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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Haylee, you are living our dream, more or less. Dave was SURE when I took him to the hospital and they found a mass in his lung, that it was a big ball of infection - because we had just been to China to adopt our baby and SARS had just hit and all kinds of weird things were going on and he was just so sure it was an infection, not cancer . . . . but it was cancer.

    Sooo, GREAT NEWS for you! It's kind of interesting to see that it is a possibility to mistake a mass of infection for a tumor.

    Best wishes for healthy living!

    Karen C. (David C's wife)

  2. Welcome, and sorry you have to be here.

    I agree, take a deep breath.

    when my husband was first diagnosed with SCLC I was in shock. We had just adopted our baby daughter from China and I couldn't imagine raising her without him, and being without a partner in life. but it's been a year now, and so far the tumors are gone.

    Keep a positive attitude, make sure your Mom has all the positive support she can get, and do everything you can to maximize her treatment.

    I would sit in the oncologist's office for at least the first hour of every one of Dave's chemo treatments and pray. I firmly believe that this type of support really makes a difference. Just don't give up.

    God Bless,

    Karen C. (David C's wife)

  3. Jane, I just posted something to you in your posting posting about quitting smoking. etc.

    You are 39 years old - same age as my husband who has SCLC! People have a hard time hearing that someone so young has lung cancer, but there are plenty on this board. It seems like doctors especially, I remember going to my allergy doc a couple of months ago and telling him about Dave's SCLC, he couldn't believe it. but you have that on your side, you have a loving and supportive family which is important - keep a positive attitude and you will do fine.

    On another note - Dan baked a blueberry pie! Yum! That sounds yummy!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  4. Jane - you can certainly beat the extensive SCLC. As far as smoking goes, Dave's oncologist (he has limited SCLC) told him that it was caused by his smoking and if he didn't quit nothing he did for him would help, the cancer would probably come back. Dave and I both wanted to hear everything single little thing we could do to beat this monster and were grateful he was honest about that. Dave quit cold turkey - and it's been over a year now since his diagnoses and so far he is NED (no evidence of disease).

    Unless you are terribly stressed and just can't quit, I would encourage you to. It has to maximize your survival and the effectiveness of treatment.

    It was really hard for Dave, I know - but he spent the first week of his diagnoses in the hospital and started his first chemo treatment there and then it was pretty much BAM - totally immersed in treatment - and I think that the difficulty of quitting was sort of mixed in with everything else he was going through. I think it's still hard for him, a year later, but getting easier. And I know he's GLAD he quit.

    hang in there and good luck,

    Karen C. (David C's wife)

  5. Curtis, I second everything that the other Karen said and also what Gail said about cleaning out the ventilation system - get a professional company to do that. I would replace all the carpets and have the walls cleaned and painted. And I like the idea of trying to get the seller to pay for some of it.

    And definitely test for radon. I remember Becky posting one time that she wondered about the house ya'll lived in - was it in Florida? - before you moved to Nac.

    Keep us posted.

    Karen C.

  6. Laura - I sent you an PM.

    You and your husband have the right attitude. I feel that he will be fine. Keep up the fighting spirit and positive attitude and keep in touch.

    God Bless,

    Karen C. (David C's wife)

  7. Dearest Berisa,

    What Sharon says make sense, but I think you can be honest with your Dad AND pray for a miracle at the same time.

    We're thinking about you and praying for your father and your family.

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  8. My husband, also named Dave, and also 39 years old, got SCLC lung cancer, which, the oncologist said, was directly caused by his 20+ year smoking. Others on this board much younger than Dave have gotten lung cancer and never smoked. So age should not disqualify a suspicion of lung cancer. Especially from a smoker (in our personal experience, anyway, not meaning to offend those victims who are non-smokers).

    Get all the tests you need - especially full chest CT scans - and then take it from there. Worrying will get you nothing, but thoroughly checking everything out will get you a diagnoses and a game plan or hopefully peace of mind.

