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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Ok, Karen here.

    Becky, oh myh gosh, now I have to go to the ladies room I'm laughing so hard at the "exchange the stuff tomorrow joke" and also the genetic pattern joke.

    For everyone else: their mom is a compulsive bargain shopper. We regularly get boxloads of deals from the clothing bargain table at whatever department or outlet store was nearby. anyway, she'll buy all this stuff and ALWAYS either leaves the tags on and sends the receipts OR takes it all back herself the next day. And to be honest with you, it's usually never just the right size, but it was just such a good price . . .

    Becky - hate to tell you this, but Dave's had shop-itis for quite some time, but never for clothes, just tools and crap like that. And never 'cause it's a bargain. Just because he had a cause of the "gimmees" at the time.

    Ok, think I 'm done laughing now!


  2. Thanks everybody, the scan went as well as can be expected....I guess. The table was sticking a little but they still were able to complete it. Not sure what they shot me full of but they told me to drink as much as I possible could between the time I got injected (8:00) and my scan time(11:00). They cut me loose afte my injection and I went and got two 1 Qt. bottles of water and then went to Wal-Mart and walked around, and walked around. Killed about an hour there and got such esential things as an Apple corer, Dog Food, Milk Bones and yes, another liter of water. I still had a lot of time to kill so I went to a Big Lots store and was overcome with shopping glee, snapping up all the closeout bargains such as a bottle nose jack and a multifunction reversable, ratcheting screwdriver set. Oh the bargains. OK, at this point I had already drank 1 and 1/2 quarts of water and my little legs were constantly crossed, boy talk about pain, I would go to the little boys room and then be back in misery in 5 minutes. I went back to the hospital and watched CNN and daydreamed about the bargains to be had at Big Lots for the remaining 1/2 hour I had to wait. The scan went fine but as I was going to the room I did start to get a little woozy, not sure if it was from the injection they gave me or the excessive time I had spent on my feet walking through the stores or the sheer excitement of Big Lots. They had me go to the boys room, AGAIN, straped me to the table, did the scan and then said OK you can get up and leave. I was so sore and stiff I could barely get up and I was walking like I was 100 years old. Needless to say I went home and took a nap. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, May Ann I may take you up on the helmet but I was born in Texas and am not sure I know what a hockey helmet looks like, maybe I will get my mom to ship me my football helmet, if she has kept it all these years. I will let you all know the results as soon as I get them, I really am not worried about it, think Karen is more worried than I am.

    Thank You all.

    David C

  3. Kelly, I am so sorry for you to have lost your wonderful dear father. But I think he had a life well worth living which is evidenced by the devotion of his family. You are lucky to have such precious memories for your lifetime.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  4. OK, everyone, this is a little off topic, but last night Faith graduated from the two year old class and on Monday moves up to the three year old class!

    Now, what is so wonderful about this is:

    1. She's not turning three in a Chinese orphanage. She's turning three in a HOME with PARENTS who love her more than anything!

    2. She's turning three with with a Daddy who is healthy!

    3. One year after Dave's future, his very life, was totally uncertain, we are celebrating our little girl moving up through the world together as a family.

    Everyday life is full of miracles!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

    (p.s. Faith doesn't actually turn three until September 3, but she's graduating into the three year old class, most of her "comrades" are already three).

  5. thanks, Margaret. Geez, sure wish the oncologist had ordered one when he got the PET scan done. (our primary care doc ordered the brain bone scan thing). I'm wondering if the oncologist just assumed he didn't need one because he had the PCI last September and the brain scan he had before that was clear. oh well, guess we'll wait to find out.

    You are right, Jamie - find out alot more stuff here than at the oncologist's office!


    Karen C.

  6. Hey, everyone - Dave posted something in GENERAL last night, he's getting a bone scan today of his head because he has severe head bonking disease (see General post for explanation). He had a PET scan about a month ago and we were told it was ALL CLEAR. But he's not sure if that PET scan covered his noggin' or not. We could call his oncologist's office and ask but that place is a madhouse. Of course, we could do what we're doing anyway, and that is just wait for the results of today's bone scan. but I'm wondering if a PET scan generally scans your head, too. I know this is a really general question but thought I'd throw it out there in case someone knows.


    Karen C.

  7. Makwa, I'd just ask the lady straight up what is bothering her. Tell her you notice a change and what is bothering her and to let you know if this is too difficult for her so you'll know whether to back off a bit or whatever. It could be that her daughter, being protective, told her Mom to back off from you.

    I think getting things out in the open and off people's chest relieves alot of anxiety and stuff. But that's the way I am. Not everyone is so comfortable "letting it all hang out."

    Keep us posted,

    Karen C.

