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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Gosh, you guys, this is awesome! I have chills reading all your posts!

    I posted an update to the update this morning on the bone scan thread under General. I won't repeat it all here, but just want to say I sure do hope it's just a glitch. Whatever it is, it's got everyone stumped for the time being, so it's not obvious that it's awful.

    the thing is, there are two big reasons its important to me that Dave is alright. First of all, because I NEED him to stick around and help me raise Faith and I don't want to be lonely the rest of my life! And secondly, I do think that how well he has done can be and probably is an aspiration to folks newly diagnosed, especially with SCLC, and that he is a good example of how this beast can be beaten back. So I would be so disappointed if he/we are not able to offer that hope up to others.

    Thanks for everyone's prayers and good vibes.

  2. This is Karen, David C's wife. I have been on Celexa for several years and it works well with me. I had a severe case of clinical depression after five years of infertility treatments and three miscarriages.

    David, who has about the strongest disposition you'd ever see, went on a couple difference anti-depressants after his diagnoses and got some side affects from them. I think he was on Paxil and Zoloft. His insurance wouldn't cover Celexa, so we put him on my insurance plan and then the doc prescribed Celexa. It seems to be working with no side affects for him.

    Karen C.

  3. p.s. - Ginny - thanks for the tip on the chemo pill. If it comes to that we will certainly ask the doctor about it. Especially since Dave just got his porta-cath removed! I am REALLY sorry to hear about the Duke's brain mets. That is so so disappointing. I will be praying for you two, a very special couple.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  4. We saw Dave's radiologist yesterday. He said he's not convinced it's cancer, he can't tell anything really from the bone scan, so Dave is going for a CT scan of his face today and we see him again Friday morning. If he still can't tell anything, he's going to send him to an ENT doctor to biopsy the bonkitis bump.

    Hopefully it is just a case of bonkitis. He said it's an awfully strange spot for a mets to go.

    He also said the PET scan got his brain but doesn't get the skull that great, so he can say with a degree of certainity that it's not in the brain, but can't say for sure about the skull. So the facial CT scan will pick up the bone and tissue behind it (I think it's the same CT scan they order to look at the sinuses).

    So we still don't know, but at least it's looking a little better in my opinion.

    God Bless and thanks for the prayers,

    Karen C.

  5. Hi, everyone. This is Karen. I got a call yesterday evening from our family doctor who ordered Dave's bone scan. She said, basically, it doesn't look good - in that it probably isn't a case of Faith induced bonkitis but that the evil beast has returned.

    We see Dave's radiologist today 2:00 for a game plan and maybe further testing. I'm thinking we oughta do a MRI of his head to see exactly what's going on but we'll see what the good doc says.

    Not what we wanted to hear, but we will, once again, beat the beast!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

    p.s. prayers requested and appreciated!

  6. This is great!

    Gotta love Ronald Reagan's optimism - but when did he have colon cancer? I didn't know that. I also didn't realize Nancy had breast cancer.

    With all the talk of his optimism last week during the funerals, I think that he died so we could all be reminded of that. He went a long way in life with the help of that optimism. Makes me very aware that I need to try harder for that!

    Karen C

  7. This is great!

    Gotta love Ronald Reagan's optimism - but when did he have colon cancer? I didn't know that. I also didn't realize Nancy had breast cancer.

    With all the talk of his optimism last week during the funerals, I think that he died so we could all be reminded of that. He went a long way in life with the help of that optimism. Makes me very aware that I need to try harder for that!

  8. Addie, bald is beautiful!!!!!!! Don't worry, when my hair started to fall out, don't remember what day, I tried to shave mine off by myself. I think it freaked my mom out. The electric shaver I have has a mustache/beard clipper on it so I thought it would work for my head. I went out back and started trying to shave off my hair and my mom and dad and wife were there watching. Anyway the clippers did not work so I went to a hair dresser the next day. I walked in and the guy who came up to help me (obvious flamer ) asked how I wanted it cut. I said-well, I have a problem-- and the I reached up and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled it out. Poor guy I thought he was going to keel over. His eyes bugged out and he started gasping, oh it was funny looking back on it. If he were a girl I probably would not have done it that way. I explained I had cancer and my hair was falling out and he calmed down and shaved my head bald. He ended up being really cool about it and wished me the best of luck when he was done. I know loosing your hair is different for women than it is for men but just look at all the money you are going to save on shampoo and conditioner. You know I was told to make sure you keep massaging you scalp when taking a shower just like you are washing your hair. It is supposed to keep the roots healthy and make the hair grow back faster. Not sure if it works or not. What you will find funny is the things you used to do with your hair like flipping it back or certain ways/moves you make while wshing your hair, you will find yourself doing them even when you don't need to. For example I used to shake my hair out after washing it in the shower. Well when it was gone I naturally wanted to shake my head after I turned off the water. After I had stopped shaking my head a month would go by and then one moning I would start shaking my head. You have to laugh and say, oh yeah, I don't have hair, no need to shake. Anyway a shearing/pizza party sounds great. Hope you make the most out of it, don't let it get you down, you are not alone and besides, it just means the chemo is doing it's job, right!!!!!! Yes you can become a memeber of the Band who's name was inspired by the writings of my beautiful wife.

