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Posts posted by Muriel

  1. That's great news, Will. I had surgery twice (18 mo. apart) and I never decided which would be best - a new primary or recurrence. Oncs couldn't decide which I had for a while, but now (5 yrs. after the second surgery) they're calling it a new primary.

    Hope you have a quick recovery! Remember to take your pain pills before you start hurting 'cuz they work better that way.

    Sending more prayers.


  2. I'm really sorry to hear this! I had somewhat the same experience, tho. About a year and a half after my first surgery/chemo (staged 1B) a 2.8 cm tumor was found in the other upper lobe. I saw the surgeon and pulmonary specialist ASAP. The surgeon ordered a PET scan first and, of course, it lit up. Three weeks after the bad-news scan, I had surgery to remove the lobe. I decided to followup with chemo again. The Onc. and surgeon called it a new primary. My first surgery was in June 2003 and the second one in Nov. 2004. I'm doing fine and I'm sure you will too.

    Sorry for the setback. I'll be sending positive vibes your way. Let us know your surgery date.


  3. Happy Birthday, Cindy :lol::lol::lol:

    I was 64 when diagnosed, wondered if I'd see 65, and never thought I'd reach 70. I loved every one of those birthdays too.


  4. For the 3rd consecutive scan, the radiologist thought he saw something new - this time in my right upper (middle, really) lung. It's not new, as we found references to it beginning in April, 2008. Anyway, the films will be presented at the weekly conference and the nurse (Ms Gloom & Doom, recently) will call me after the conference. Fortunately, I still have a good supply of Xanax.


  5. I celebrated my 6 years as a survivor at the end of June. I did have another primary tumor in the ULL and had surgery & chemo again. In November it will be 5 years since that "incident." Both tumors was staged at Ib. I've been very fortunate.

    I do have a CT scheduled for this afternoon, with an Onc. appt. tomorrow. Xanax has helped a lot the last couple days :lol: I don't have any reason to think there is anything wrong, but I still worry.


  6. So many :oops::oops:

    Maxwell House coffee (Columbian), Land O' Lakes margarine/butter, Bush's baked beans (love the dog in their commercials), Green Giant or Del Monte canned vegies (for the same reason as Dana), All laundry detergent, the list goes on and on . . . . .

    Why? More dependable than store or generic brands.

    I do buy Publix potato chips :lol::lol::lol:


  7. That happened to me, too. 18 mo. after surgery and chemo for a 1B tumor, another one was found in my other lung. Did the surgery and chemo again and have been fine ever since. My first surgery was in 2003 and the second one in 2004.

    Sending prayers,


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