  8. Hello everybody, I am going in for a bone scan in the morning. I have not had one done since I was diagnosed last march. I am not having any pain that I feel all the time but the bone above my right eye has excrutiating pain when Faith bonks me there, bless her little heart. When she hits me on the left side it hurts but nowhere near as bad as on the right side. It also feels as if the bone is raised a little on theright side. Of course Faith does not mean to bonk me but well things happen like that sometimes you know. Anyway I am not really worried about it but Karen made me go to our primary care doc and the doc said--why not, lets do a bone scan so a phone call later and I am scheduled for tomorrow moring. I have to be there at 7:30 and then they shoot me up with something at 8:00 and then I have to wait until 11:00 to have the dern scan done. O well, should get the results back soon. On the brighter side, Faith had her Graduation ceremony tonight. Even though she is only 2 1/2 she is moving up to the 3 year old class!!! Thats my girl!!!!!

    David C

  9. Nancy, hope you get feeling better. In the out dept. I have been having particularly good luck this week with Fruit Salad (yummy, yummy)-- or maybe I just got some rotten fruit. Oh well, hang in there. You will be in my prayers.

    David C

  10. Hey David, David here. Sounds like pretty good news. I can't blame you for taking a break but the new drug does sound good. Yes Vindication IS Nice. As Always you will be in my prayers.

    David C

  11. Makwa,

    I live in Virginia and I don't know how to help you but I'll see if BeckyCW has any ideas. She lives in California, but she is a professional fundraiser for children's cancer research and has worked with families, she might have some ideas or know who to ask for ideas. She is also my husband's big sister and she's on the board of this website.

    OK, that being said, I just want to say I like you! You have a great sense of humor and I like your online name, that is cool, and your easy going outlook toward religion. You are taking care of your elderly stepmom? You are one good guy!

    Keep us posted and I'll see what I can find out.

    Love and God Bless,

    Karen C.

  12. Don,

    what is going on this week with your Mom?

    I also love your sense of humor. that will get you through some tough times. You should like a wonderful son and your Mom sounds like someone I'd like to sit down with and hear stories.

    we lived in Albuquerque for three years when I was a kid. I absolutely loved it. When we moved back east I think I cried our way across the country. Drove my Dad insane.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  13. When my husband Dave was diagnosed in the hospital where I took him to the emergency room, everything happened so fast. He had dangerously low sodium levels, so he saw a kidney specialist on Saturday night. That guy referred a pulmonary doc to see him because of the mass in his lung. That guy saw him first thing on Monday morning. He wanted to do a needle biopsy but couldn't because of where the tumor was. So he got a thoracic surgeon to see him That guy saw him later that day and did the surgical biopsy on Wed. He referred an oncologist to Dave which saw him on Wednesday and on Thursday he had his first dose of chemo. On Friday he met with the radiologist.

    I guess my point is: (1) don't waste ANY time; and (2) you probably need the needle biopsy, it surely must be less invasive than a surgical biopsy and must be the first choice of method of biopsy unless it's not practicable as in Dave's case.

    There's not much they can or will do until they know what kind of lung cancer you have (and hopefully it isn't cancer at all but an infection).

    Please keep us posted.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  14. Jane - I will pray for you to have a safe trip and for God to take good care of Alan, whatever that happens to be.

    He is one darn lucky guy to have a sister like you. In fact your whole family sounds awesome.

    God Bless you and your wonderful family,

    Karen C.

  15. Hey - both Becky (Snowflake) and Ginny gave you great advice.

    Definitely see your family doctor. When my husband was diagnosed I did. She adjusted the anti depressant I was already taking and gave me a good once over (and found a Stage II melanoma which may have saved MY life). Sometimes little physical ailments can wear you down and make your mental state a little weaker than you need it to be at times like this. Counseling is good, too. I saw my shrink just once at the beginning of this cancer hell and got a good atta girl from her.

    Don't dwell on the "what ifs" and the "why me" kind of stuff. You must accept the situation for what it is and do the best you can.

    When my husband was first diagnosed it was such a shock. He spent a week in the hospital. I would often go down the hall to a private visitor's room and bawl my head off. there was also a phone in there so sometimes I'd call our minister or a friend and bawl my head off. but after a few days I needed it less and less (but still had a good cry about every week or two). I think it was the fear of the unknown and the loss of control over the situation that made is so difficult.

    Hang in there.

    Karen C.

  16. My quote:

    "It's not good, but small cell responds very very well to chemo and radiation - so they should look at it as an immediate death sentence."

    I meant to say "so they SHOULD NOT look at it as an immediate death sentence.

    Also, please know I am quite serious about my faith and my Christianity. I firmly believe that prayer - lots and lots of prayer - given up for Dave from all over the world, literally - had alot to do with saving Dave and removing the cancer from his body, along with the God-given genius of the medical community. I would never ever try to use my faith as a weapon or insinuate it as such. When I say I am praying for someone I am.

    God Bless us all,

    Karen C.

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