    Forever your bald servant,

    David C

  9. Ginny, somehow we missed this.

    Our deepest condolences from the Chapman family. I don't know what else to say - it's gotta be tough losing a sibling, and with everything else you have going on . . . I can't imagine.

    God Bless,

    David, Karen and Faith

  10. Yes, Yes!!!!!! I really am not a movie buff, couldn't tell you who starred in what or who directed thismovie or that movie to save myself fot the most part. The two movies I referred to here is--Spinal Tap--a must see for any rock music fans and American Pie a jouvenile (very jouvenile at that. story of, how should I say........growing up) My wife has refused to watch American Pie but she has seen Spinal Tap. If you want some good comedy go get these. American Pies humor may offend some so read some of the reviews prior to writing.

    Bruce and J.C. welcome aboard to the punk Rock scene. Dean you can do wheelies around stage and have flames coming from the back of your scooter like you were burning nitro in that thing.

    David C

  11. Ry!!!!!! Thats the beauty of it all. You don't have to have any talent for Punk Rock!!!!!!!! Just jump around on stage with lots of tatoos and black and purlple on with your amplifier turned up to 11 (who can tell me what thats from?) fake smoke and a set that looks like a mini stone henge (thats twice....come on folks) and shout angels and demons over and over and over. Kids think it's cool. Of course we will have to have someone volunteer to be the drummer and it aint gonna be me they have a habit of spontaneously combusting ( thats 3!!! )

    David C

  12. Oh my gosh!!!!! What a truely incredible sequence of events. You are surely blessed. Mark, it sounds as if your mom was and incredible lady and it also sounds as if your wife is an incredible lady as well. Your story brought tears to my eyes, I am serious. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers. We are all here for you. May god bless your mother and always be with you and your special bride.

    David C

  13. It all makes sense now.....they are all at band rehersal. You know one year at band camp,........ OK not going there. Funny you say I should quit my day job. I spent 13 year on the road going up and down the east coast playing in bands while going to school part time. I loved it, got to go and Play at Sloppy Joes in Key West FL on several occasions and revelled the public with the Electric Slide and Wind between my Thighs for years. I actually got out of the music business because I got tired of getting home when the birds got up. A good freind of mine coined a phrase we have used for years about the reason we got out of the music Biz--I was tired of dodging the grim reaper--now look at what a mess I am in now. (OK if you can't laugh at yourself.........). I could have moved to Las Vegas or NY City or LA and joined the Union but after the union tried to fine me $100.00 for impersonating a Trombone player I had little use for the Union (thats whole 'nother story)

    How about it David A?? I bet Ry would look good with a few tatoos and purple hair. Good old sis can play the piano. What do you say Becky to a punk version of Tubular Bells.

    David C

  14. Elaine I have been trying to get Karen to get a tatoo for years pointing out particularly nice ones when we see them displayed on various part of the female anatomy while out at the theater or in the Malls around town. Faiths new hair dresser has a tatoo on her neck of some chinese character, maybe she can help. A LCHELP Gothic Rock Band now thats a good idea I sure hope we can get some other takers for this soon very soon like in 4 hours.........I simply can't continue I know there are probably Goth's out there who will get offended and I have not come this far to get demoned by a goth.........by the way what is a goth?

  15. To all the T's.....thanks for the update. Decadron and 4 rounds of chemo are enough to make anyone need a break!!!!! Let me tell you that decadron is the drug of deamons. Hope everyone has fun at the beach, like you said, that alone is therapudic. Let Tbone know he is in my prayers.

    David C

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