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Posts posted by Muriel

  1. Hi Patti,

    Do you know Sandra L's last name and what city she lives in? (Or, more to the point, the name of her newspaper?)

    I hope that I'm wrong, but it's beginning to sound as tho. Sandra isn't able to use the computer or phone. She has posted so often and has been so quick to respond to things, I just can't imagine that she is able to use the computer and has chosen not to do so. I think she cares too much about all of us to want us to be worrying.

    Continuing prayers for her.

    BTW, how are you doing?


  2. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry to read this. As you know, I met Wendy when I was in Minnesota a couple years ago. I thought she was wonderful. I know you'll miss her.

    (((((Connie and all of Wendy's family and friends)))))


  3. Pattie, I hope you and Christine have a good time, but I am worried about both of you! Pattie, I just know you'll get in trouble. Christine, please, please don't let Pattie drive the bus. We've had bad experiences with that you know.

    Have fun!


  4. That's a tough question, Ann. As I recall, Quincy was a Medical Examiner. So that cast would be my very, very last choice - and probably represent my last operation, too. The ER cast always seemed to be waiting for a critically needed OR and often performed surgery in the ER - not the best place. And then, not all of the MASH surgeons were actually trained as surgeons. Didn't Lt. Honnicut (sp?) return to his home to be a PCP. And, that cast's experience was with war injuries. Who knows how long it would take one of them to think about lung cancer. All in all, I didn't like him but I'd still take my Fairfax, VA surgeon over any of your choices.

    Fun question.


  5. Ann, I'm sorry that I don't have any money-making ideas either. It sounds like a good event. Your poodle skirt is a riot :lol::lol::lol: and I like the new picture. You look sooooooooooo young. Hmm, you probably are sooooooooooooo young.

    I, too, am experiencing mugginess today - seems like the whole summer has been muggy.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


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