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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Rosemary, the Onc forgot?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I think I would forget this Onc and go get another one. That was unacceptable. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    David C

  2. Ann, I hate to admit it but when I was a wee little lad in Texas my parents put me in my sisters leggings a few times in the winter time because I did not have any long underwear. I was traumatized for life because of it as you can tell. My sister BeckyCW can vouch for that story.

    I should have the wig in a few days and even have a line on some high heels although not sure if they are going to fit or not.

    Come on folks times a ticking to get you tax deductable donations in. The more money collected, the more photo's you will see!!!

    David C

  3. The Instigator has struck!!!!!! For those not up to date on the antics of the Instigator, I have been challenged to dress up like a woman and as a reward the Instigator has agreed to make a charitable donation, I think it was $250.00, to LCSC. Katie PM'd me and said that the donation has arrived at LCSC Central Offices and is awaiting my end of the bargain for the donation to be made legal. It may take me a week or 2 to get my ensemble together and have the photo shoot arranged and completed but hang in there I will get it done. My Agent is quite upset because I am working for basically peanuts so if there are any more takers for donations just send them on to Katie, she will inform my Agent and hopefully my modeling career will not be affected.

    David C

  4. Karen and I are going to Charleston West Virginia for a 50th wedding anniversary for one of Karens favorite Aunt and Uncle. Mary and Bud have been a big support to me through all thier prayers and emails throughout my fight. One of thier daughters, who was like a sister to Karen, died of breast cancer a few years back. She was in her 30's and left 3 children from 2 years old to 4 years old behind. They also had a son who Karen and I had gotten pretty close to commit suicide a little over a year ago. They have had a rough time these past few years but they are devout Catholics and they have found much strength through God. They have 3 more sons and a daughter who will be there this weekend in addition to numerous other relatives. Please pray for a safe trip for us, the weather is supposed to be iffy here but OK in WVA. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Oh, Faith went in this morning to get the pin in her thumb removed and the stitches out. Like always, she was a true blue trooper about it all.

    David C

  5. Hi, this is Karen - in case you're new or don't remember, I'm Dave C's wife (SCLC) and last summer I was diagnosed with and had a little surgery to remove a Stage II melanoma. I had my six month checking-me-out with my oncology surgeon and he proclaimed me lump free for another six months! So with Dave still in remission (knock on wood) things are looking up for us, for 2004.

    God Bless everyone,

    Karen C.

  6. My Onc. nurse said the only thing she wanted me to take was a multivitamin such as Centrum Silver or the Generic equivilant-In walmart it is right beside the centrum silver, the bottles look the same with the same colors and identicle vitamins for a few dollars less.

    David C

  7. I was also switched from Procrit to Aranesp. I thought the Procrit worked much better. I only had the Aranesp for 2 or 3 shots before I did not need it anymore but I pushed and pushed to get the Procrit back. As for the Onc. I think talking to him and letting him know you don't appreciate his comments is a good idea, if that does not work then I would consider getting another Onc. My prayers are with you.

    David C

  8. big music fan here too.

    AC/DC and Aerosmith, helped Kill a lot of the cancer 1st time around.

    Hey Dave, what a coincidence, I think AC/DC and Aerosmith helped kill a lot of my brain cells!!!!!

    David C

  9. Cheryl, we are all human and you deserve to blow some steam off every now and then. A lot of people where I work look at me with these "wonder how long he will be alive" eyes and avoid me like the plague. I am lucky that I do have some pretty good buddies where I work who stand by me and Karen no matter what is going on. I have decided to smile and proove everybody wrong by being there for many, many more years to come. Shrinks do not know everything, they are human too and subject to human attitudes and thoughts just like the rest of us. Don't let them get you down, just proove them wrong.

    David C

  10. I don't do Thongs!!!!!! And a bikini, well, thats something I know you don't want to see, ha,ha. But $250.00 to dress up in womens clothes, I could do that......for the good of the site

    David C

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