty. I will give them a rating in the headline for not wanting to offend anyone.


    mucho smooches to every single one of you from my snow covered corner of Upstate NY.

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