    Please keep in touch and keep us informed and let us know whenever you have questions, concerns, or worries (because even if I advise you not to worry it's only natural to worry!)

    God Bless and good luck,

    Karen C.

    (David C's better half)

    p.s. One year after Dave's diagnoses he is in remission. The year was tough, no doubt about it, but this monster can be beat.

  9. Nina - my husband Dave had bronchitis in January, after finishing his treatments last year. He has had clean scans since then, too - but perhaps some scar tissue or damage in his left lung where one of the tumors was. Anyway, that bronchitis really knocked him down bad. I had to take him to the emergency room because we were really scared, he was so sick, we were afraid the tumor was back - but it was the bronchitis - and I guess the scar tissue made it worse.

    But he tooks his meds and RESTED and eventually he got over it. So take good care of yourself, and REST, and you will too! It will just take more time because your lungs are bound to be somewhat weakened from the treatments.

    Good Luck, and God Bless!

    Karen C.

  10. Berisa - this is Karen C. I don't post enough and I'm sorry.

    The last line of your post really got my attention - that you don't know what else you can do for your Dad. Gosh, Berisa, you have done so so much for your father throughout his illness. You have been so strong and supportive and his advocate and always looking and researching and trying to find the best thing for him. You have been a wonderful daughter and don't be upset because you don't know what else you can do for him. You have done so much.

    When the burden feels too heavy to carry alone, it's time to ask God to take the burden from your shoulders. He is always there for us and He will help you and your family get through this and lead you to do the best thing at every step. And He is smiling down you, because you have shown your love for your early father in so many ways.

    God Bless, Love and Prayers,

    Karen Chapman

  11. Hi, this is Karen. Dave is not necessarily early stage - he was limited stage SCLC when diagnosed, but it was about to spread . . . anyway, about your question - this is a good one. Dave finished chemo and lung radiation last summer and PCI last September. He's been NED since then. But he still doesn't have his energy back which is a constant reminder. We try really hard not to live each day thinking about the possibility of it returning, yet want to be aware of what is going on with both of us to catch anything early. I got diagnosed with a Stage II melanoma last summer and even though it was removed "in time" I am really paranoid about that. My surgeon is checking me every six months but I decided to also get a full body skin check by a good dermatologist. I'm hoping that will give me peace of mind from that. Dave's next scan is May 3 and if that one is clean, I am determined to accept that and quit thinking about it. I know he thinks about it all the time but doesn't talk about it.

    I think we just have to be smart about getting checked and treated, and then go on and live our lives. Just use a fair amount of will power and not let it become part of your daily life.

    God Bless,


  12. Hi, everyone, this is Karen. I just thought I'd give everyone an update on the fundraiser Dave did for St. Baldricks where he shaved his head on stage in front of a couple of thousand people at the Irish Festival here in Richmond. It was a huge success and I think really raised awareness of children's cancer issues and cancer in general. One lady got shaved, a middle aged lady who was the vice principal at a school. After she got shaved she took the mike and gave a talk asking all the children present to be kind to their fellow students who are sick and lose their hair. Said she sees too often a young cancer victim bullied because they lose their hair and she was doing this to raise awareness. The whole crowd cheered for her. Well, they also cheered for Dave - he was the first person shaved and was introduced as someone who had just finished treatment for lung cancer and was currently cancer free - that got a wonderful positive response from the crowd and I think raised awareness just a little bit, at least.

    So a big thank you to everyone here who sponsored Dave and to everyone else who sponsored us with your prayers and words of support. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary and Dave being cancer free one year to the day after his diagnoses.

    God Bless everyone,

    Karen C.

  13. Ry, it's a good thing I didn't send you one of our famous Virginia Hams!!!!! I think my wife is trying to kill me with all the meat we have been eating this week. That's OK I have already planted some Broccoli, Cauliflower and Collard Greens in the Garden. Do peanuts fit into a vegetarian diet? I think they do. We have some mean peanuts here in VA. if I do say so myself and I AM allergic to nuts (peanuts that is). Good to have you back.

