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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Peg, we are late seeing this, my heart broke reading your post, and then when I saw your update I said yipee! Am so glad you're not giving up and looking for more options. Hang in there!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  2. Hi, this is Karen C. We haven't been on the board in a week or so, we've just been so busy haven't had much time for the computer, and I am stealing a few minutes at work to post this. Also, to the Instigator and everyone else waiting for the Dave drag photos - they're coming, we promise. We got the dress, pantyhouse, wig, pumps and bright red lipstick, but by the time we got everything together on Sunday we were both too tired to do it. I have been suffering from hypothyroid plus a terrible sinus infection so it's two sick people muddling through our day struggling to take care of a demanding two year old. Anyway, we appreciate everyone reading the following message, at least wanted everyone to know what else we're up to:

    Hi, as most everyone knows, on March 22, 2003 I took my husband Dave to the hospital emergency room where he was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. After many months of aggressive treatment through chemotherapy and radiation treatments and thanks to the many prayers and the support we have received from family, friends,co-workers and our employers (and all of you at LCSC!), I am happy to report that one year later he is cancer free. To help celebrate being cancer free on the first anniversary of Dave's diagnoses (and also to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary) he will be participating in the fifth annual St. Baldricks event which will be held on Sunday, March 21 at 4:00 pm at the Irish Festival at St. Patrick's Church on 25th Street on Church Hill. St. Baldricks is an event to raise money for children's cancer research through the National Childhood Cancer Foundation (NCCF) where volunteers take pledges to shave their heads, as an act of solidarity for childhood cancer victims who often lose their hair during chemo treatments. Many advances in all cancer treatments have come through the research for a Cure for Childhood Cancer. I will admit that Dave is cheating a bit - his hair just recently started to grow back after chemo and radiation treatments - but I hope you will support him in this wonderful cause. Donations made to sponsor Dave in this event can either be made on-line by going to www.stbaldricks.org, clicking on "Sponsor A Shavee" and finding his name (David Chapman) in the search engine, or by mailing in a donation using the donation form available either on the website or from me. Any amount is appreciated no matter how large or small.

    Thanks and God Bless, Karen C.

  3. Dean, I sure hope the weather turns for your morning rolls. I am looking forward to some nice weather here in the east as well. Nothing like getting outside in the sun to do the mind good. Hang in there buddy and keep us all informed.

    David C

  4. Gina, Aint it grand!!!!!!!!!!! It will be one year from diagnosis for me at the end of March. I am still recovering from the side effects of my PCI so life has not really gotten back to precancer state for me just yet. I am starting to feel much better and really do want to get back into my old-ususal routine. Sounds to me like you are back doing the things you love and other than not keeping in touch with folks, which most of us are guilty of, and eating poorly , which most of us can probably say the same, It sounds as if you are doing great. I would not call it being complacant-------I would call it wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, heres to many more years!!

    David C

  5. Joanie, I can not even begin to imagine what you have been through, I have no magic words for you. Have you taked to the Doctor about maybe getting some antidepresants, they do help. Please know that we are all here for you. You will be in my prayers.

    David C

  6. Hi, this is Karen. We just got home from a weekend in Northern Va., our adoption agency had a "reunion" and several families we traveled to China with were there, so we went up and made a weekend of it even though we only live two hours from there. We had planned on just going up for the day today but when several other out of town families said they were coming we decided to go on Saturday. We have kept in close touch with several of these families and honestly they feel like part of our family now. Anyway, our guide from China was there, along with about 700 people (no lie) and it was just overwhelming for him and the other guide, a young girl named Amy. When they asked her to speak she just cried, she was so overwhelmed by it all. A good overwhelmed. There was so much love in the room.

    But it was just wonderful to be with these people again, and more importantly, it was just wonderful that Dave was able to be there and hang with the gang the whole weekend. We did have to spend a little more time in our room for him to rest than everyone else did, but that's no big deal.

    I told several people and I truly believe it, that Faith may have saved Dave's life. He loves her so much, and I think he had the fight to beat this cancer in him so strong because he desperately wanted to live and be healthy for her. So getting together with our beloved travel family was a real celebration of life for us.

    Maybe Dave can put a photo up on his Avatar of Faith and a bunch of her buddies. There is nothing cuter than a group of Chinese two year old girls sitting on a couch!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  7. To Betty:

    This is Karen. I read your post and I have to say that you are amazingly "together" despite a pretty rough beginning in life. That's quite an accomplishment! With a positive attitude like that, I'm surprised the best single men in town aren't beating your door down. But I can also tell you are not alone, are have God with you all the time, don't you?

    Karen C.

  8. Larissa, welcome aboard. Sorry to hear about your mother but as has been said you are in a good place here. The best news is that she was diagnosed with Limited SCLC. SCLC responds well to chemo and radiation . I was diagnosed with Limited SCLC and am now in remission!!! DO NOT READ THE STATISTICS!!!! Statistics do not apply to any of us, they are outdated and positively unable to be of any use to anyone since we are all different. There are a lot of caring and knowledgable people here so please come back often and let us know how things are for you and your mother. We are here for you as well as her. Get her onboard if she has a computer.

    David C

  9. dani hobbs, I had PCI and am glad I did. I had 15 rounds, one round per day. It was a piece of cake as far as the actual treatments. I did experience a little brain swelling the first day which gave me one heck of a headache but the Radiation Onc. prescribed some medicine that stopped the headaches. I will not lie to you, the fatigue I experienced was pretty bad, worse than with the chemo but like I said, I think it was definitely worth it. Other than the fatigue I have not noticed any other side effects. Sometimes I forget things like what did I come into this room for or my wife will ask me to bring something upstairs and I just completely forget in 5 minutes (No really I do forget, ha,ha) Heck I had those types of lapses prior to Chemo and PCI, I really think I just notice them more now since it is supposed to be a side effect. I am an Underwriter by day which is very detailed oriented and requires intense concentration and I have not noticed any effect on my job.

    It is great that your sis is doing so well that she can have PCI. My prayers are with her and you.

    David C

  10. Laura, it's so hard to hear you lost your Mom. I just turned 45 and I am a new mom, so I just can't imagine this happening to someone so young.

    I am very sorry for what she went through her last days, and the pain you and your family experienced, but take comfort that you have been a #1 daughter and were by her side. And I bet that you do alot to win the battle that took your mother.

    God Bless you and good luck with your career. Your mother will smile from heaven and be very proud of you.

    Karen C.

  11. Becky - about the tumors in your left left - I'm with you and voting for Plan C. Why not?

    Also the stuff going on in your right lung - it seems to me that the oncologists are mainly happy if you're alive or at least not on your death bed. they don't seem to care too much about any discomfort, and when Dave questions how he can make himself FEEL better the doctor seems to think that's not all that important - after all, he's alive.

    I'd keep on pushing and questioning. You deserve to feel better and to breathe better.

    Keep us posted - and yes, I think you are doing GREAT! Because you are a fighter!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  12. Hurry up and wait!!!! It can be very frustrating, I know especially when you already had the tests and are expecting definite news. Well, could be this or could be that or it could be nothing at all. Don't let it get you down, concentrate on the nothing and live life to the fullest. My prayers are with you.

    David C

  13. Good news on the PET Scan. I am probably not a good one to ask about appetite since I gained so much during my treatments. I seemed to be constantly eating so maybe she could try several really small meals during the day.

    David C

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