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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Joanie, I am in the same boat you are, they told me to eat, eat, eat and well......I did. I put on a considerable amount of weight which I had just spent the last 2 years loosing and now I do not have the energy to get out there and do it again..........yet!!!! I do not have any breathing issues except the bronchitis I am facing right now. No mention from the docs about needing O2 or emphazema.

    David C

  2. So sorry to hear about the bad scan. As said this is very beatable. You can do it, especially if you keep on campin!!!!. I went camping as often as possible during my treatments and it helps to keep your mind in the right place. My prayers are with you.

    David C

  3. Daggone, that is an unreasonably long time w/o food and drink. I think you should talk to your doc or someone and see what is reasonable. One time Dave was having something done late in the day and I remember they revised his nothing by mouth order so he could eat first thing in the morning.

    The port you describe is exactly what Dave has. I think most of them are like that these days. My oncology surgeon (for my melanoma) was telling us he put the first port in, in our area, and "back then" they had the tube thing permanently sticking out, so the disk under the skin thing is a huge improvement.

    The nurses in the emergency room used Dave's port for just about everything they did to him. I have terrible veins and not so fond memories of all the blood draws I had done during infertility treatments. Wish I'd had a port then! I told the emergency room doc I was thinking about getting my own port, just for the heck of it! Ha!

    Hang in there, and your chemo will start again soon and you will be glad of the port. Only a temporary delay.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  4. Shelly, I have idea what you must be feeling right now. Please know that we are all here for you as you have been for us. This has got to be very difficult. I pray that your father gets well soon so that he can begin to fight. Please know that my prayers are with you and your father.

    David C

  5. OK, my first reaction to this was anger. Especially at him giving you cigarettes - wrapped as a gift, for pete's sake?????!!!! when you are trying to quit? how destructive is that? My knee jerk reaction is DUMP HIM, he's got to be more harmful to you than just THAT, if he did THAT.

    Then I read Dean's post. OK, I totally agree with Dean, especially since he's been there, done that, and as well as SEEN others quit in similiar (or worse) circumstances. So I say, "what Dean said".

    Except if the relationship remains destructive despite it all, then maybe you do need to get out of it.

    My opinion. I care about you, whoever you are!

    God Bless,

    Karen C. (David C's wife)

  6. Yeah, Aunt Becky for joining the board!

    And yes, THANK GOD for "only" bronchitis. We just have to make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia.

    Thanks for everyone's support. It got scarey pretty fast. And I didn't realize how bad he felt until Sunday or so. We were focusing more on Faith recovering from surgery. Which is why, I suppose, her pediatrician suggested last year we get through Dave's treatment and get him stable before preceding with her surgery.

    Karen C.

  7. Retha,

    by now I hope you have some sort of answer from the docs. But if not, let me tell you how Dave's SCLC was diagnosed. He had extremely low sodium levels which, in his case, were causing extreme muscle spasms. Turns out that SCLC tumors can sometimes put out a hormone that makes sodium levels drop. Did they do complete blood tests on your Dad? maybe it's something like that. I would imagine low sodium levels could mess with your brain as well as your muscles.

    Keep us posted.

    Karen C (Dave C's wife)

  8. TBone, a belated welcome aboard to you and your family. I really cannot add much more than what has already been said here. I hate Decadron-period. It is an evil drug, albeit a necessary evil. I have to agree with becky in that you can have some really wicked dreams on Ambien. Hope all is still going well for you.

    David C

  9. Tracy, welcome aboard, Sorry you have to be here but you could not have found a better place. Please listen to Becky, do not get caught in in the statistics game, taht is the worst thing you can do. We will all be here for any information you may need and all the support you may need. Know that there will be many prayers said for you and your dad.

    David C

  10. Hey Sis!! Welcome aboard. I have to warn you there are some nuts on here (Rochelle!!) you have to watch out for but I think you will have fun. Everybody here is going through the same thing weather they are the actual fighters or caregivers or family members. Thanks for all your wisdom in advance, I feel you have been led in your career to be here just for me and for all of us here.

    David C

  11. Hello everybody I am finally home!!! Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!!!!!

    Well after spending all day in the emergency room I have good news and great news. Good news is I have Bronchitis and a prescription for antibiotics and cough syrup with codein. The great news is that they did a full CT Scan from tip to toe, so to speak and everything is clean. I was scheduled to have the CT's done Feb 3rd but my Onc said to go ahead and do them while I was there. It added about 3 1/2 hours to our day but well worth it since I did not have to wait for a couple of days to find out the results. Everybody at the hospital was wonderful. Faith is at Grandma and grandads for the night thankfully , It would have been a difficult day for her. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and goodnight.

    David C

  12. Hello everybody I am finally home!!! Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!!!!!

    Well after spending all day in the emergency room I have good news and great news. Good news is I have Bronchitis and a prescription for antibiotics and cough syrup with codein. The great news is that they did a full CT Scan from tip to toe, so to speak and everything is clean. I was scheduled to have the CT's done Feb 3rd but my Onc said to go ahead and do them while I was there. It added about 3 1/2 hours to our day but well worth it since I did not have to wait for a couple of days to find out the results. Everybody at the hospital was wonderful. Faith is at Grandma and grandads for the night thankfully , It would have been a difficult day for her. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and goodnight.

    P.S. Thanks Sis for your post letting everybody know about me.

    David C

  13. I am on my way to the emergency room. My Onc. Nurse, who is very good BUT very, very stuburn, thinks I have the flu and I need to go to my Gen practicioner who is not available today. I have been coughing for over 2 weeks and it has gotten so bad that I feel as if I may break a rib from coughing. Now I don't think it is the cancer, I think I may have some kind of infection since I am coughing up mucus when I do cough. So instead of going to a gen practicioner I have never seen who may or may not be familiar with lung cancer issues and who would more than likely just order some tests and an x-ray, Karen decided I need to go to the emergency room so at least they can take some x-rays and maybe a CT if I can convince them to. Keep us in your prayers.

    David C

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