    David C.

  14. Stephanie, I just wanted to add that I think you are a very brave person, and it sounds like you got that from your Mom.

    I am really saddened by her passing, but I know you will find joy in her love forever.

    God Bless,

    Karen Chapman

  15. Yes we are doing pretty good, I guess. I returned to work full time week before last and overdid it a little and then deffintely overdid it last weekend tilling up part of the garden and planting some Collard Greens, Broccoli, Cauliflower and onions. This week I had to take one full day off and then I only worked a 1/2 day today. I just feel so tired and then my job is so intense that I get a litle light headed towards the end of the day, guess you could say my brain just starts to hurt. Karen has not been doing very well these past few weeks either. She discovered she has a thyroid problem which runs in her family and started medication for that then her allergies have been so bad that I finally convinced her to start getting some allergy shots. All of that combined with evrything from the whole of last year has just came crashing down and she has been not feeling well. One year ago this coming Sunday she took me to the emergency room were I was diagnosed with SCLC on our 10th wedding anniversary and she has been there for me every step of the way even when I have been a total A-hole on steroids. I am so lucky to have her, I do not know how she did it.

    I'm not sure how I feel in my heart one year later. I feel so very sad that some of the friends I made here are no longer here and yes I do feel guilty because I have no evidence of cancer now and others have not been so lucky. I got close to several people who we have lost and it is devastating. I thank God every night for giving me a little more time to spend with Karen and Faith. And I pray that everyone here can acheive complete remission. My next scans are scheduled for the first week in May.

    Faith is doing great,she is such a little miracle. She has grown so much since we got her in Oct. of 2002. She still is strugling with talking but other than that she is doing wonderfull. She is definitely Daddy's little girl.

    This is going to be a full weekend for me. Karen and I are going out tomorrow night for a nice dinner to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary and then Sunday is the St. Baldericks Day Celebration. I will be getting my head shaved to help raise money for research for Childhood Cancer. It is an event sponsered by The National Childhood Cancer Foundation, a national organization which has been given the top ratings by non profit watch groups. I have raised well over $2,000.00 between online donations and checks and cash people have donated. In fact I am in the lead for the shavee's here in Richmond VA.. I am supposed to be the first shavee and my story will be told and then linked right into the Childhood Cancer Research and the head shaving. The organizer of the Richmond event has been in touch with all the news organizations but does not know if anyone will be there to cover the event. By the way this is also the organization my sister BeckyCW has worked for for years. She has been going all over CA going to the different St. Baldricks events for the past several weeks. If you want to check out the site or feel you can help support this cause please see my web page:

    http://www.stbaldricks.org/ShaveePhoto. ... r=15314437

    This site also has links to the St. Baldricks site. Becky has been in the Cancer fund raising business for many many years and she pointed out that a lot of the advances for all cancers have come from the research performed for Childhood Cancer. I could not imagine Faith being stricken with Cancer, I would give my life for her. It is bad enough that I got it at the age of 38.

    I do feel guilty about not organizing anything for Lung Cancer (don't worry I have not forgot about The Instigator), I just don't have the energy to do any organizing. Don't know if y'all realize it but Richmond is the home of Phillip Morris and employs a significant amount of people here. VA is very, very tobacco freindly.

    I have missed you all, I will pledge to do better about getting online, I do pop in everyother day or so and read the posts but like I have said I have been so tired I just don't feel like posting. I see your joys and feel your pains and pray for you all. I better stop rambling here and get to bed, this will be a long weekend and I go in to get my port flushed monday, boy they sure will be surprised to see me bald again, ha,ha. Take care everybody.

    David C

  16. Glad that Earl is a Happy Camper! I got Dave a hat about a year ago at Cracker Barrell, it had a smiley face wearing a ranger hat and said HAPPY CAMPER. :roll: I don't think they sell them anymore. Or, I'd send you Dave's but the darn puppy chewed it to bits. Life with a lab puppy. :twisted:

    Congrats, and hope the rest of the week is going good, too!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

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